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Tips To Improve Your Logic Building Skills

Logic building is a very important part of programming. Whether it’s a basic logic of a basic game, or advanced logic of complex algorithms. Your logic building skills determine whether you’re a good developer or a great one. That’s why you must improve your logic building skills.

That’s the reason I’m writing this blog. In this blog, I’ll share some personal tips and tricks to improve your logic building skills. So, let’s begin!

Conceptual Clarity is a Must

If you want to improve your logic building skills, conceptual clarity is a prerequisite. If your basic concepts aren’t clear, how can you even try to improve your logic? And by conceptual clarity, I don’t mean to just read/watch basic concepts and then jump to advance questions. You must code yourself. That’ll only help you. Write basic programs, solve basic questions related to that specific topic.

See, you can’t skip to step 2 if you’ve not completed step 1 properly. Just like that, you can’t skip to advance concepts without having a good understanding of basic ones. If you do, there’ll be a time when every concept will go above your head and that’ll be very frustrating.

Consistency is the Key To Success

If you want to be a successful programmer, you have to be consistent. You can’t just say, “I practiced a lot yesterday, I deserve a rest today.” You must practice every day. And by practice, I don’t mean by just 15–30 minutes a day. It’s advisable to practice at least 1 hour a day. Now, I can understand that it’s hard to give 1 hour every day, if you’re doing a job, or even if you’re in college, but you have to manage.

Consistent coding doesn’t always mean practice. You can make projects or learn new topics. The main thing is to write code. Don’t just read books or watch tutorials. Nothing can help you unless you spend time in coding yourself.

Here I want to mention what helped me to keep consistent. There’s a community on Discord (For people who don’t know discord, it’s just an enhanced version of WhatsApp), Scaler. They started a program called 365 days of code. Under this program, you’ve to code daily and share your progress with them for continuously 365 days. The best part about it is, it gives you several rewards whenever you reached a milestone like 25 days, 50 days, etc.

You can join Scaler here.

‘Perfect’ Practice Makes a Man Perfect

Many people complain they practice, despite that, they can’t improve their logic building skills. The major problems with their practice are they practice very little time, as mentioned earlier, or they just search for ‘Practice Problems For Beginners Python (or any other language)’. You might ask, what’s wrong with this approach? See, there’s nothing wrong with this way, but this is not an efficient way to practice.
Instead, choose a particular website with questions, and solve them regularly. There are many advantages to this, like top quality problems, progress tracking, questions on every topic and many more. And, not to mention, there are plenty of websites you can try for practice questions. Let me provide you with a list of the top ones:

  1. CodeWars
  2. Leetcode
  3. HackerRank
  4. HackerEarth
  5. GeeksForGeeks
  6. CodeChef

Even in practising on these websites, don’t forget the first rule, consistency. You can’t say that now I’m not able to solve questions from this website, I should switch to a newer one. See, you’ve got to increase your level gradually, you can’t always search for basic problems.
One more common mistake people do is that they stick to one problem and spend 2–4 days on that one problem. And sometimes, even after 2–4 days of hard work, they don’t get the solution, and they give up. You can’t do that. Set a specific time for a problem. If you can’t do it, see the solution. Seeing solution isn’t a crime.

There must be consistency in the number of questions as well. Don’t set unrealistic goals. Believe me, you might even complete unreal targets (such as 15–20 questions a day), but you’ll not be able to follow your target consistently. This doesn’t even mean setting smaller goals every time. What I’m trying to say is, first set smaller goals, such as 2 problems a day and when you’ll do it continuously for 1–2 weeks, you can gradually raise your goal and level.

Join Coding Communities and Help Others

When you help other people, it gives you confidence and improves your own programming skills. Never think that if you’re a beginner, you can’t help anyone. Keep in mind that there are many people who are newer to coding, and you can help them. Now the question is, how can I find people who want help? Well, you’ve two options, either you can join some communities online and help them, or you can find people who want help at websites like Quora and Stack Overflow.

If you think that you’re still not capable of helping others, then join them. I mean to say solve problem with your friends (online or offline) or make projects with them. This way, you can see how others work, which is also beneficial for you.

One community I’m mentioning again is Scaler. This community helps me in a lot of ways. You can get help and give help here. And don’t think that there are few people here. This community is very large. In fact, they’re just 2,000 members far from the 100k milestone!

Never Lose Hope

After only a few failures, many people withdraw their dedication to improve logic building. See, the first thing you’ve to remember is, Logic Building isn’t any kind of additional skill. It’s a must have skill for programming. You can’t just give up if you want to be a developer. Giving up is never an option.

Don’t make the problems you face a demotivating factor, instead, make it a motivating factor. Whenever you face a problem, try to push harder until you get a solution.
Every successful programmer you see today wasn’t born good at logic building. Consistency and practice are the only way you can improve your logic building skills.

Many times you’ll face problems which are complex and hard to solve, and that’s obvious, but don’t let those problems scare you. Face your problems.

Some Additional Tips

I’ve covered the main and the most effective ways to improve your logic building skills. Now, I’ll not deep dive into these tips, because this will only make this article boring and lengthy. So, let me tell you some additional tips in less time.

  • Learn Different Paradigms: Paradigms such as Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and Functional Programming (FP) help you improve your general programming skills and logic building skills.

  • Learn New Skills: Learning new skills such as new frameworks, libraries and modules is always helpful for a developer.

  • Build Projects Time to Time: Building a project challenges your ability. It’s a kind of exam after all the problems and questions you have solved. I would recommend you to build at least 1 mini project a week and 1 mega project a month.

  • Join Coding Contests To Test Yourself: Take part in more hackathons and coding contests as possible.


That’s all for this blog. Hope you find it useful. If yes, leave a comment. If you want to share your own advice, comment that down!

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Thanks For Reading! Happy Coding

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