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Chino Franco
Chino Franco

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Unlocking the Power of Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)


In today's fast-paced software development world, delivering high-quality software that meets business requirements is essential. Enter Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) — an agile methodology that encourages collaboration between developers, testers, and non-technical stakeholders to ensure that software behaves the way users expect. Think of BDD as a bridge that connects the technical and business sides of the development process, enabling a common language for both teams.

Today we will dive into the essence of BDD, explore how it works, and provide you with concrete examples and tips for integrating it into your workflow. We'll also demonstrate how BDD frameworks like Behave (Python) can be leveraged to bring behavior to life through test automation.

What Is BDD?

To put it simply, BDD is an evolution of Test-Driven Development (TDD), but with a stronger focus on business requirements. While TDD is more about writing tests first, then developing code to pass those tests, BDD adds another layer: defining behaviors. The idea is to describe what the software should do in plain language that all stakeholders understand.

Imagine you're a chef at a restaurant. Before cooking a dish, you first discuss with your customers what they expect: "Do you want it spicy? With extra sauce?" You gather these expectations, and based on that, you create the dish. BDD works the same way but for software. You gather behavioral expectations from stakeholders, and then you build your software to meet those expectations.

How BDD Works: The Three Amigos

BDD revolves around collaboration. The core concept is the "Three Amigos" meeting:

  1. Business – The stakeholders or product owners who define the problem and provide the requirements.

  2. Development – The software engineers who turn those requirements into functioning code.

  3. Testing – The QA team who ensures the system meets expectations.

These three groups collaborate to break down features into scenarios—concrete examples of how the software should behave under specific conditions. These scenarios are written in Gherkin syntax, a plain-English language that is human-readable but can also be understood by testing tools.

Example: A Simple E-commerce Checkout Scenario

Let’s say we're building an e-commerce platform, and one key feature is the checkout process. We can describe this feature's behavior in Gherkin:

Feature: Checkout process

  Scenario: Successfully purchasing an item
    Given a user has an item in their cart
    And the user has provided valid payment information
    When the user confirms the purchase
    Then the system should process the payment
    And the system should send a confirmation email to the user
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Breaking It Down:

  • Feature: Describes what part of the system we're testing.
  • Scenario: A specific case or example that demonstrates the behavior we expect.
  • Given: The initial context or precondition (e.g., the user has an item in the cart).
  • When: The action taken by the user or system (e.g., the user confirms the purchase).
  • Then: The expected outcome (e.g., the payment is processed).

This approach keeps everything simple and understandable. Even non-technical stakeholders can read and verify that this scenario correctly represents the desired behavior.

Automation With BDD Frameworks

BDD scenarios aren't just for discussion — they can be automated! Let's look at how we can turn this scenario into an automated test using Behave, a Python BDD framework.

First, we define the steps corresponding to each line in the scenario. These steps will translate human-readable text into actual code execution.

from behave import given, when, then
from my_ecommerce_app import Cart, PaymentSystem, EmailService

@given('a user has an item in their cart')
def step_user_has_item(context):
    context.cart = Cart()

@given('the user has provided valid payment information')
def step_valid_payment(context):
    context.payment_info = {'card_number': '1234-5678-9012-3456', 'expiry': '12/25', 'cvv': '123'}

@when('the user confirms the purchase')
def step_confirm_purchase(context):
    context.payment_status = PaymentSystem.process_payment(context.payment_info)

@then('the system should process the payment')
def step_process_payment(context):
    assert context.payment_status == 'success'

@then('the system should send a confirmation email to the user')
def step_send_confirmation_email(context):
    assert EmailService.send_confirmation(context.cart) == 'email_sent'
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Here’s what’s happening:

  1. Each Gherkin step is mapped to a Python function.
  2. The @given, @when, and @then decorators link the Gherkin steps to Python code.
  3. Inside the functions, we simulate adding an item to the cart, providing payment info, confirming the purchase, and verifying that the payment was processed and the email was sent.

Running the Test:

$ behave

Feature: Checkout process # features/checkout.feature:1

  Scenario: Successfully purchasing an item    # features/checkout.feature:3
    Given a user has an item in their cart     # steps/ 0.001s
    And the user has provided valid payment information # steps/ 0.001s
    When the user confirms the purchase        # steps/ 0.002s
    Then the system should process the payment # steps/ 0.001s
    And the system should send a confirmation email to the user # steps/ 0.001s

1 feature passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
1 scenario passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
5 steps passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 undefined
Took 0m0.005s
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This command will run all the feature files and execute the step definitions. If everything works as expected, you'll see the tests passing, ensuring the checkout process behaves as desired.

Why BDD?

1. Better Communication

One of the biggest advantages of BDD is that it promotes collaboration. It brings developers, testers, and stakeholders onto the same page. Everyone understands the behavior of the system, which reduces misunderstandings and helps ensure that the software delivered matches the business needs.

2. Living Documentation

With BDD, your tests double as documentation. The Gherkin scenarios clearly describe how the system should behave, and since they are executable, they remain up to date. This "living documentation" ensures that everyone—both technical and non-technical—can see the system's expected behavior at any time.

3. Less Ambiguity

BDD focuses on concrete examples rather than abstract requirements. It’s easier to agree on what “should happen” when you have clear examples, which results in fewer ambiguities in both development and testing.

Key Considerations

  1. Collaborative Mindset: BDD thrives in an environment where collaboration is encouraged. It’s important to regularly hold discussions with stakeholders, developers, and testers to align on behaviors and features. This will take time initially but will pay off in long-term clarity and alignment.

  2. Scenario Granularity: It's tempting to write very detailed scenarios with many steps, but too much detail can make your tests fragile. Scenarios should describe high-level behavior, leaving lower-level implementation details to unit tests.

  3. Avoid Technical Jargon: Since BDD scenarios are meant for business and non-technical stakeholders, avoid using technical terms in your scenarios. Keep the language simple and business-focused. For instance, use "user logs in" instead of "POST request to /login endpoint."


Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) offers an effective way to ensure software meets business needs while promoting collaboration and clarity between teams. By writing scenarios in plain language that can be automated with tools like Behave or Cucumber, you can align development with business goals, reduce ambiguity, and create a living documentation of your system’s behavior.

Whether you're a seasoned developer, a tester, or a stakeholder, BDD enables you to contribute to the conversation about what software should do. It's like being part of a team where everyone—chefs, waiters, and customers—plays a role in creating the perfect dish.

Now that you understand the power of BDD, why not start writing your own scenarios and bridging the gap between code and business?

Happy testing!

Top comments (1)

shao_yong_163a0dcadcde1a4 profile image
shao yong

thank you, I am a auto tester who doesn't have much BDD experience before, and the project I am now working on, is using BDD framework to write test cases.
my team leader keeps telling me that I can not writing scenarios and steps in a detailed way, after checking this blog, I become more understanding of reason.