To answer that question, it would be easier to explain when you don't need a curly brace
3 instances where you don't need a curly brace:
- around a string
<Component propKey = " " />
- around the prop key
<Component propKey = {this.prop.thing} />
- creating an id or className
<div id="hello">
Otherwise, you will need to use a curly brace. The good news, aside from example #2, it's always better to err on the side of using the brace.
But here are some common examples of when you need to use curly braces.
Use curly braces where you:
- render your JSX element
render() { return goes here }
- initialize state
state = { name: "jeff" }
- reference props
{ }
- setState
this.setState({ number : "james" })
- are doing string interpolation
I love ${}
Brief example of curly braces in action:
class Toggle extends React.Component {
state = {
toggleOn: true
handleClick= () => {
toggleOn: !this.state.toggleOn
render() {
const buttonStyle = {};
if (this.state.toggleOn) {
buttonStyle.backgroundColor = "red"
} else {
buttonStyle.backgroundColor = "blue"
return (
<button style={buttonStyle} onClick={this.handleClick}>
{this.state.toggleOn ? 'ON' : 'OFF'}
In keeping with tradition, here is a great resource to learn more about JSX and its curly braces
Top comments (1)
Good point. I'll add that to the list since string literals are pretty commonly used