We're programmers/hackers/software engineers. The stereotype dictates that we drink coffee and Jolt! cola, right?
What are you drinking this morning?
I'll start - I've got some fresh ground Jardines Sidra from Corvus Coffee. It's got hints of Strawberry/Peach in it.
My usual is anything from Summer Moon coffee here in Austin. Their stuff has excellent flavor, but its unique in the fact that they roast their beans over an oak wood fire. (Fireside is π₯)
If I could drink Surge all day, I would!
Top comments (5)
Drinking a Vanilla Latte from The Wormhole Chicago.
Highly recommend to anyone in the Chicago area looking for a unique vibe (80s retro theme), quality coffee, and a comfortable space to code from.
Nice! I'll be up in Chicago next month so I'll be sure to stop by! Always love a good vanilla latte.
Ooh, thanks Scott! Any blend in particular you'd suggest?
I usually buy the Premium Blend Bundle... sevenweekscoffee.com/products/prem...