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Advent of Code (in MiniScript), Day 17

Welcome back to my series of Advent of Code solutions in MiniScript! In Day 17 we got to (sort of) play Tetris. Five different Tetris-like shapes fall into a pit, moved left or right on each step according to the input. The first task is to see how high this stack will grow after 2022 blocks have been dropped in.

Blocks falling and stacking up in a pit.  Please turn your monitor sideways for proper viewing.

( doesn't allow right-aligned images, so I've rotated the visualization above. Please turn your monitor sideways for proper viewing.)

To solve this, I approached it much like making a video game. The blocks in the challenge description are referred to as "rocks with peculiar shapes," so I made a Rock class that represents one such rock. The exact shape is defined by a pattern list that has one string per row, just like in the challenge. The Rock class has methods to check whether it would hit something (the an already-placed Rock, or the edge of the pit) at a given x,y position; and to "settle" (that is, add itself permanently to the pit).

The pit itself is represented as a list of lists called column. column[n] represents the nth column, as a list of 1-character strings, either "." for empty, or "#" for a settled rock.

To drop a rock into the pit, the add1rock method first figures the proper starting position according to the rules, then repeatedly applies "gas" (a left or right nudge according to the input) and moves the block down 1 row, until it can't move down any more. Then it settles the rock and returns.

Finally, the main loop is trivial: it just calls add1Rock the required number of times, cycling through the five different rock shapes. At the end, we report how big the column lists got, which we kept track of in colHeight

if 1 then fname = "input.txt" else fname = "example.txt"
gas = file.readLines(fname)[0]
nextGasNum = 0

column = [[]] * 7   // contents of each column of the pit
colHeight = 0       // height (always equal to column[n].len)

// Rock class: represents a Tetris-like block dropped in
Rock = {}
Rock.pattern = []
Rock.make = function(pattern)
    noob = new Rock
    noob.pattern = pattern
    noob.width = pattern[0].len
    noob.height = pattern.len
    return noob
end function

Rock.hitsSomethingAt = function(x,y)
    if x + self.width > 7 then return true
    if x < 0 then return true
    if y < 0 then return true
    for row in self.pattern.indexes
        if y + row >= colHeight then return false
        p = self.pattern[self.height - 1 - row]
        for col in p.indexes
            if p[col] != "#" then continue
            if column[x + col][y + row] == "#" then return true
        end for
    end for
    return false
end function

Rock.settle = function(x, y)
    // first, grow all columns as needed
    newHeight = y + self.height
    if colHeight < newHeight then
        for col in column.indexes
            column[col] = column[col] + ["."] * (newHeight-colHeight)
        end for
        globals.colHeight = newHeight
    end if
    // then stuff the rock into the columns
    for row in self.pattern.indexes
        p = self.pattern[self.height - 1 - row]
        for col in p.indexes
            if p[col] != "#" then continue
            column[x + col][y + row] = "#"
        end for
    end for
end function

rock0 = Rock.make(["####"])
rock1 = Rock.make([".#.", "###", ".#."])
rock2 = Rock.make(["..#", "..#", "###"])
rock3 = Rock.make(["#"]*4)
rock4 = Rock.make(["##", "##"])
rocks = [rock0, rock1, rock2, rock3, rock4]

add1Rock = function(rock)
    // left edge 2 units away from left wall
    x = 2
    // bottom edge 3 units above highest rock (or floor)
    y = colHeight + 3

    while true
        // apply gas
        dir = gas[nextGasNum]
        globals.nextGasNum = (nextGasNum + 1) % gas.len
        if dir == ">" then
            if not rock.hitsSomethingAt(x + 1, y) then
                x = x + 1
            end if
            if not rock.hitsSomethingAt(x - 1, y) then
                x = x - 1
            end if
        end if

        // fall down
        if rock.hitsSomethingAt(x, y - 1) then
            // Settled!
            rock.settle x, y
        end if
        y = y - 1
    end while
end function

nextRockNum = 0
for i in range(1,2022)
    add1Rock rocks[nextRockNum]
    nextRockNum = (nextRockNum + 1) % rocks.len
end for

print colHeight
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

For my input file, this took a second or two to compute, and came out to a height of 3173 rows.

Part Two

The second part of the challenge "simply" changes how many blocks we need to drop. Now we have to drop 1 trillion.

Image description

I quickly measured how long it took to drop 10,000 blocks, did a little math. At that rate, doing a trillion blocks would take 13.7 years. I didn't think that would get me a good spot in the competition. Obviously some clever trick was needed.

I started by adding the ability to "scroll" the pit, i.e., chop off the bottom so-many rows which are no longer relevant. This changed the portion of Rock.settle than grows the pit as needed:

    if colHeight < newHeight then
        for col in column.indexes
            column[col] = column[col] + ["."] * (newHeight-colHeight)
        end for
        globals.colHeight = newHeight
        if column[0].len > 200 then
            globals.colScroll = colScroll + 100
            for col in column.indexes
                column[col] = column[col][100:]
            end for
        end if
    end if
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

So, if the columns are bigger than 200 items long, we chop off the first 100, and add 100 to the colScroll amount (which we then use to convert from row numbers to column indexes whenever we inspect or update the contents of the pit).

This solves the memory problem, but still doesn't help us drop a trillion blocks in less than 13 years.

It soon became clear that we would need to find repeating cycles. At this point, I wasted a good 20 or 30 minutes doubting myself, and looking for a cleverer trick. I thought that with my input file (remember, these are the left/right nudges) size of 10091 commands, and 5 different blocks, cycles would have to be some multiple of 50455 iterations long, which seemed excessive. (This was incorrect — I'd forgotten that on each iteration we go through quite a lot of input-file commands, depending on how far the block drops before it settles.)

Finally I coded it up anyway and hoped for the best. But how to detect a cycle? We know it's going to repeat when the current state and some previous step in the simulation exactly match in (1) which step of the input file we're on, (2) which rock we're dropping and, and (3) the top portion of the pit. It's not clear exactly how big this "top portion" has to be; if some pathological point in the input had a few thousand "left" to push all the blocks to the left, leaving a big gap on the right, then we would need to consider a portion thousands of rows high. But the input file looked fairly random, so I suspected we would never need to check that much. I chose to check the top 32 rows, and hope that would be good enough. (Spoiler: it was.)

So, I created a "memo" map to keep track of states we've previously seen, along with the iteration and total height at that point. (This is quite similar to the dynamic programming we did yesterday!) This changed only the main program, which now looks like this:

memo = {}   // key: state key; value: [i, colHeight]

nextRockNum = 0
i = 0
while i < 1E12
    if colHeight > 32 and memo != null then
        keyParts = [nextRockNum, nextGasNum]
        for col in column.indexes
            keyParts.push column[col][-32:]
        end for
        key = keyParts.join("")
        if memo.hasIndex(key) then
            print "HEY!!! Found a cycle at i=" + i + " (colHeight=" + colHeight + ")"
            print memo[key]
            // Now we have a cycle, we can fast-forward to near a trillion.
            lastI = memo[key][0]
            lastHeight = memo[key][1]
            cycleHeight = colHeight - lastHeight            
            cycleIters = i - lastI
            extraCycles = floor((1E12 - i) / cycleIters)
            colScroll = colScroll + extraCycles * cycleHeight
            colHeight = colHeight + extraCycles * cycleHeight
            i = i + extraCycles * cycleIters
            print "Fast-forwarded to i=" + i + ", colHeight=" + colHeight
            memo = null
        memo[key] = [i, colHeight]
        end if
    end if
    add1Rock rocks[nextRockNum]
    nextRockNum = (nextRockNum + 1) % rocks.len
    i = i + 1
end while

print colHeight
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The key for this memo map is the top 32 rows of the pit, all concatenated together, plus the current rock and gas numbers. We compute this key right before we drop each rock, and if we find that key already in our memo, it means we have found the start of a repeating cycle. It's going to just keep repeating over and over from there! So we can calculate how many times it will do that before the number of rocks approaches a trillion, and "fast forward" to that point by simply updating colScroll, colHeight, and i (our iteration number).

Here's the complete program for Part Two.
if 1 then fname = "input.txt" else fname = "example.txt"
gas = file.readLines(fname)[0]
nextGasNum = 0

column = [[]] * 7   // contents of each column of the pit
colHeight = 0       // total height (no longer equal to column[n].len)
colScroll = 0       // additional rows we've scrolled away

// Rock class: represents a Tetris-like block dropped in
Rock = {}
Rock.pattern = []
Rock.make = function(pattern)
    noob = new Rock
    noob.pattern = pattern
    noob.width = pattern[0].len
    noob.height = pattern.len
    return noob
end function

Rock.hitsSomethingAt = function(x,y)
    if x + self.width > 7 then return true
    if x < 0 then return true
    if y < 0 then return true
    for row in self.pattern.indexes
        if y + row >= colHeight then return false
        p = self.pattern[self.height - 1 - row]
        for col in p.indexes
            if p[col] != "#" then continue
            if column[x + col][y - colScroll + row] == "#" then return true
        end for
    end for
    return false
end function

Rock.settle = function(x, y)
    // first, grow all columns as needed
    newHeight = y + self.height
    if colHeight < newHeight then
        for col in column.indexes
            column[col] = column[col] + ["."] * (newHeight-colHeight)
        end for
        globals.colHeight = newHeight
        if column[0].len > 200 then
            globals.colScroll = colScroll + 100
            for col in column.indexes
                column[col] = column[col][100:]
            end for
        end if
    end if
    for row in self.pattern.indexes
        p = self.pattern[self.height - 1 - row]
        for col in p.indexes
            if p[col] != "#" then continue
            column[x + col][y - colScroll + row] = "#"
        end for
    end for
end function

rock0 = Rock.make(["####"])
rock1 = Rock.make([".#.", "###", ".#."])
rock2 = Rock.make(["..#", "..#", "###"])
rock3 = Rock.make(["#"]*4)
rock4 = Rock.make(["##", "##"])
rocks = [rock0, rock1, rock2, rock3, rock4]

add1Rock = function(rock)
    // left edge 2 units away from left wall
    x = 2
    // bottom edge 3 units above highest rock (or floor)
    y = colHeight + 3

    while true
        // apply gas
        dir = gas[nextGasNum]
        globals.nextGasNum = (nextGasNum + 1) % gas.len
        if dir == ">" then
            if not rock.hitsSomethingAt(x + 1, y) then
                x = x + 1
            end if
            if not rock.hitsSomethingAt(x - 1, y) then
                x = x - 1
            end if
        end if

        // fall down
        if rock.hitsSomethingAt(x, y - 1) then
            // Settled!
            rock.settle x, y
        end if
        y = y - 1
    end while
end function

memo = {}       // key: state key; value: [i, colHeight]

t0 = time
nextRockNum = 0
i = 0
while i < 1E12
    if colHeight > 32 and memo != null then
        keyParts = [nextRockNum, nextGasNum]
        for col in column.indexes
            keyParts.push column[col][-32:]
        end for
        key = keyParts.join("")
        if memo.hasIndex(key) then
            print "HEY!!! Found a cycle at i=" + i + " (colHeight=" + colHeight + ")"
            print memo[key]
            // Now we have a cycle, we can fast-forward to near a trillion.
            lastI = memo[key][0]
            lastHeight = memo[key][1]
            cycleHeight = colHeight - lastHeight            
            cycleIters = i - lastI
            extraCycles = floor((1E12 - i) / cycleIters)
            colScroll = colScroll + extraCycles * cycleHeight
            colHeight = colHeight + extraCycles * cycleHeight
            i = i + extraCycles * cycleIters
            print "Fast-forwarded to i=" + i + ", colHeight=" + colHeight
            memo = null
        memo[key] = [i, colHeight]
        end if
    end if
    add1Rock rocks[nextRockNum]
    nextRockNum = (nextRockNum + 1) % rocks.len
    i = i + 1
end while
t1 = time

print colHeight
print "Time: " + (t1 - t0)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This runs in under 2 seconds, and calculated that a trillion blocks would stack up 1,570,930,232,582 rows high!

Program output: 1,570,930,232,582 blocks in 1.97214 seconds.


Part 1 took me 26 minutes to code up, and placed me 137th in the competition. Part 2, because I wasted so much time doubting the cycles idea, took another 39 minutes, and my rank at the end of that was 437.

MiniScript, however, performed like a champ. It handled the large numbers involved without breaking a sweat (or any special effort on my part). And this morning, I was able to make a minor enhancement to my program to generate the cool visualization you see here.

Blocks falling and stacking up in a pit.  Please turn your monitor sideways for proper viewing.

Want to play a real Tetris game in Mini Micro? Download this github repo, and follow the instructions in the Read Me. Then when you've played a bit, use the dir, load, and edit commands to poke at the code. Have fun!

Top comments (1)

sebnozzi profile image
Sebastian Nozzi

Great read. It was very interesting to see how well thought-out design solutions make all the difference. Especially between 13 years and two seconds! :-D

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