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10 Best Frameworks Java and Web Developers Can Learn in 2025

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best Frameworks Java developers can learn in 2025
From the start of this year, many of my readers have been asking me questions about what should they learn in 2025. I have written a series of posts to help them like 10 things Java programmers should learn in 2025.

In this article, I am going to share some of the most popular and useful frameworks Java programmers can learn in 2025 to further boost your skillset and give your career a boost.

Btw, these frameworks is not just for Java developers but for any programmer who chooses Java for backend and Javascript for frontend development. They are also very popular and learning them not only improves your chances of getting a better job but also opens new doors of opportunities.

As I have said before, technology is changing rapidly and what works 10 years before may not work now and the biggest challenge for programmers is to keep themselves up-to-date.

Good knowledge of popular libraries, frameworks goes a long way in developing a new application and your day-to-day job. It's particularly important for experienced programmers or full-stack Java developers as it's expected from them that they know the latest and greatest tools for application development and can suggest the right tools for the job.

As a full-stack Java developer, I know Spring, Spring Boot, and Hibernate but I have yet to learn Big Data frameworks like Spark and Hadoop and that's what I have set a goal for me in 2025.

10 Frameworks Java Fullstack Developers Should Explore in 2025

Here is my list of 10 popular frameworks which you can look forward to learning in 2025.

They have changed how you develop a web application in recent times, particularly Angular and React JS and this is probably the right time to get familiar with them

1. Spring Boot

I have been using the Spring framework for many years, hence, when I first introduced Spring boot I was totally surprised by the relative lack of configuration.

Writing a Spring-based Java application using Spring Boot was as simple as writing a core Java application using the main() method.

Even though I have tried Spring Boot, I have yet to learn many things and that's why it's on my list of things to learn in 2025 for a long time.

I have also bought Spring Boot Masterclass, one of the best online course to learn Spring Boot from Udemy in just 10$ last month and I look forward to using that in 2025.

Btw, if you don't mind learning from free resources then you can also take a look at this list of free Spring Boot courses.

And, if you need more choices, you can also refer to this excellent list of Spring Boot Courses for Beginners.

2. Apache Spark

This is another big data framework that is gaining popularity. Apache Spark is a fast, in-memory data processing engine with elegant and expressive development APIs to allow data workers to efficiently execute streaming, machine learning, or SQL workloads that require fast iterative access to datasets.

You can use Spark for In-Memory Computing for ETL, Machine Learning, and Data Science Workloads to Hadoop.

I have already shortlisted Apache Spark Fundamentals course from Pluralsight to go through in 2025.

If you are in the same boat, you can check out that course to get some inspiration and if you need some free alternatives to just look around and get the hang of it, you can check this list of free Apache Spark courses for Java, Scala, and Python developers.

3. React.js

React is another JavaScript library or framework for building user interfaces. It's like Angular but maintained by Facebook, Instagram, and a community of individual developers and corporations.

It allows web developers to create large web applications that can change over time without reloading the page. The web development world is divided between Angular and React and it's up to you what you choose.

Most of the time it's dictated by circumstances, for example, if you are working on a React-based project then obviously you need to learn React.

Anyway, if you decided to learn to React in 2025 then React 16 --- The Complete Guide by Max is a good starting point. It's another gem of course from Max, probably the best Angular and React instructor on Udemy and maybe on the internet at the moment.

And, if you are looking for some free alternatives, this list of free React Courses is also not bad, and if you need more guidance, this React Developer RoadMap is also a great resource.

4. Node.js

There is no doubt that JavaScript is the #1 programming language and Node.js has a big part to play in that. Traditionally JavaScript is used as client-side scripting language where it is used with HTML to provide dynamic behavior on the client-side.

It runs on the web browser but Node.js allows you to run JavaScript on the server side.

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment for executing JavaScript code server-side.

You can use node.js to create dynamic web pages on the server side before you send them to the client.

This means you can develop a front-to-back, client-server application in JavaScript. I have recently purchased The Complete Node.js Developer Course last month on Udemy's 10$ sale and I look forward to learning it in 2025.

best courses to learn Javascript

5. Angular

This is another JavaScript framework, which is on my list of things to learn for a long time. I did start learning last year but still a lot of things to learn.

It provides a completely client-side solution. You can use Angular to create dynamic web pages on the client-side.

Angular 2+ provides declarative templates, dependency injection, the end to end tooling, and integrated best practices to solve common development challenges on the client-side.

Since it's a JavaScript library, You can include this on your HTML page using the tag. It extends HTML attributes with Directives and binds data to HTML using Expressions.</p> <p>Since Google is behind <a href="">Angular</a>, you can also be rest assured by performance and regular updates. </p> <p>I strongly believe Angular JS or Angular 2 is here for the long run, hence, investing time in it is completely justified. If you decide to learn Angular 2 in 2025 then <a href="">Angular 2: Getting Started</a> on Pluralsight is a good starting point.</p> <p>And, if you like one alternative then Max&#39;s <a href=""><strong>Angular 8 --- The Complete MasterClass</strong></a> is another gem of the course. Max is one of the instructors I admire a lot and his courses are just awesome.</p> <p><a href=""><img src=""/></a></p> <hr> <h3> <a name="6-bootstrap" href="#6-bootstrap" class="anchor"> </a> 6. Bootstrap </h3> <p>This is another popular open-source, <a href="">front-end web framework</a> for designing websites and web applications. Initially brought to us by Twitter.</p> <p>Bootstrap provides <a href="">HTML</a> and <a href="">CSS</a> based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions.</p> <p><a href="">Bootstrap</a> supports responsive web design which means the layout of web pages adjusts dynamically depending upon the browser&#39;s screen size.</p> <p>In the world of mobile, <a href="">Bootstrap</a> is leading the way with its mobile-first design philosophy, emphasizing a responsive design by default.</p> <p>If you are a full-stack web developer and don&#39;t know Bootstrap, 2025 is the right time to learn it. The <a href=""><strong>Bootstrap From Scratch</strong></a> is a good starting point for your Bootstrap journey in 2025.</p> <p><a href=""><img src=""/></a></p> <p>And if you need some free alternatives this list of <a href="">free Bootstrap courses</a> is also very useful. </p> <hr> <h3> <a name="7-jquery" href="#7-jquery" class="anchor"> </a> 7. jQuery </h3> <p>This is another JavaScript framework that rules the world. <a href="">jQuery</a> has been my favorite for a long time and I advise every developer to learn jQuery. It makes client-side scripting really easy.</p> <p>You can do animation, send HTTP requests, reload pages, and perform client-side validation by writing just a couple of lines of code.</p> <p><a href=""><img src=""/></a></p> <p>If you decide to learn jQuery in 2025 then I suggest you take a look at <a href="">jQuery master class</a>, a free online course from Udemy for learning jQuery.</p> <hr> <h3> <a name="8-spring-security-5" href="#8-spring-security-5" class="anchor"> </a> 8. Spring Security 5 </h3> <p>There is no substitute for security and in 2025 it would be even more important. Since <a href="">Spring security</a> has become synonymous with web security in the Java world, it makes perfect sense to update yourself with the latest release of Spring security in 2025.</p> <p>The new version 6.0 of Spring security includes many bug fixes and a completely new OAuth 2.0 module.</p> <p>Even if you don&#39;t know Spring Security, you should consider learning it in 2025 and there is no better way than joining Eugen Paraschiv&#39;s <a href=""><strong>Learn Spring Security Masterclass with OAuth</strong></a>.</p> <p><a href=""><img src=""/></a></p> <hr> <h3> <a name="9-apache-hadoop" href="#9-apache-hadoop" class="anchor"> </a> 9. Apache Hadoop </h3> <p><a href="">Big Data</a> and Automation are the focus of many companies in 2025 and that&#39;s why it becomes important for programmers to learn <a href="">Big data</a> technologies like Hadoop and Spark.</p> <p>The <a href="">Apache Hadoop</a> is a framework that allows distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using simple programming models.</p> <p>It is designed to scale up from single servers to thousands of machines, each offering local computation and storage.</p> <p>It&#39;s based upon the popular Map Reduce pattern and key for developing a reliable, scalable, and distributed software computing application.</p> <p>I have already enrolled in <a href=""><strong>The Ultimate Hands-On Hadoop</strong></a> last month and if you decide to learn Hadoop in 2025, you can join too.</p> <p><a href=""><img src=""/></a></p> <hr> <h3> <a name="10-spring-framework-60" href="#10-spring-framework-60" class="anchor"> </a> 10. Spring Framework 6.0 </h3> <p>The <a href="">Spring Framework</a> is the most important framework for Java developers, particularly for implementing the back-end of your application. The latest version of the Spring framework is <a href="">Spring Framework 6.0</a>. which brings a lot of exciting features to the Java world like the Reactive programming model and the adoption of Java 8 and 9 features.</p> <p>Spring 6.0 adoption is increasing with every passing day and that&#39;s why every Java developer should learn and explore the new features introduced in Spring 6.0. If you need some help, <a href=""><strong>Spring 6.0: Beginner to Guru</strong></a> is a good course to start with.</p> <p>Another worth noting is that VMware provides <a href="">Spring certification</a> which is not very costly and allows you to get the recognition of your Spring Framework skills.</p> <p>It&#39;s also a great way to learn Spring in-depth and fill the gaps in your existing knowledge. If you want to learn more, I have written about <a href="">How to Crack Spring 5.0 Professional certifciation</a>, you can check that article as well. </p> <p><a href=""><img src=""/></a></p> <p>These were some of the most popular frameworks for <a href="">Java full-stack developers</a> in terms of jobs, career, and growth. There are many alternatives to each of them like for <a href="">Microservices</a> you can also look something like <a href="">Micronut</a> and <a href="">Quarkus</a>, two relatively new framework for Java developers</p> <p>That&#39;s all about <strong>which frameworks Java developers should learn in 2025</strong>. These frameworks are in great demand, particularly, Spring, Node.js, and Angular JS. Learning these frameworks will not only improve your chances of getting a job but also open many doors of opportunities.</p> <p>Even if you are settled down in your job, keeping yourself up-to-date with the latest and greatest technology is essential for your career growth.</p> <p>So, I suggest you pick a couple of these frameworks and learn them in 2025. If you are a Java developer then <a href=""><strong>Apache Spark</strong></a> is a good choice, but if you are interested in a programming language rather than a framework or library then <a href=""><strong>Kotlin</strong></a> looks good in 2025.</p> <p>Other <strong>Programming Articles</strong> you may like<br> <a href="">10 Reasons to Learn Python in 2025</a><br> <a href="">10 Programming Languages You can Learn in 2025</a><br> <a href="">10 Tools Every Java Developer Should Know</a><br> <a href="">10 Reasons to Learn Java Programming languages</a><br> <a href="">10 Frameworks Java and Web Developer should learn in 2025</a><br> <a href="">10 Tips to Become a better Java Developer in 2025</a><br> <a href="">Top 5 Java Frameworks to Learn in 2025</a><br> <a href="">10 Testing Libraries Every Java Developer Should Know</a></p> <h3> <a name="closing-notes" href="#closing-notes" class="anchor"> </a> Closing Notes </h3> <p>Thanks for reading this article so far. You might be thinking that there is so much stuff to learn, and so many courses to join, but you don&#39;t need to worry.</p> <p>There is a good chance that you may already know most of the stuff, and there are also a lot of useful free resources which you can use, I have also linked them here and there along with the best resources, which are certainly not free, but worth of money.</p> <p>When it comes to learning, I am a particular fan of <a href="">Udemy courses</a>, not just because I&#39;ll get paid if you buy any course which is not free, but because they are very affordable and provide a lot of values in a very small amount, but you are free to choose the course you want. </p> <p>At the end of the day, you should have enough knowledge and experience about the things mentioned here.</p> <p>Good luck with your 2025 learning journey! It&#39;s certainly <strong>not going to be easy</strong>, but by following this roadmap and guide, you are one step closer to becoming the full-stack Java developer, you always wanted to be</p> <p>If you like this article then please consider following me on Medium (<a href="">javinpaul</a>). if you&#39;d like to be notified of every new post don&#39;t forget to follow<a href=""><strong>javarevisited</strong></a> on Twitter!</p> <blockquote> <p><strong>P.S</strong>. --- If you are not sure how to learn new technology like a programming language, framework, or library in 2025 then please see my post about 10 ways to learn a new technology or programming language <a href="">here</a>.</p> </blockquote>


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Top comments (28)

djiit profile image
Julien Tanay

Hey! My 2 cents! This is cool list but -- I'm sorry to say it loud; it lacks a clear comprehension of each tool. ReactJS is not "Angular but by Facebook". And Java developer should try Typescript, a more java-friendly approach to JS.

travislaynewilson profile image
Travis Wilson

I second Typescript, especially if you're working in a team.

javinpaul profile image

Indeed, Typescript is good language. Thanks for comments

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
syriandeveloper profile image
Malek Tarboush

As fullstack java developer. two years ago i had to change the way I work with. I studied ReacJS, ReactNative and since then I develop fullstack using Java as restful backend, react and reactnative as web and mobile frontend. because the new way I followed I had many chance to work on great systems. I believe every java developer should move on and learn react, angular or vue ( I prefer react ), I also had to learn nodejs for small system's backend
So you can be Java developer and fullstack at the same time as long as you follow a new way of developing systems

javinpaul profile image

Hello Luisa,
Thanks for your comment. You are right that React is a library, and not same as Angular but they are same in the sense that both are used to develop front-end for your application. You can choose either of one.

Regarding Java fullstack developer, well a full-stack can use any backend technology like Node.js but Java full stack developer is someone who uses Java technology like Spring in backend.

You might not come across this term if you are purely from JavaScript or Python background but its common in Java world.

Thread Thread
Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
yhippa profile image
Richard Yhip

Nits are being picked here. This article is more than fine to give someone just starting out or even experienced developers ideas on how to improve themselves.

travislaynewilson profile image
Travis Wilson

I find your lack of VueJS disturbing.

javinpaul profile image

No doubt Vue.js is good choice but Angular and React.js is more popular and you will more likely find them in your project rather than Vue.js, at least as of now.

michaellang profile image
Michael Lang

I agree Angular is a great path to consider. I've loved it the last 2 years. I'd like to get into vue.js and react.

But don't bother with AngularJs for anything new. AngularJs is sunsetting support, which ends June 30, 2021. Version 1.7 was the final feature release.

javinpaul profile image

Vue.js is also on my todo list, another reason I haven't included that on the list.

travislaynewilson profile image
Travis Wilson

Once I learned VueJS, I dropped Angular and React for good.

Thread Thread
javinpaul profile image

Good to hear that, but how easy/difficult was to convience your team/project managers to switch to Vue.js?

decipherzone profile image
Mahipal Nehra

Java is a standout amongst the most famous programming dialects. In a not so distant future, there is somewhat chance for some other language to supplant Java, not at any rate in 2019.

sebastiandg7 profile image
Sebastián Duque G

A very good alternative to the always used bootstrap is Semantic UI (

javinpaul profile image

Thanks @sebastian , I'll check that.

anipimpale94 profile image
Anirudha Pimpale

I feel Dot.Net Core is also promising tech.

javinpaul profile image

Yes, if you are a C# programmer.

dasjisnudeep profile image
Jisnudeep Das

Thanks for this awesome article.

javinpaul profile image

Thanks @Jisnudeep.

yhippa profile image
Richard Yhip

Great list and tracks my company's hype cycle. Wanted to point out that there were 9 list items. Was there an actual 10th or is the title wrong?

javinpaul profile image

Hi Richard, thanks for pointing out. There were actually 10, but one was missing :-) I have added it back.

skyhidev profile image
Armand Syeed

There is no doubt that JavaScript is the #1 programming language and Node.js has a big part to play on that. Traditionally JavaScript is used as client-side scripting language where it is used with HTML to provide dynamic behaviour on the client-side. It runs on the web browser but Node.js allows you to run JavaScript on the server-side.

androosk profile image
Andrew Tirpok

That jquery class you linked to isn't free. 😒

javinpaul profile image

Ah Sorry, I think its converted to paid course now. It happens in Udemy, once instructor reach their target they convert free course to paid one. Nevermind, you can see this list for more free jQuery courses if that helps.

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