I found that using proxy in the package.json didn't work for the next.js application. This article is the note to config the proxy for next.js.
1. Install packages
npm install http-proxy-middleware
2. Add a new file in the root folder
- Add a file called server.js. The following code will launch a node.js server on port 3000.
- This server contains the original next.js service and middleware. The middleware will replace the original server's requests from replace http://localhost:8000/api/xxx with http://localhost:3000/api/xxx
// server.js
const express = require('express')
const next = require('next')
const { createProxyMiddleware } = require('http-proxy-middleware');
const devProxy = {
'/api': {
target: 'http://localhost:8000',
pathRewrite: {
'^/api': '/api'
changeOrigin: true
const port = parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10) || 3000
const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
const app = next({
const handle = app.getRequestHandler()
.then(() => {
const server = express()
if (dev && devProxy) {
Object.keys(devProxy).forEach(function(context) {
server.use(createProxyMiddleware (context, devProxy[context]))
server.all('*', (req, res) => {
handle(req, res)
server.listen(port, err => {
if (err) {
throw err
console.log(`> Ready on http://localhost:${port}`)
.catch(err => {
console.log('An error occurred, unable to start the server')
3. Edit package.json
"scripts": {
"dev": "node server.js",
4. Launch the server and the proxy
npm run dev
And we will see the following screen shot
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Top comments (2)
I'd highly recommend avoiding custom servers in Next.js applications unless you have a very good use case.
The Next.js & Vercel teams have mentioned using a custom server opts you out of the Next.js happy path 🙁
Instead, simply use the
method or make a serverless func inpages/api
and go from there.How do you create a dev proxy then? If I have my local next instance on port 3000 and my server on 8080?