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this is two of many of the shapes you can do with three.js.
three.js is a library that lets you create 3D object and make them do all kinds of stuff.
the shape i have created is a sphere and a cube and they both spend around.

Top comments (2)

desolosubhumus profile image
Desolo Sub Humus ๐ŸŒŽ๐ŸŒ

First off, I saw in your bio that you write code using 'the three programming languages'. There are actually far more programming languages than 3, and even so, you've only listed one, JavaScript. HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a markup language, and CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) is a styling language. No worries, it's a simple and common mistake for beginners.

Secondly, this article would be much better if you explained what shapes you are talking about, gave a brief explanation of what three.js is for those who don't know, and walked through all that code to explain what each part is doing and why. Otherwise, this is merely a mystery snippet, and by that I mean it's an obvious snippet of code, but a mystery as to what it is for to anyone who hasn't already learned this way of using three.js or that has never used three.js at all.

This isn't to scold you or anything; it's merely constructive criticism geared toward helping you make better contributions. I came here expecting an article on three.js, so there is interest, at least on my part. Best of luck, here.

jameslavis profile image

I know their is more than three languages to programming in. i only put in my bio what i can do and what i am good at and i am not a beginner. i dont mean to be rude at all but. thanks i understand what you mean, i have problems explaining what the code does but i will work on it and i have been doing html,css,JavaScript for about three years now