DEV Community

Johannes Dienst
Johannes Dienst

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Being a Developer Advocate: Week 8

Building more demos, giving talks, and moderating a meetup for the first time!

What a week it was 🤯

Google Tag Manager in Docusaurus

It all started with success as I figured out why we couldn't get Google Tag Manager to work on our docs. It turned out our Tag-configuration was somehow faulty.

And we used the wrong Plugin gtag which is for Google Analytics.

But here comes the twist: Google Analytics also uses Tags and it nearly looks the same when you embed the script into your 🤦🏼‍♂️

The main takeaway was that we tried to solve a problem, which was two problems at once:

  1. Faulty Tag-configuration
  2. Faulty Docusaurus configuration

So next time when you can not figure out a problem. Maybe you are trying to solve two problems 🤓

I ended up coding a hacky solution that embeds the correct script (See the docusaurus.config.js


I was at a conference in-Person which is always nice and exciting (International PHP conference in Munich). As strange as that may seem I am not too good at approaching people and this community is unfamiliar to me. Luckily I meet some fellow speakers I know and some people from Social Media.

I also was able to make some new contacts and have interesting conversations.

Also, my English is coming along better and better. It is like training a muscle 🤩

Moderating Meetup

Wednesday was my first time moderating a Meetup. Promptly we had some technical issues while sharing slides. Only the presenter mode was available for share.

My key takeaways here:

  1. Do a quick call with the speaker and get the tools sorted out. Makes for a much smoother experience.
  2. We have to figure out a way to let the speaker know something does not work without interrupting. It feels bad to do that.
  3. If you want to promote anything like the next meetup, do it before the talk. Afterward, the participants will leave quickly.

Getting in some Onboarding Improvement

We are still working on improving our Onboarding workflow for new users.

What we are currently designing is a Getting Started Guide in our User Portal. While talking about it we realized that we could solve a whole lot if we improve our command line tool for initializing a new project.

I ended up improving it right away, eliminating several steps in the guide.

It is fascinating how thinking about possibilities and acting on them can make the onboarding process faster and less tedious!

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