As developers, the tools we use can significantly impact our workflow and productivity. One question that often comes up is whether a MacBook or a ...
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IMHO MacBookPro 13 col M1 or better CPU, with touch bar ( instead Functions keys ) is the best developer machine ever. Without mouse, because Mac TouchPad also fantastic.
I am not apple fun but that laptop is fare better than any windows laptop I was meet.
UNIX based MacOs is very good to be familiar of Linux shell also.
On work I need to use a windows laptop where run Linux on VDI ... which a bit slow. But Linux also beat the windows for development experience.
At last if need to work on windows the gitbash terminal is my friend to use near same experience as Linux.
Mac back side is 3D graphic is drain power so fast
when it comes to price range vs performance based on price range would you consider using the other os?
When the price (or maybe the performance) is the first priority of OS then answer is Linux. But my decision is developer experience first.
I was also try to create a minimal developer machine which is a phone as bluetooth keyboard - with Virtual Buttons app( Samsung A51 currently ) and my Samsung S6 mini table as compueter. But this setup under testing. And Virtual Buttons app need to be customize for coding.
Bluetooth keyboard also good, but every one have at least one phone.
This setup is working with two phone also.
awesome answer 😁👍
meanwhile I was develop again a program: alien-solitare on my Mac, and I found the way how can I connect to my Samsung OLD TV super easy way: this TV have AirPlay option. This is new to me, because I buy that TV for two reason:
I am also try to connect my Mac to this with cable, but is too ugly and somehow part of top and left pixel did not fit to screen. ... I don't figured out why.
This way is much more fun. Just connect, even a distance, no cable need which is also have great feeling. I think a two USB slot is fare enough in that machine. I am really don't know every program and possibilities on my Mac, but this is one which can Improve your productivity experience.
This setup works like I connected two monitor to it. ( screenshot in a linked game dev post )
That’s awesome! It’s always a nice surprise when you find features like AirPlay that make life easier. I didn’t realize some older Samsung TVs had that built in. How’s the performance with AirPlay compared to using a cable? I imagine it’s a lot more convenient for moving around without the clutter, especially for dev work. I’ve had similar issues with cables not fitting the screen right, and it’s so frustrating to troubleshoot. Have you tried adjusting the overscan settings on your TV or Mac to fix the pixel cut-off?
Linux on System76 all the way!
why linux? is it because it runs docker better than mac and windows? can you please tell us why. thanks ☺️
awesome.. agree, specially that most websites and backend servers uses linux. I also learned about proton from you. cool 🥳
Linux is the best. Anyway, it depends on your preference. Mac and Windows have pro et neg avantage.
awesome! linux it is. without thinking about preference, would u still recommend linux? what is your experience using it? what laptop do you recommend? that would be awesome. ☺️
I bought a Lenovo Legion Gaming laptop dual boot it, Ubuntu for development and Windows for gaming. Due an upgrade though it's getting old the new Legions look 🤓 great .
awesome 🥳 nise. I also bought a legion pro 7i. when it comes to programming you can have what ever u want. I think gaming laptop are good. we can do anything, from programming, rendering, and to gaming.
As a new Mac user, Linux.
what is the specs or model of your mac? and why did you still stick to linux? 😊
Haha, I totally get where you're coming from! I agree, Windows peaked a long time ago for a lot of people. I’ve been curious about the M-series MacBooks too, especially with how sleek and powerful they look. How are you finding the new M3 so far? Is it living up to the hype in terms of performance, especially with DAW work? Also, have you considered dual-booting Linux on the Framework 16 at any point, or would that just be too much hassle?
I am using an M2 Macbook for more than a year know. I have become used to it. I don't find any complexity or any issue till now.
awesome, did you switch from windows to macbook m2? why did you stick to it and what do use it for asside from programming? 😊
Actually my boss (used to be) gave me this and since then this is my primary gadget.
Well, This macbook is so great to use. The battery backup, picture quality, smooth user experience and what not. Almost everything is nice about it.
does this mean you mainly use it for work? What if you had the money and you had to upgrade, would you still buy a macbook or consider buying a windows so that you have both worlds?
I am satisfied with it so far. If I had money maybe I would have spent on making a big setup with my existing desktop.
I also want to give a try to samsung galaxy laptop.
Actually I like gadgets. I also want to buy some camera. So, a lot of things to buy and try out 😅
awesome, were same. I also like to try other gadgets. cool! 😁
Slimbook Executive 14".
wow, can you share why you picked this device? do u use it for personal and work?
M2 Air 16gb. I don't think I'll upgrade for another 2 years at least.
awesome, why you picked it? what do u use it for? 😊
If you’re a mobile developer you actually need macbook, otherwise windows or linux could serve you well, that’s simple
ah yes,,, you can build ios apps in mac, and you can also build android in mac. But if I may. but do others really need mac? what can u say about running mac as virtual machine inside windows or linux? or maybe building apps on mac cloud? 😊
You can refer to StackOverflow's annual survey.
Stack Overflow Survey is out, and what is this??
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas ・ Jul 26
awesome I red your article. from the numbers Id say that its very easy to get into PC because most laptop and desktop setup are a cheaper and you have a lot of options and you can use linux using WSL2. Mac on the other hand are great but its so expensive, but some companies provide macbooks to their users. While linux is mostly just about the user discovering trying and making it as personal. But some companies also uses linus OS specifically ubunto OS on their programming offices. what do you think?
If you want a conglomerate to look over your shoulder, then pick Mac or Win. Otherwise - Linux.
awesome.. what OS are u using? and what model of your device? 😊
I use Windows. I saw a post on Reddit yesterday saying that compiling Next.js on Mac is 10 times faster than on Windows. I am considering buying a Mac Air.
awesome, yes, when it comes to mac they excel in single core performance. Since javascript is single threated its faster in mac devices. but when it comes to AI or 3D rendering you need an expensive macbook to be able to perform better. what do u think? and can I know what is the spec of your device? 😊
In my opinion, Linux is good for developer :v. But some tools not available on Linux.
agree linux is really good. when it comes to linux, i think windows has wsl2, that you can easily integrate linux.
Windows. It's simple and gets the job done.
Yes, agree. 😁
awesome, you mean macos or linux?
I use Macbook as I expected my university to have a mobile development course at some point. It's the last Macbook Intel before M1. My old laptop was unusable so I could not wait.
I still use it today. I might buy a better one once I save enough money.