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José Revelo Benítez
José Revelo Benítez

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Understanding REST API and RESTful: A Simple Guide with Everyday Examples

In the world of web development, you often hear the terms REST API and RESTful services. But what do they mean, and how do they apply to our daily lives? Let’s break it down with simple explanations and real-world examples.

What is a REST API?

REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style that guides how web services should work. An API (Application Programming Interface) is a way for different software applications to communicate.

Put simply, a REST API is a set of rules that allows different systems to interact over the internet using HTTP (like a web browser does when you visit a website).

Everyday Example: Ordering Food Online

Imagine you are ordering food from a restaurant using a mobile app. Here’s how REST API works behind the scenes:

  • You open the app and browse the menu (GET request to the API to fetch available items).
  • You select a burger and place an order (POST request to send your order to the server).
  • You check your order status (GET request to retrieve order status).
  • You realize you want to change the drink and update your order (PUT request to modify order details).
  • You decide to cancel the order (DELETE request to remove the order from the system).

Each of these steps corresponds to an HTTP method used in RESTful APIs.

What Makes an API RESTful?

For an API to be considered RESTful, it should follow these principles:

  • Client-Server Architecture: The client (your app) and the server (restaurant system) work independently.
  • Statelessness: Each request is independent. The server doesn’t remember past requests.
  • Cacheability: Responses can be stored to improve performance (e.g., showing previously loaded menu items).
  • Uniform Interface: The API should use standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
  • Layered System: The system can have multiple layers (e.g., security, caching, database) without affecting how the client interacts.

Another Everyday Example: Online Banking

Consider how online banking apps work:

  • Viewing your balance (GET request)
  • Transferring money to a friend (POST request)
  • Updating your phone number (PUT request)
  • Deleting a saved recipient (DELETE request) These actions align with RESTful principles, making the system efficient and easy to scale.

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