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Stockpile of Resources

There is an endless supply of articles, tutorials, frameworks, etc out there on the internet. If nothing else, this is a catch-all for me to keep track of the resources I've come across that I imagine will help me out in the future. I'm currently thinking I'll refresh this single post often with my favorites, rather than turning it into a series. I would rather it evolve over time than expand.

Let's get started!

Figma was approachable and perfect for copying SVG for the logo animation on my portfolio site. It's not as intense as Gimp, but I only scratched the service of the cool features on Figma and I expect to be using it quite a bit.

Zurb Motion UI is a SASS library for creating flexible CSS transitions and animations. It's really straight-forward and curated. I'm drawn to it for the assistance it provides in series animations.

GitPitch sidetracked me for a few hours this week while researching slideshow options for my blog. I ultimately went with Speaker Deck to take advantage of the liquid tags but I hope to put GitPitch to use ASAP.

Git Magic is something I just stumbled upon while looking into how to solve a Git mistake I made months ago. This may not have been updated in a couple years so just double-check anything you end up using!

Markdown Guide may seem like a no-brainer, but for me the best tutorial or guide is often just the official docs. I also have no shame in my lack of memorized markdown, and intend to revisit this often. is another cool GitHub adjacent tool I found this week. These shields will help spruce up your files! Speaking of files, I was really into this generator I found over the last couple weeks. I even suggested a LinkedIn prompt and the team has already implemented it!

CSS Animation for Beginners has been a go-to article for me over the past couple weeks. I noticed it was published in 2014 so I almost skipped over it until I realized it has been updated in 2019! Once I used most of the tips, the following article made so much more sense and helped me a ton on a couple projects this week.

That's all folks!

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