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Jia Hua Zou
Jia Hua Zou

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Search test pt.2

If you haven't read my part 1, Link here. TLDR, it's all about the connection to a mock Elasticsearch and the problems I faced.


This time it's all about the testing that I have created (Github PR). So creating the test was very easy once I got the mock connection working. My focus for these are makin sure query are sending the proper text and receiving proper data. The first setup I did was to create the describe for the normal search and then I put in all of the individual tests with it function like this:

describe('/query routers', () => {
  it('return error 400 if no params given', async () => {
    const res = await request(app).get('/');
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This first test was create before(Link to blog) when I setup the initial testing. Before adding different test, I have to make sure the mock has to be clear before each tests. To do that, jest has a function that can easy perform this like so:

afterEach(() => {
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Testing for Statuscode

After that, my first few test will be related to anything with the status code 400 or 503. To cause the status code 400, the query send will have mistakes. So the query filter has to be either post or author anything else will cause a status 400. Also if the text query is empty it will also return the same error. code block.

returns for status code 400
 () => {
        return {};

//proper return
() => {
        return {
          results: 0,
          hits: {
            total: { value: 0 },
            hits: [],
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If your wondering why I have it return nothing and not return with a proper format(returning results and hits), it because the query isn't proper sent correctly, the result values will nothing but an error.

If the query was sent correctly, and it returns not a proper format it will cause a error 503 because the search results is expecting a results and hits.Error 503 test. request format

Testing for results

After testing the error 400 and 503 now I can start testing for results. There are only 2 tests, one for post and the other for author. Tests for them. So for these tests, I made sure that I can expect a status code 200 with results and total number of results.
This part was a little tricky because if any of the format is wrong, it will cause a status code 503. The return must have a results with a hits. Within that hits it will display the total result values with a list of url link with the id. This is the format that it needs to return.

() => {
        return {
          results: 2,
          hits: {
            total: { value: 2 },
            hits: [
                _id: '1234',
                url: `${POSTS_URL}/`,
                _id: '5678',
                url: `${POSTS_URL}/`,
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Tackling this issue felt it was hard and easy. Mostly the mock Elasticsearch connection was the most challenging for me. It did felt very rewarding when I was able to merge my work to the repo. After this I felt like I can do more issues related to Elasticsearch.

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