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Joan Ayebola
Joan Ayebola

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Understanding Shadows in Web Development

Shadows play a crucial role in enhancing the visual appeal and user experience of a website. They add depth, dimension and realism to otherwise flat and lifeless elements, making them more engaging and interactive. In this beginner-friendly guide, we will delve into the fundamentals of shadows in web development, understanding their types, properties and how to implement them effectively to create stunning user interfaces.

What are Shadows?

Shadows, in the context of web design, are visual effects that replicate the way light interacts with objects in the real world. By mimicking natural shadows, we can make digital elements appear as if they are floating above the page or casting shadows onto other elements. These visual cues aid users in understanding the hierarchy of content and improve the overall usability of a website.

Types of Shadows

  • Drop Shadows: Drop shadows are the most common type of shadows used in web development. They create a sense of depth by adding a shadow below an element, giving it the appearance of hovering above the background. In CSS, you can achieve drop shadows using the box-shadow property.

  • Text Shadows:
    Text shadows are used to add visual emphasis and enhance the readability of text. By applying a shadow to the text, you can make it stand out from the background, especially when using light text on a dark background or vice versa.

  • Inner Shadows:
    Unlike drop shadows, inner shadows are applied inside an element, giving the impression of a depression or indentation. Inner shadows are excellent for creating depth in buttons and input fields. CSS provides the box-shadow property with the inset keyword to achieve inner shadows.

We have created a square box with a gray background color, and the box-shadow property with the inset value creates the inner shadow effect. The values 0 0 10px represent the horizontal offset, vertical offset, and blur radius of the shadow, respectively. The rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) sets the color of the shadow with some transparency to soften the effect.

It's okay if this is a little confusing now, it'll become clearer as we proceed further in the article.

CSS Box Shadow Property

The CSS box-shadow property is instrumental in creating various types of shadows for elements. Its syntax is as follows:

box-shadow: h-offset v-offset blur-radius spread-radius color inset;
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  • h-offset: Horizontal offset of the shadow from the element.
  • v-offset: Vertical offset of the shadow from the element.
  • blur-radius: The degree of blurring applied to the shadow. A higher value creates a softer, more diffused shadow.
  • spread-radius: Defines how far the shadow extends beyond the element's border box.
  • color: The color of the shadow.
  • inset: Optional keyword to specify an inner shadow instead of a drop shadow.

Combining Multiple Shadows

You can apply multiple shadows to a single element using the box-shadow property. This technique allows for more complex and visually appealing effects. For instance:

.drop-shadow-btn {
    2px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3),
    -2px -2px 4px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);
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In this example, we have combined a drop shadow and an inner shadow to create a bevel-like effect for the button.

Advanced Shadow Techniques

  • Long Shadows:
    Long shadows extend the shadow of an element beyond its boundaries, creating a dramatic and dynamic effect. To achieve this, set a large spread radius in the box-shadow property.

  • Multiple Layer Shadows:
    You can stack multiple shadow layers to create complex 3D-like effects for elements. Experiment with different offset values and blur radii to achieve the desired result.
    In this example, the shadow-box div has three layers of shadows, each with different spread radius values (2px, 4px, and 8px) and opacity (0.2). This will create a stacked shadow effect on the element, giving it a three-dimensional appearance.

  • Neumorphism:
    Neumorphism is a design trend that combines elements with both inner and outer shadows to create a soft, tactile appearance. It gives the illusion of elements being extruded or pressed into the background.

Considering Performance

While shadows enhance the visual appeal of a website, excessive use of multiple shadows or high blur radii can impact performance, especially on low-end devices. Strike a balance between aesthetics and performance for the best user experience.


Shadows are a powerful tool in a web designer's arsenal. By understanding the different types of shadows and their properties, you can add depth, dimension, and realism to your web elements. Remember to experiment, keep it subtle, and always prioritize the user experience. With these tips, you'll be well on your way to creating visually stunning and engaging user interfaces using shadows in your web design projects.

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Top comments (5)

schemetastic profile image
Schemetastic (Rodrigo) • Edited

Hey! Cool post, I like the neumorphism detail at the end.

It would be cool if you could also talk about (maybe in a different post), about how using rem and em units in some cases can be used to create responsive shadows, and also about shadow filters for elements with complex shapes (like SVG and PNG images):

    filter: drop-shadow(10px 10px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.7));
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joanayebola profile image
Joan Ayebola

Thank you for your suggestion

fruntend profile image

Š”ongratulations šŸ„³! Your article hit the top posts for the week -
Keep it up šŸ‘

leandro_nnz profile image
Leandro NuƱez


joanayebola profile image
Joan Ayebola
