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Chris Jarvis
Chris Jarvis

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HacktoberFest 2024 Progress

This is a submission for the 2024 Hacktoberfest Writing challenge: Contributor Experience

It's the middle of the month and I'm just now getting to blog on my HacktoberFest Experience. At this point I have had five commits accepted, Two of those have aged out of review and are official. A third should finish the review period this weekend.

Sloth in green tee-shirt. He's working on a laptop.

That's the one I want to talk about today. Cause that's where I've learned the most so far. It was drawing with Python's Turtle. I like drawing with code so this was a fun challenge.

The Turtle allows you to watch the item being drawn. You can choose to see the pen nub turtle.showturtle() or hide it turtle.hideturtle(). The maintainer's style was to hide the turtle.

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If you don't want a continuous line you have to tell Python to lift the pen from the canvas and then where you want to down the pen.

    turtle.setposition((X, Y))
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This was a collaborative piece and the were already many square and rectangular shapes so I made circle shapes. You can set your pen color with HEX code or just the name of the color. If you're making a closed shape you can set the inside color at the same time. The line color is the first parameter, fill color is second.

    turtle.color(("lightblue"), ("azure"))
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I drew for a while before I got the hang of it and had an ideal of what to actually draw.

snowman made of three sections. has eye and orange nose plus two buttons in mid-circle and three in bottom. he's wearing a blue hat.

I coded three circles added a face, buttons, and a hat. It was fun to draw with another language. I will play with it more sometime. This was bout 75 line of code for the snowman.

Wrap up

This was a fun bit of code. Some of my other HacktoberFest commits were things that were needed but not as interesting. I've enjoyed this HacktoberFest it was hard to find issues. I just haven't seen as much as previous years.
I will say carefully checked the repos that are showing as active. But all the activity was people asking to work on open issues. There was no maintainer activity.

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