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Jay Rajput
Jay Rajput

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Learning how to learn

The most successful people in the world are lifelong students. That means they're continuously learning new skills, keeping up with the latest in their chose field, and staying apprise of what the other field have to offer them.

Jim Kwik

A person's approach to learning is the very important factor in mastering any subject that he is interested in. That's why learning how to learn is such an important aspect. The books LIMITLESS by Jim Kwik changed my whole perspective about learning. I would like to share a few things that help me to understand and learn new things.

Active Recall and Spaced Repetition

This one plays a major role in how well I understand and retain the information. Once I go through some topic I try to summarize what I have learnt. This makes sure I am actively engaged in the topic I am learning not just cramming through the information. Also once I complete a good chunk of topic, I go back to it after a while and try to recollect as much information as possible.

Deliberate Practice

One the habit I have is skimming over the difficult part. It comes out of sheer comfort zone. But whenever this happens I try to force myself to sit uptight and break the topic into small group of concepts so that it becomes easy to grasp.

State while learning

Learning is state dependent. I make sure I sit in a proper posture and make sure that the I am consuming the most important topic of my life. If have observed that if I slouch and have no interest in the topic then I retain less information.

Active note taking

I make sure I have a goal in mind before I start making notes for any topic. Also I don't write down every bit of information on note, just the bullet points. Also I make sure I go over the notes once I have written them down just to make sure I have note missed out any information.

What about you?

How do you approach learning and what the some tips you follow to learn better. I would love to hear them out.

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