I'm a junior dev at a small non-tech company, and have just convinced my boss to send me to a tech conference (React Conf is happening for the first time in Japan!).
In return, I'm attempting to set some standards as to why and when the company should send/support someone to a tech conference, for future occasions.
Some of the criteria I have in mind:
- Does the conference focus on single technology, or some broader field (eg. Blockchain)?
- Does the company currently use the tech, if not would it be reasonable to invest in it for future usage?
- Some sort of output, whether it be a blog post or a lightning talk (this should probably be crystal clear)
Here are some questions I'm having:
- Do you think dev employers should support devs attending conferences? What are your reasons?
- If your organization has a clear guideline/standard, what do/should they look like?
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