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Jingles (Hong Jing)
Jingles (Hong Jing)

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Virtual assistant to decrease the load on call centres

Emergency and medical services around the globe have seen an increased call volume from people showing symptoms of coronavirus. As customer representatives and social workers are increasingly ordered to work from home, companies and countries are turning to AI to bridge the resulting gaps in service.

After realizing that many people were asking the same general questions, implementing virtual assistant seemed to be the solution. Copenhagen used a virtual assistant bot to screen people for coronavirus; the bot answered 30,000 calls on its first day of work. This frees up healthcare professionals from the need to respond to inquiries and focus their time on providing care to patients.

Microsoft Healthcare Bot provides self-service symptom checker with its language understanding models tuned to understand medical and clinical terminology. This self-assessment bot is critical to provide solutions that can help patients and clinical teams in the fight against this global health crisis.

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