Back in the mid-90s, as an eight-year-old child, I was very interested in computers. My father (also Joe Skeen) was a computer programmer and technician so I was lucky enough to have a computer in my home. Wanting to create cool programs, I started teaching myself Borland Delphi and I created a handful of simple games. Soon afterwards, the Internet started being a thing and I taught myself HTML. As I progressed in my self-education, I'd teach myself PHP, CSS, JS, and other languages before starting college.
I recently came across Evan Zhou's Donut Project, and felt it fitting to contribute code from the language of my personal development origin.
Writing the Code
My first challenge was to get some way of compiling Pascal. Back in the day I would have installed Borland Delphi, but now I'm daily-driving Linux which is not what Delphi was made for. (I'm unsure whether RAD Studio, Delphi's successor, even works on Linux, but felt like too much to try to set up for such a simple project.) I instead opted to develop in an online Pascal compiler.
The first 10-15 minutes of porting over the original donut.c to Pascal was difficult, as I had to remember all the syntax I had long forgotten. After that, though, it went pretty quickly, with the working Pascal implementation in donut shape within about two hours.
The Final Product
Run this code online:
;USES CRT;VAR k,x,y,o,r
q,l,m,n,t:Single; z:ARRAY[0..1759]
OF Single;p:ARRAY[0..1759]OF Char;BEGIN
A:=0; B:=0; clrscr; WHILE True DO BEGIN//
),' ');j:=0;WHILE j<6.28 DO BEGIN i:=0; WHILE
i<6.28 DO BEGIN c :=sin(i);d:=cos(j
); e:=sin(A);f:= sin(j);g:=cos(A)
;h:=d+2;q:=1/( c*h*e+f*g+5);l
:= cos(i); m:= cos(B);n:=sin(
B);t:=c*h*g-f* e;x:=Trunc(40+
30*q*(l*h*m-t* n));y:= Trunc(
12+15*q*(l*h*n +t*m));o:=x+80
*y;r:=Trunc(8*(( f*e-c*d*g)*m-c*d
*e-f*g-l*d*n));IF (22>y)AND(y>0)AND
(x>0)AND(80>x)AND(q>z[o]) THEN BEGIN z[o]:=q;
IF r>0 THEN p[o]:='.,-~:;=!*#$@'[r] ELSE p
;gotoxy(1,1);FOR k:=0 TO 1760 DO BEGIN
IF k MOD 80 = 0 THEN writeln ELSE
write(p[k]); END; A:=A+0.04;
}END; END.//
I hope you enjoy this and take a look at all the other Donut Project submissions!
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