DEV Community

Cover image for "An endless, promising future, a road ahead"
Jhonathan Salazar
Jhonathan Salazar

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"An endless, promising future, a road ahead"

Pixel Art

🌱 Hey Coders!🌱 πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

I'm Jhonathan Salazar, first time writing here in this community. I am constantly studying, spending hours in front of the computer, looking at courses and/or resources to be able to be a full stack developer, which is my initial dream. Currently I have a basic knowledge of front-end developer, sometimes I feel that I mentally block myself when creating a web page creatively and I try to get ahead of it. Trying to improve all the time. I have knowledge of HTML CSS BOOTSTRAP5 TAILWINDCSS JAVASCRIPT. And wanting to learn much more.
I would love to receive lots of advice from this great community...

Thank you all for reading I hope to see you again! 😎


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