DEV Community

Jesse Mink
Jesse Mink

Posted on

Comprised Mac Studio — Hacked Developer Server - Remote Access Technology

Let me first state that I never gave consent to access my device : Mac Studio (32GB RAM)

I am in need of serious help in identifying the situation I am in. My credit card was froze last week and I am getting thousands of spam emails / phone calls from numbers that are out of the country in which I stay.

This has been going on for the past five to six months. As of that I have never seen such activity on a Mac. And I can't seem to find the source of the problem.

I have suspicion that someone in my Local Neighborhood has been stealing data and harvesting information. From what I’ve noticed the past couple months is the user system preferences are being manipulated in some sort of way. I am In need of serious assistance as this is very uncomfortable. I don't know what it going on with the computer itself but I do know that files don't transfer themselves and system settings don't change with WIFI / BLUETOOTH turned off. There's just no possible way.
Which leads me here. I believe that this person has implemented an Xcode server and is consistently streaming via Xcode server. And is using Aircrack in order to successfully do so. These are assumptions based from what I have investigated. There seems to be a lot of unexpected activity in the Local Cache Server. That being said I can't access or see some root privileges and the controls to which a Mac Studio by Apple provides.

Is there anyway a developer and help me identify what might be wrong?

I am really worried as this isn't normal and my network diagnostics doesn't correlate with the router I have.
I am under the assumption that someone in my Local area has hacked and has compromised my Mac. My computer seems to have an active connection to a server with both Bluetooth and WI-FI disconnected. I have filed a police report against the person that I believe is behind this as well as an IC3 (x2 Times). At this point I am running in circles trying to to solve this and it’s doing me no good. I have tried to take action and contacted my ISP provider for a new router twice, swapped out my SIM cards, and change my WIFI password about six times.

As of now I really need help finding a solution to this problem and figure out how I can fix this. I am getting ready to hire lawyer to help solve this and I have already hired an investigator yet alone, I was told I need a witness to continue with a search warrant.

Process: airportd [384]
Path: /usr/libexec/airportd
Load Address: 0x104b18000
Identifier: airportd
Version: ???
Code Type: ARM64
Platform: macOS
Parent Process: launchd [1]

Date/Time: 2023-03-02 09:26:01.887 -0700
Launch Time: 2023-03-01 19:02:34.079 -0700
OS Version: macOS 13.2.1 (22D68)
Report Version: 7
Analysis Tool: /usr/bin/heap

Physical footprint: 8817K
Physical footprint (peak): 10.4M

Idle exit: untracked

Process 384: 1 zone

Found 713 ObjC classes
Found 12 Swift classes
Found 121 CFTypes
Type names for non-objects could be derived from allocation backtraces if the process used MallocStackLogging

All zones: 33533 nodes (3181888 bytes)

===== ===== === ========== ==== ======
6119 904576 147.8 non-object

3682 191056 51.9 NSSet ObjC CoreFoundation
2950 163680 55.5 CFString ObjC CoreFoundation
2672 97840 36.6 NSArray ObjC CoreFoundation
1477 47264 32.0 NSMutableDictionary ObjC CoreFoundation
1446 46272 32.0 (class_rw_t) C libobjc.A.dylib
1407 252016 179.1 NSMutableDictionary (Storage) C CoreFoundation
1279 20464 16.0 NSArray ObjC CoreFoundation
1022 49056 48.0 NSMutableArray ObjC CoreFoundation
923 234432 254.0 Class.methodCache.buckets (bucket_t) C libobjc.A.dylib
865 38784 44.8 NSMutableArray (Storage) C CoreFoundation
589 71824 121.9 CFData ObjC CoreFoundation
550 50560 91.9 NSArray (Storage) C CoreFoundation
550 26400 48.0 NSArray ObjC CoreFoundation
550 8800 16.0 NSArray.cow (struct __cow_state_t) C CoreFoundation
397 23648 59.6 __NSMallocBlock
_ ObjC libsystem_blocks.dylib
304 47392 155.9 OS_dispatch_queue_serial ObjC libdispatch.dylib
251 16064 64.0 CFDictionary ObjC CoreFoundation
248 48800 196.8 CFDictionary (Value Storage) C CoreFoundation
183 5856 32.0 NSDictionary ObjC CoreFoundation
183 2928 16.0 NSDictionary.cow (struct cow_state_t) C CoreFoundation
173 5536 32.0 NSMutableSet ObjC CoreFoundation
171 70896 414.6 NSDictionary (Storage) C CoreFoundation
162 7776 48.0 (class_rw_ext_t) C libobjc.A.dylib
159 41312 259.8 CFDictionary (Key Storage) C CoreFoundation
129 4080 31.6 CFData (Bytes Storage) C CoreFoundation
126 8928 70.9 (method_array_t) C libobjc.A.dylib
116 13616 117.4 NSDictionary ObjC CoreFoundation
106 9680 91.3 OS_os_log ObjC libsystem_trace.dylib
105 10496 100.0 NSMutableSet (Storage) C CoreFoundation
101 3232 32.0 CWFChannel ObjC CoreWiFi
96 4512 47.0 __NSExactBlockVariable
block variable CoreFoundation
96 3072 32.0 Security::TypedMetaAttributeSecurity::StringValue C++ Security
95 12160 128.0 NSMethodSignature._frameDescriptor (struct NSMethodFrameDescriptor) C CoreFoundation
95 3040 32.0 NSMethodSignature ObjC CoreFoundation
92 14720 160.0 WiFiUsageBssDetails ObjC WiFiPolicy
90 2880 32.0 _NSXPCConnectionClassCache ObjC Foundation
89 8544 96.0 CWScanCacheScanResult ObjC airportd
89 7488 84.1 CFDictionary (Weak Key Storage) C CoreFoundation
87 2784 32.0 NSDictionary ObjC CoreFoundation
81 5184 64.0 NSXPCInterface ObjC Foundation
76 3648 48.0 CWScanCacheSSID ObjC airportd
73 17376 238.0 OS_dispatch_mach ObjC libdispatch.dylib
71 18368 258.7 OS_xpc_connection ObjC libxpc.dylib
61 1952 32.0 Security::TypedMetaAttributeSecurity::UInt32Value C++ Security
57 12864 225.7 OS_dispatch_source ObjC libdispatch.dylib
56 1792 32.0 NSTaggedPointerStringCStringContainer ObjC CoreFoundation
53 848 16.0 CWChannel ObjC CoreWLAN
52 3328 64.0 CWFAutoJoinRetryInterval ObjC CoreWiFi
49 7728 157.7 OS_xpc_dictionary ObjC libxpc.dylib
46 5072 110.3 (class_ro_t) C libobjc.A.dylib
46 3680 80.0 OS_dispatch_group ObjC libdispatch.dylib
46 2208 48.0 Class (objc_class) C libobjc.A.dylib
45 7200 160.0 NSXPCConnection ObjC Foundation
45 3600 80.0 _NSXPCConnectionExportedObjectTable ObjC Foundation
45 2160 48.0 _NSXPCConnectionImportInfo ObjC Foundation
45 2160 48.0 _NSXPCConnectionRequestedReplies ObjC Foundation
45 1440 32.0 _NSXPCConnectionExpectedReplies ObjC Foundation
44 2128 48.4 NSPathStore2 ObjC Foundation
42 1936 46.1 (property_array_t) C libobjc.A.dylib
40 2752 68.8 OS_os_transaction ObjC libxpc.dylib
38 3568 93.9 CFArray ObjC CoreFoundation
38 2432 64.0 CWScanCacheChannel ObjC airportd
35 1120 32.0 CWChannelHistoryItem ObjC CoreWLAN
32 9728 304.0 icu::number::impl::ConstantMultiFieldModifier C++ libicucore.A.dylib
31 2976 96.0 CWXPCConnection ObjC airportd
30 960 32.0 CWFEventID ObjC CoreWiFi
29 100688 3472.0 icu::UnicodeSet C++ libicucore.A.dylib
26 1168 44.9 (protocol_array_t) C libobjc.A.dylib
25 800 32.0 NSNumber ObjC CoreFoundation
24 768 32.0 NSArray ObjC CoreFoundation
24 480 20.0 NSArray._list (id[]) C CoreFoundation
23 20352 884.9 (method_list_t) C libobjc.A.dylib
23 912 39.7 NSData ObjC Foundation
22 1760 80.0 SecTask CFType Security
20 1600 80.0 CWAutoJoinStatistics ObjC CoreWLAN
20 640 32.0 NSUUID ObjC Foundation
19 4560 240.0 SCDynamicStore CFType SystemConfiguration
19 608 32.0 Security::TypedMetaAttributeSecurity::BlobValue C++ Security
19 608 32.0 Security::TypedMetaAttributeSecurity::MultiUInt32Value C++ Security
17 272 16.0 NSMutableDictionary.cow (struct __cow_state_t) C CoreFoundation
16 1744 109.0 CFBag CFType CoreFoundation
15 48208 3213.9 icu::DecimalFormatSymbols C++ libicucore.A.dylib
15 1920 128.0 CWRoamStatistics ObjC CoreWLAN
15 1360 90.7 NSURL ObjC CoreFoundation
14 1248 89.1 CFSet (Value Storage) C CoreFoundation
14 672 48.0 CFSet ObjC CoreFoundation
13 2496 192.0 CFRunLoopSource CFType CoreFoundation
12 3840 320.0 CWNetworkProfile ObjC CoreWLAN
12 2688 224.0 icu::OlsonTimeZone C++ libicucore.A.dylib
12 576 48.0 NSKeyValueObservance ObjC Foundation
12 576 48.0 NSKeyValueUnnestedProperty ObjC Foundation
12 384 32.0 geo_isolater ObjC GeoServicesCore
12 368 30.7 geo_isolater._name (char[]) C GeoServicesCore
11 7216 656.0 icu::GregorianCalendar C++ libicucore.A.dylib
11 3056 277.8 OS_dispatch_workloop ObjC libdispatch.dylib
11 1408 128.0 NSMapTable ObjC Foundation
11 880 80.0 OS_dispatch_semaphore ObjC libdispatch.dylib
11 448 40.7 NSMethodSignature._typeString (char[]) C CoreFoundation
10 40960 4096.0 @autoreleasepool content C libobjc.A.dylib
10 1376 137.6 NSMapTable (Key Storage) C Foundation
10 640 64.0 pthread_mutex_t C libpthread.dylib
10 320 32.0 CWFAutoJoinThrottle ObjC CoreWiFi
10 320 32.0 WiFiUsageLQMRelatedTrigger ObjC WiFiPolicy
10 160 16.0 CWNetwork ObjC CoreWLAN
9 2944 327.1 icu::UVector C++ libicucore.A.dylib
9 1584 176.0 CWFXPCConnection ObjC CoreWiFi
9 864 96.0 CWFBSS ObjC CoreWiFi
9 864 96.0 RBSProcessState ObjC RunningBoardServices
9 720 80.0 NSHashTable ObjC Foundation
9 720 80.0 NSHashTable (Weak Object Storage) C Foundation
9 576 64.0 NSXPCListener ObjC Foundation
8 10432 1304.0 NSMutableCharacterSet ObjC CoreFoundation
8 4192 524.0 icu::number::impl::MutablePatternModifier C++ libicucore.A.dylib
8 3584 448.0 icu::number::impl::ParsedPatternInfo C++ libicucore.A.dylib
8 2176 272.0 icu::number::impl::AdoptingModifierStore C++ libicucore.A.dylib
8 1216 152.0 NSMachPort ObjC CoreFoundation
8 1024 128.0 CFPrefsPlistSource ObjC CoreFoundation
8 592 74.0 NSOrderedSet ObjC CoreFoundation
8 256 32.0 NSWeakObjectValue ObjC Foundation
8 256 32.0 icu::number::impl::ImmutablePatternModifier C++ libicucore.A.dylib
7 34832 4976.0 icu::DecimalFormat C++ libicucore.A.dylib
7 5136 733.7 SCPreferences CFType SystemConfiguration
7 1008 144.0 CWRequest ObjC airportd
7 784 112.0 RBSProcessHandle ObjC RunningBoardServices
7 672 96.0 CWJoinStatistics ObjC CoreWLAN
7 560 80.0 RBSOSServiceProcessIdentity ObjC RunningBoardServices
7 448 64.0 BSAuditToken ObjC BaseBoard
7 448 64.0 RBSProcessBundle ObjC RunningBoardServices
7 336 48.0 CWFNetworkProfile ObjC CoreWiFi
7 224 32.0 RBSProcessInstance ObjC RunningBoardServices
6 1632 272.0 CFBundle CFType CoreFoundation
6 960 160.0 NSMapTable (Value Storage) C Foundation
6 480 80.0 NSKeyValueMethodGetter ObjC Foundation
6 384 64.0 OS_nw_array ObjC Network
6 288 48.0 WiFiUsageInterfaceStats ObjC WiFiPolicy
6 192 32.0 CFUUID CFType CoreFoundation
6 192 32.0 RBSProcessIdentifier ObjC RunningBoardServices
6 96 16.0 CWFScanResult ObjC CoreWiFi
6 96 16.0 NSMutableArray.cow (struct __cow_state_t) C CoreFoundation
6 96 16.0 RBSProcessPredicate ObjC RunningBoardServices
6 96 16.0 Security::StaticPlugin C++ Security
5 2384 476.8 OS_dispatch_data ObjC libdispatch.dylib
5 1040 208.0 NWConcrete_nw_parameters ObjC Network
5 800 160.0 NWConcrete_nw_path_parameters ObjC Network
5 640 128.0 CFPrefsManagedSource ObjC CoreFoundation
5 448 89.6 NSMapTable (Weak Value Storage) C Foundation
5 400 80.0 CWFXPCListener ObjC CoreWiFi
5 400 80.0 NSPointerArray ObjC Foundation
5 400 80.0 OS_voucher ObjC libdispatch.dylib
5 400 80.0 OS_xpc_string ObjC libxpc.dylib
5 320 64.0 NWConcrete_nw_protocol_stack ObjC Network
5 320 64.0 OS_xpc_data ObjC libxpc.dylib
5 320 64.0 _GEOConfigKeyHelper ObjC GeoServices
5 288 57.6 NSPointerArray (Object Storage) C Foundation
5 240 48.0 _GEOConfigChangedListener ObjC GeoServices
5 160 32.0 GEOTraitsPhotoSize ObjC GeoServices
5 160 32.0 icu::SharedCalendar C++ libicucore.A.dylib
5 80 16.0 RBSProcessIdentifierPredicate ObjC RunningBoardServices
4 12384 3096.0 icu::SimpleDateFormat C++ libicucore.A.dylib
4 6144 1536.0 icu::DateFormatSymbols C++ libicucore.A.dylib
4 2112 528.0 CFDateFormatter CFType CoreFoundation
4 2016 504.0 CWFApple80211._a11Ref (struct _Apple80211) C CoreWiFi
4 1920 480.0 CWInterface._device (malloc) C CoreWLAN
4 512 128.0 CWInterface ObjC CoreWLAN
4 512 128.0 OS_dispatch_queue_concurrent ObjC libdispatch.dylib
4 416 104.0 OS_xpc_array ObjC libxpc.dylib
4 320 80.0 CWFApple80211 ObjC CoreWiFi
4 256 64.0 NSDateFormatter ObjC Foundation
4 192 48.0 NSMapTable.keys.internalProps (struct NSSliceInternalProperties) C Foundation
4 192 48.0 NSMapTable.keys.personalityProps (struct NSSliceExternalPersonalityProperties) C Foundation
4 192 48.0 NSMapTable.values.internalProps (struct NSSliceInternalProperties) C Foundation
4 192 48.0 NSMapTable.values.personalityProps (struct NSSliceExternalPersonalityProperties) C Foundation
4 192 48.0 _NSStateMarker ObjC AppKit
4 128 32.0 LSASN CFType LaunchServices
4 128 32.0 NSMapTable.keys.acquisitionProps (struct NSSliceExternalAcquisitionProperties) C Foundation
4 128 32.0 NSMapTable.values.acquisitionProps (struct NSSliceExternalAcquisitionProperties) C Foundation
4 64 16.0 NSSet ObjC CoreFoundation
3 4624 1541.3 icu::SharedDateFormatSymbols C++ libicucore.A.dylib
3 3904 1301.3 CFXNotificationRegistrar CFType CoreFoundation
3 1472 490.7 CFSocket CFType CoreFoundation
3 1280 426.7 NSSet (Storage) C CoreFoundation
3 1200 400.0 WiFiUsageNetworkDetails ObjC WiFiPolicy
3 1152 384.0 NWOSAddressEndpoint ObjC Network
3 528 176.0 _NSThreadData ObjC Foundation
3 464 154.7 NSLocale ObjC CoreFoundation
3 288 96.0 CLDispatchSilo ObjC LocationSupport
3 288 96.0 CWFSCNetworkService ObjC CoreWiFi
3 288 96.0 icu::NumberingSystem C++ libicucore.A.dylib
3 240 80.0 NWConcrete_nw_protocol_options ObjC Network
3 192 64.0 CWFEAP8021X ObjC CoreWiFi
3 192 64.0 CWFSCNetworkInterface ObjC CoreWiFi
3 144 48.0 CWFAutoJoinParameters ObjC CoreWiFi
3 144 48.0 NSAutoreleasePool ObjC Foundation
3 144 48.0 NSConcreteMutableData ObjC Foundation
3 128 42.7 NSConcreteMutableData (Bytes Storage) C Foundation
3 96 32.0 CFNotificationCenter CFType CoreFoundation
3 96 32.0 NSSet ObjC CoreFoundation
3 96 32.0 OS_nw_dictionary ObjC Network
3 96 32.0 __NSObserver ObjC Foundation
3 96 32.0 icu::SharedNumberFormat C++ libicucore.A.dylib
3 48 16.0 NSCountedSet ObjC Foundation
3 48 16.0 NSSet.cow (struct __cow_state_t) C CoreFoundation
3 48 16.0 NWConcrete_nw_protocol_options.handle (malloc) C Network
2 7168 3584.0 CWXPCInterfaceContext ObjC airportd
2 1264 632.0 icu::TextTrieMap C++ libicucore.A.dylib
2 1248 624.0 NWConcrete_nw_path ObjC Network
2 1184 592.0 CLClient CFType CoreLocation
2 880 440.0 NSCache._cache (struct cache_s) C CoreFoundation
2 704 352.0 CWFAutoJoinMetric ObjC CoreWiFi
2 640 320.0 CLLocationManagerInternal ObjC CoreLocation
2 640 320.0 Security::CssmClient::CSPImpl C++ Security
2 608 304.0 SCNetworkReachability CFType SystemConfiguration
2 592 296.0 SCClientSession C++ CarbonCore
2 544 272.0 Security::CssmClient::ModuleImpl C++ Security
2 416 208.0 CFAllocator CFType CoreFoundation
2 416 208.0 CFRunLoopMode CFType CoreFoundation
2 416 208.0 NWConcrete_nw_protocol_definition ObjC Network
2 256 128.0 CFPrefsSuiteSearchListSource ObjC CoreFoundation
2 256 128.0 NWConcrete_nw_path.reason_description (char[]) C Network
2 256 128.0 OS_dispatch_queue_runloop ObjC libdispatch.dylib
2 224 112.0 CLLocationManagerStateTracker ObjC CoreLocation
2 224 112.0 NWConcrete_nw_path_evaluator ObjC Network
2 192 96.0 NSLock ObjC Foundation
2 160 80.0 CWPriorityLock ObjC airportd
2 160 80.0 NSBundle ObjC Foundation
2 160 80.0 _NSBPlistMappedData ObjC Foundation
2 144 72.0 OS_xpc_pipe ObjC libxpc.dylib
2 128 64.0 CFPrefsSource ObjC CoreFoundation
2 128 64.0 CWWiFiClient ObjC CoreWLAN
2 128 64.0 GEOConfigStorageCached ObjC GeoServices
2 128 64.0 NSThread ObjC Foundation
2 128 64.0 NWConcrete_nw_resolver_config ObjC Network
2 128 64.0 WiFiLocationManager ObjC WiFiPolicy
2 128 64.0 WiFiUsageNetworkIPv4Details ObjC WiFiPolicy
2 128 64.0 icu::UnicodeString C++ libicucore.A.dylib
2 96 48.0 GEOConfigStorageDirectReadOnly ObjC GeoServices
2 96 48.0 NSCalendar ObjC CoreFoundation
2 96 48.0 NSError ObjC Foundation
2 96 48.0 NSKeyValueContainerClass ObjC Foundation
2 96 48.0 RBSProcessAssertionInfo ObjC RunningBoardServices
2 96 48.0 __NSTimeZone ObjC CoreFoundation
2 80 40.0 NSConcreteValue ObjC Foundation
2 64 32.0 ACTimedExpirer ObjC Accounts
2 64 32.0 CLLocationManager ObjC CoreLocation
2 64 32.0 CWRoamingProfileConfiguration ObjC airportd
2 64 32.0 GEOConfigStorageExpiryCached ObjC GeoServices
2 64 32.0 GEOTraitsTransitScheduleModeFilter ObjC GeoServices
2 64 32.0 NSCache ObjC CoreFoundation
2 64 32.0 NSConcreteValue.typeInfo (malloc) C Foundation
2 64 32.0 NSKeyValueObservationInfo ObjC Foundation
2 64 32.0 OS_dnssd_cname_array ObjC libdns_services.dylib
2 64 32.0 OS_xpc_pointer ObjC libxpc.dylib
2 64 32.0 SDRDiagnosticReporter ObjC SymptomDiagnosticReporter
1 3584 3584.0 WiFiUsageSoftApSession ObjC WiFiPolicy
1 3072 3072.0 WiFiUsageApplicationSession ObjC WiFiPolicy
1 3072 3072.0 WiFiUsageBatterySaveSession ObjC WiFiPolicy
1 3072 3072.0 WiFiUsageDeviceSession ObjC WiFiPolicy
1 3072 3072.0 WiFiUsageLinkSession ObjC WiFiPolicy
1 3072 3072.0 WiFiUsageNetworkSession ObjC WiFiPolicy
1 3072 3072.0 WiFiUsageRealTimeCoexSession ObjC WiFiPolicy
1 1648 1648.0 Security::AppleDatabaseManager C++ Security
1 1552 1552.0 icu::TimeZoneFormat C++ libicucore.A.dylib
1 1536 1536.0 WiFiUsageBssSession ObjC WiFiPolicy
1 1104 1104.0 Security::AppleDatabase C++ Security
1 1040 1040.0 NWConcrete_nw_context.cache (struct nw_context_cache) C Network
1 976 976.0 NWConcrete_nw_context.globals (struct nw_context_globals) C Network
1 704 704.0 GEOMapServiceTraits ObjC GeoServices
1 672 672.0 SecStaticCode CFType Security
1 592 592.0 AddrObjGoogle::protobuf::EncodedDescriptorDatabase C++ GeoServices
1 512 512.0 NSOperationQueue ObjC Foundation
1 496 496.0 Security::MDSClient::Common C++ Security
1 480 480.0 CssmManager C++ Security
1 480 480.0 Security::CssmClient::CssmImpl C++ Security
1 480 480.0 WiFiUsageInterfaceCapabilities._a11Ref (struct _Apple80211) C WiFiPolicy
1 448 448.0 AWDWiFiMetricLinkChangeData ObjC libAWDSupportFramework.dylib
1 448 448.0 CWXPCSubsystem ObjC airportd
1 416 416.0 CWFAutoJoinManager ObjC CoreWiFi
1 384 384.0 CSPDLPlugin C++ Security
1 352 352.0 SDCSPDLPlugin C++ Security
1 352 352.0 wireless_diagnostics::google::protobuf::EncodedDescriptorDatabase C++ libprotobuf.dylib
1 320 320.0 NWConcrete_nw_resolver ObjC Network
1 320 320.0 _FileCache CFType CoreServicesInternal
1 304 304.0 Module C++ Security
1 288 288.0 CLLocationInternal ObjC CoreLocation
1 272 272.0 Security::MDSClient::Directory C++ Security
1 256 256.0 AWDServerConnection.fServerConnection (malloc) C WirelessDiagnostics
1 256 256.0 CWAWDMetricLinkChangeData ObjC airportd
1 256 256.0 Security::MDSSession C++ Security
1 256 256.0 addr_obj::geo3::StructuredAddress C++ GeoServices
1 240 240.0 NWOSHostEndpoint ObjC Network
1 224 224.0 awd::profile::DeviceConfiguration C++ WirelessDiagnostics
1 224 224.0 icu::Locale C++ libicucore.A.dylib
1 208 208.0 AddrObjGoogle::protobuf::FileDescriptorProto C++ GeoServices
1 208 208.0 CFRunLoop CFType CoreFoundation
1 208 208.0 CFString (Storage) C CoreFoundation
1 208 208.0 CWIPMonitor ObjC CoreWLAN
1 208 208.0 NSRecursiveLock ObjC Foundation
1 208 208.0 wireless_diagnostics::google::protobuf::FileDescriptorProto C++ libprotobuf.dylib
1 192 192.0 CWAnalyticsManager11axLinkChangeData ObjC airportd
1 192 192.0 CWFXPCRequestProxy ObjC CoreWiFi
1 192 192.0 WiFiSoftError ObjC WiFiPolicy
1 176 176.0 CWFAutoJoinStatistics ObjC CoreWiFi
1 176 176.0 GEOResourceManifestManager ObjC GeoServices
1 176 176.0 GEOUserSession ObjC GeoServices
1 176 176.0 WiFiUsageMonitor ObjC WiFiPolicy
1 160 160.0 AddrObjGoogle::protobuf::DescriptorProto C++ GeoServices
1 160 160.0 AppleFileDL C++ Security
1 160 160.0 wireless_diagnostics::google::protobuf::DescriptorProto C++ libprotobuf.dylib
1 144 144.0 CWFJoinStatus ObjC CoreWiFi
1 144 144.0 GEOABAssignmentResponse ObjC GeoServices
1 144 144.0 NSConcreteData (Bytes Storage) C Foundation
1 144 144.0 OS_dispatch_mach_msg ObjC libdispatch.dylib
1 144 144.0 RBSConnection ObjC RunningBoardServices
1 144 144.0 Security::SharedMemoryClient C++ Security
1 144 144.0 WAClient ObjC WiFiAnalytics
1 144 144.0 awd::profile::Metric C++ WirelessDiagnostics
1 144 144.0 awd::profile::Profile C++ WirelessDiagnostics
1 144 144.0 dpsManager ObjC airportd
1 144 144.0 icu::UnifiedCache C++ libicucore.A.dylib
1 144 144.0 wireless_diagnostics::google::protobuf::(anonymous namespace)::GeneratedMessageFactory C++ libprotobuf.dylib
1 128 128.0 AWDWiFiMetricLinkChangeData._rssiHistorys (struct) C libAWDSupportFramework.dylib
1 128 128.0 CFPrefsSearchListSource ObjC CoreFoundation
1 128 128.0 NWConcrete_nw_context ObjC Network
1 128 128.0 NWConcrete_nw_interface ObjC Network
1 128 128.0 NWOSHostEndpoint.redacted_description (char[]) C Network
1 128 128.0 WiFiLocaleManager ObjC WiFiPolicy
1 128 128.0 addr_obj::V2AddressObjectProto C++ GeoServices
1 112 112.0 ACAccountStore ObjC Accounts
1 112 112.0 AddrObjGoogle::protobuf::FileOptions C++ GeoServices
1 112 112.0 GEOResourceManifestConfiguration ObjC GeoServices
1 112 112.0 addr_obj::V1AddressObjectProto C++ GeoServices
1 112 112.0 addr_obj::VenueTemplateProto C++ GeoServices
1 112 112.0 wireless_diagnostics::google::protobuf::FileOptions C++ libprotobuf.dylib
1 96 96.0 AddrObjGoogle::protobuf::FieldOptions C++ GeoServices
1 96 96.0 AddrObjGoogle::protobuf::SourceCodeInfo_Location C++ GeoServices
1 96 96.0 AddrObjGoogle::protobuf::UninterpretedOption C++ GeoServices
1 96 96.0 GEOCountryConfiguration ObjC GeoServices
1 96 96.0 GEOResourceManifestServerRemoteProxy ObjC GeoServices
1 96 96.0 NSKeyValueShareableObservationInfoKey ObjC Foundation
1 96 96.0 NWConcrete_nw_protocol_definition.common_state (struct nw_protocol_definition_common_state) C Network
1 96 96.0 RBSProcessMonitorConfiguration ObjC RunningBoardServices
1 96 96.0 SCService C++ CarbonCore
1 96 96.0 StandardAttachmentMaker<16u, cssm_spi_tp_funcs, &(TPNameTable)> C++ Security
1 96 96.0 StandardAttachmentMaker<2u, cssm_spi_csp_funcs, &(CSPNameTable)> C++ Security
1 96 96.0 StandardAttachmentMaker<32u, cssm_spi_ac_funcs, &(ACNameTable)> C++ Security
1 96 96.0 StandardAttachmentMaker<4u, cssm_spi_dl_funcs, &(DLNameTable)> C++ Security
1 96 96.0 StandardAttachmentMaker<8u, cssm_spi_cl_funcs, &(CLNameTable)> C++ Security
1 96 96.0 WiFiP2PAWDLStateMonitor ObjC WiFiPeerToPeer
1 96 96.0 WiFiUsageLQMRollingWindow ObjC WiFiPolicy
1 96 96.0 _CFXPreferences ObjC CoreFoundation
1 96 96.0 addr_obj::AddressObjectProto C++ GeoServices
1 96 96.0 addr_obj::V0AddressObjectProto C++ GeoServices
1 96 96.0 awd::profile::ComponentConfiguration C++ WirelessDiagnostics
1 96 96.0 awd::profile::TriggerProcessingRule C++ WirelessDiagnostics
1 96 96.0 wireless_diagnostics::google::protobuf::FieldOptions C++ libprotobuf.dylib
1 96 96.0 wireless_diagnostics::google::protobuf::SourceCodeInfo_Location C++ libprotobuf.dylib
1 96 96.0 wireless_diagnostics::google::protobuf::UninterpretedOption C++ libprotobuf.dylib
1 80 80.0 AddrObjGoogle::protobuf::EnumOptions C++ GeoServices
1 80 80.0 AddrObjGoogle::protobuf::EnumValueOptions C++ GeoServices
1 80 80.0 AddrObjGoogle::protobuf::FieldDescriptorProto C++ GeoServices
1 80 80.0 AddrObjGoogle::protobuf::MessageOptions C++ GeoServices
1 80 80.0 AddrObjGoogle::protobuf::MethodOptions C++ GeoServices
1 80 80.0 AddrObjGoogle::protobuf::ServiceOptions C++ GeoServices
1 80 80.0 CLServiceVendor ObjC LocationSupport
1 80 80.0 CWFAutoJoinStatus ObjC CoreWiFi
1 80 80.0 CWFKeyValueStore ObjC CoreWiFi
1 80 80.0 CWFaceTimeMonitor ObjC airportd
1 80 80.0 CWScheduler ObjC airportd
1 80 80.0 NSAutoLocale ObjC Foundation
1 80 80.0 SecCode CFType Security
1 80 80.0 SecItemRateLimit ObjC Security
1 80 80.0 SymptomsMgr CFType airportd
1 80 80.0 WiFiP2PXPCConnection ObjC WiFiPeerToPeer
1 80 80.0 __NSXPCInterfaceProxy_WiFiP2PXPCProtocol ObjC Foundation
1 80 80.0 addr_obj::VenueInfoProto C++ GeoServices
1 80 80.0 awd::profile::Condition C++ WirelessDiagnostics
1 80 80.0 awd::profile::TypeVariant C++ WirelessDiagnostics
1 80 80.0 icu::InitialTimeZoneRule C++ libicucore.A.dylib
1 80 80.0 wireless_diagnostics::google::protobuf::EnumOptions C++ libprotobuf.dylib
1 80 80.0 wireless_diagnostics::google::protobuf::EnumValueOptions C++ libprotobuf.dylib
1 80 80.0 wireless_diagnostics::google::protobuf::FieldDescriptorProto C++ libprotobuf.dylib
1 80 80.0 wireless_diagnostics::google::protobuf::MessageOptions C++ libprotobuf.dylib
1 80 80.0 wireless_diagnostics::google::protobuf::MethodOptions C++ libprotobuf.dylib
1 80 80.0 wireless_diagnostics::google::protobuf::ServiceOptions C++ libprotobuf.dylib
1 64 64.0 AWDLServiceDiscoveryManager ObjC WiFiPeerToPeer
1 64 64.0 AddrObjGoogle::protobuf::EnumDescriptorProto C++ GeoServices
1 64 64.0 AddrObjGoogle::protobuf::MethodDescriptorProto C++ GeoServices
1 64 64.0 AddrObjGoogle::protobuf::ServiceDescriptorProto C++ GeoServices
1 64 64.0 CWFIO80211 ObjC CoreWiFi
1 64 64.0 CWFLinkChangeStatus ObjC CoreWiFi
1 64 64.0 CWFXPCManager ObjC CoreWiFi
1 64 64.0 CWJoinConfiguration ObjC airportd
1 64 64.0 CWP2pLegacyUsageReport ObjC airportd
1 64 64.0 CWScanCache ObjC airportd
1 64 64.0 CWTetherDevice ObjC CoreWLAN
1 64 64.0 GEOABClientConfig ObjC GeoServices
1 64 64.0 GEOAdditionalEnabledMarkets ObjC GeoServices
1 64 64.0 GEOMapService ObjC GeoServices
1 64 64.0 GEOTraitsTransitScheduleFilter ObjC GeoServices
1 64 64.0 GEOUserAccountInfo ObjC GeoServices
1 64 64.0 LSSharedMemoryRef CFType LaunchServices
1 64 64.0 NSRunLoop ObjC CoreFoundation
1 64 64.0 NWNetworkAgentRegistration ObjC Network
1 64 64.0 RBSProcessMonitor ObjC RunningBoardServices
1 64 64.0 Security::AppleDbContext C++ Security
1 64 64.0 _CFPFactory CFType CoreFoundation
1 64 64.0 _NSMainThread ObjC Foundation
1 64 64.0 __NSBundleTables ObjC Foundation
1 64 64.0 addr_obj::FingerprintProto C++ GeoServices
1 64 64.0 addr_obj::VenueDecoratorProto C++ GeoServices
1 64 64.0 addr_obj::geo3::Address C++ GeoServices
1 64 64.0 awd::metrics::SimpleMetric C++ WirelessDiagnostics
1 64 64.0 awd::profile::BedfTreeNode C++ WirelessDiagnostics
1 64 64.0 awd::profile::ProcessingRule C++ WirelessDiagnostics
1 64 64.0 awd::profile::TriggerSource C++ WirelessDiagnostics
1 64 64.0 std::
shared_ptr_emplace C++ CoreAnalytics
1 64 64.0 wireless_diagnostics::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptorProto C++ libprotobuf.dylib
1 64 64.0 wireless_diagnostics::google::protobuf::MethodDescriptorProto C++ libprotobuf.dylib
1 64 64.0 wireless_diagnostics::google::protobuf::ServiceDescriptorProto C++ libprotobuf.dylib
1 48 48.0 AddrObjGoogle::protobuf::EnumValueDescriptorProto C++ GeoServices
1 48 48.0 AddrObjGoogle::protobuf::FileDescriptorSet C++ GeoServices
1 48 48.0 AddrObjGoogle::protobuf::SourceCodeInfo C++ GeoServices
1 48 48.0 AddrObjGoogle::protobuf::UninterpretedOption_NamePart C++ GeoServices
1 48 48.0 CLSiloHeartbeatRecord ObjC LocationSupport
1 48 48.0 CWAWDManager ObjC airportd
1 48 48.0 CWFAutoJoinRequest ObjC CoreWiFi
1 48 48.0 CWFIO80211._portRef (struct IONotificationPort) C CoreWiFi
1 48 48.0 CWFKernelEventMonitor ObjC CoreWiFi
1 48 48.0 CWFSCNetworkConfiguration ObjC CoreWiFi
1 48 48.0 CWFSCNetworkReachability ObjC CoreWiFi
1 48 48.0 GEOConfigRemoteProxy ObjC GeoServices
1 48 48.0 GEOExperimentConfiguration ObjC GeoServices
1 48 48.0 GEONetworkDefaults ObjC GeoServices
1 48 48.0 GEOObserverHashTable ObjC GeoServices
1 48 48.0 GEOReferenceTimeData ObjC GeoServices
1 48 48.0 GEOReferenceTimeManager ObjC GeoServices
1 48 48.0 NSHashTable.slice.internalProps (struct NSSliceInternalProperties) C Foundation
1 48 48.0 NSHashTable.slice.personalityProps (struct NSSliceExternalPersonalityProperties) C Foundation
1 48 48.0 NSKeyValueShareableObservanceKey ObjC Foundation
1 48 48.0 NSProcessInfo ObjC Foundation
1 48 48.0 PBDataReader ObjC ProtocolBuffer
1 48 48.0 WiFiLocaleManagerUser ObjC airportd
1 48 48.0 WiFiUsageInterfaceCapabilities ObjC WiFiPolicy
1 48 48.0 _GEOCountryConfigurationRemoteProxy ObjC GeoServices
1 48 48.0 _GEOLocationShifterRemoteProxy ObjC GeoServices
1 48 48.0 _GEONetworkDefaultsRemoteProxy ObjC GeoServices
1 48 48.0 addr_obj::LocalizationProto C++ GeoServices
1 48 48.0 addr_obj::VenueFormatterProto C++ GeoServices
1 48 48.0 addr_obj::geo3::StructuredAddress_SubPremise C++ GeoServices
1 48 48.0 awd::profile::BedfConfig C++ WirelessDiagnostics
1 48 48.0 awd::profile::ConditionClause C++ WirelessDiagnostics
1 48 48.0 awd::profile::Log C++ WirelessDiagnostics
1 48 48.0 awd::profile::MetricFileSpec C++ WirelessDiagnostics
1 48 48.0 wireless_diagnostics::google::protobuf::EnumValueDescriptorProto C++ libprotobuf.dylib
1 48 48.0 wireless_diagnostics::google::protobuf::FileDescriptorSet C++ libprotobuf.dylib
1 48 48.0 wireless_diagnostics::google::protobuf::SourceCodeInfo C++ libprotobuf.dylib
1 48 48.0 wireless_diagnostics::google::protobuf::UninterpretedOption_NamePart C++ libprotobuf.dylib
1 32 32.0 AddrObjGoogle::protobuf::DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange C++ GeoServices
1 32 32.0 CWANQPCache ObjC airportd
1 32 32.0 CWANQPInterfaceManager ObjC airportd
1 32 32.0 CWAnalyticsManager ObjC airportd
1 32 32.0 CWEAPOLClient ObjC CoreWLAN
1 32 32.0 CWFLinkQualityMetric ObjC CoreWiFi
1 32 32.0 CWMessageTracerCache ObjC CoreWLAN
1 32 32.0 CWProblematicNetwork ObjC airportd
1 32 32.0 CWXPCManager ObjC airportd
1 32 32.0 FSNode ObjC LaunchServices
1 32 32.0 GEOExperimentServerRemoteProxy ObjC GeoServices
1 32 32.0 GEOLocalizationRegionsInfo ObjC GeoServices
1 32 32.0 GEOPlaceCardRequester ObjC GeoServices
1 32 32.0 NSConcreteData ObjC Foundation
1 32 32.0 NSFileManager ObjC Foundation
1 32 32.0 NSHashTable.slice.acquisitionProps (struct NSSliceExternalAcquisitionProperties) C Foundation
1 32 32.0 NSMapTable (Weak Key Storage) C Foundation
1 32 32.0 NSSelfExpression ObjC Foundation
1 32 32.0 NWConcrete_nw_context.identifier (char[]) C Network
1 32 32.0 OS_xpc_endpoint ObjC libxpc.dylib
1 32 32.0 RBSProcessStateDescriptor ObjC RunningBoardServices
1 32 32.0 RBSWorkloop ObjC RunningBoardServices
1 32 32.0 WCAClient ObjC WiFiPolicy
1 32 32.0 _CFXPreferencesHandle ObjC CoreFoundation
1 32 32.0 _GEOCountryConfigurationInfo ObjC GeoServices
1 32 32.0 _GEOResourceManifestTileGroupObserverProxy ObjC GeoServices
1 32 32.0 addr_obj::V3AddressObjectProto C++ GeoServices
1 32 32.0 addr_obj::V4AddressObjectProto C++ GeoServices
1 32 32.0 addr_obj::VenueFieldProto C++ GeoServices
1 32 32.0 awd::profile::AggregationSpec C++ WirelessDiagnostics
1 32 32.0 awd::profile::ConfigurationParameter C++ WirelessDiagnostics
1 32 32.0 awd::profile::LogParameter C++ WirelessDiagnostics
1 32 32.0 awd::profile::TaskingCriteria C++ WirelessDiagnostics
1 32 32.0 awd::profile::TimerSpec C++ WirelessDiagnostics
1 32 32.0 icu::SharedObject C++ libicucore.A.dylib
1 32 32.0 wireless_diagnostics::google::protobuf::DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange C++ libprotobuf.dylib
1 16 16.0 ACNotificationRebroadcaster ObjC Accounts
1 16 16.0 AWDServerConnection ObjC WirelessDiagnostics
1 16 16.0 CLLocation ObjC CoreLocation
1 16 16.0 CLLocationInternalClient ObjC CoreLocation
1 16 16.0 DefaultAllocator C++ Security
1 16 16.0 GEOConfigStorageCFProfile ObjC GeoServices
1 16 16.0 GEOConfigStorageClient ObjC GeoServices
1 16 16.0 GEOFilePaths ObjC GeoServices
1 16 16.0 GEONotificationPreferenceManager ObjC GeoServices
1 16 16.0 GEOPlatform ObjC GeoServices
1 16 16.0 GEOUtilityService ObjC GeoServices
1 16 16.0 GEOUtilityServiceRemoteProxy ObjC GeoServices
1 16 16.0 NSNotificationCenter ObjC Foundation
1 16 16.0 NSXPCListenerEndpoint ObjC Foundation
1 16 16.0 NWOSHostEndpoint.hostname (char[]) C Network
1 16 16.0 RBSCompoundAllPredicate ObjC RunningBoardServices
1 16 16.0 RBSProcessBKSLegacyPredicate ObjC RunningBoardServices
1 16 16.0 RBSProcessEUIDPredicate ObjC RunningBoardServices
1 16 16.0 Security::CodeSigning::KernelDiskRep C++ Security
1 16 16.0 _AWDLServiceDiscoveryManagerExportedObject ObjC WiFiPeerToPeer
1 16 16.0 _GEOConfigStorageRemote ObjC GeoServices
1 16 16.0 _GEOURLStateCapture ObjC GeoServices
1 16 16.0 _NSLocalNotificationCenter ObjC Foundation
1 16 16.0 _NSZeroData ObjC Foundation
1 16 16.0 __NSLocalTimeZoneI ObjC CoreFoundation

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