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Spring Boot Project Folder Structure

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Spring Boot is an open-source Java-based framework that simplifies the development of standalone, production-grade applications. It is part of the larger Spring ecosystem, which provides a comprehensive framework for building enterprise-level Java applications.

*The Folder in the spring boot project are as follows *

  1. Config
  2. Controllers
  3. Enums
  4. Models
  5. POJO / DTOs
  6. Repositories
  7. Security
  8. Services
  9. Service Implementors
  10. Utils

config: The "config" folder holds configuration files for customizing the application's behavior, such as application properties or YAML files, allowing developers to specify settings like server ports, database connections, and logging configurations.

controllers: The "controllers" folder contains classes responsible for handling incoming HTTP requests, defining RESTful endpoints, and processing data. Controllers receive requests, interact with services, and return appropriate responses to the client.

Enums: The "Enums" folder holds enumerations, which are used to represent a fixed set of constant values in the application. Enums provide a convenient way to define and work with predefined options, such as status codes, types, or categories.

models: The "models" folder stores the data models or entities that represent the structure and behavior of the application's domain. These classes typically map to database tables or external data sources and define the properties and relationships of the application's data.

POJO / DTOs: The "POJO" or "DTOs" (Data Transfer Objects) folder contains classes that serve as plain old Java objects or data transfer objects used for transferring data between layers of the application. They encapsulate data and provide a standardized format for communication between different components.

Repositories: The "Repositories" folder contains classes responsible for data access and persistence. These classes interact with the underlying database or data store, providing methods for querying, saving, updating, and deleting data. Repositories often use Spring Data JPA or other persistence frameworks.

Security: The "Security" folder holds classes related to application security, including configuration for authentication and authorization. It may contain components such as security configurations, authentication providers, access control rules, and custom security-related classes.

Services: The "Services" folder contains classes that encapsulate the business logic of the application. Services provide a layer of abstraction between the controllers and repositories, handling complex operations, processing data, and enforcing business rules.

Service Implementors: The "Service Implementors" folder holds classes that implement the interfaces defined in the services' folder. These classes contain the actual implementation of the business logic and interact with repositories and other components to fulfill the functionality defined by the services.

Utils : The "utils" folder in a Spring Boot application holds utility classes or helper functions providing reusable functionality across the application. These classes offer common tasks like data conversion, string manipulation, file handling, and more. They promote code organization, reduce duplication, and facilitate accessing and utilizing shared functionality.

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Top comments (3)

pelski profile image
Mateusz Pełka

Yes, but remember that it's just a template, and by the way not as cool as it seems when the application starts to grow. It is also heavily focused on the MVC pattern 🙂

Great job! 🙂

pacifiquem profile image
MURANGWA Pacifique

Really helpful @jazzybruno, thanks for sharing.

mugishap profile image
Mugisha Precieux

This is a totally organized project @jazzybruno . Good kickstart to the Springboot developers out there.