DEV Community

Ssali Jonathan
Ssali Jonathan

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JWT Authentication For Flask With Flask-JWT-Extended (A 2-hour Crash Course)

Unlock the power of securing your Flask web applications using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) with this in-depth 2-hour crash course! With Flask-JWT-Extended as your toolkit, you'll become a pro at managing user authentication and authorization, safeguarding your web app's data effectively.

Flask-JWT-Extended goes beyond merely enabling JWT support in Flask for route protection. It introduces a wealth of valuable and optional functionalities that simplify the use of JWTs. These capabilities include the flexibility to tailor JSON Web Tokens with personalized claims and the effortless retrieval of user data using the "current_user" feature.

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The best way to debug slow web pages cover image

The best way to debug slow web pages

Tools like Page Speed Insights and Google Lighthouse are great for providing advice for front end performance issues. But what these tools can’t do, is evaluate performance across your entire stack of distributed services and applications.

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