DEV Community

Johannes Dienst
Johannes Dienst

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First Week as a Developer Advocate

As I started my journey into DevRel as a Developer Advocate at the startup askui last week, thoughts about learning in public started to come into my mind.

Basically it will be a journal of what learning every week brought for me. So everyone (and me) can perhaps benefit from it :-)

Startup World

Coming from a corporate world in Germany I noticed that I have to learn a lot of new tools startups use: Google-Suite, Github Discord, Slack to name a few.

Also talking to your founders directly is something refreshing!


This might be different in bigger companies but in a startup I basically had already contact to every department.

As a Developer Advocate you normally have to understand company goals to know what your DevRel strategy should be like.

Then you need product to get developer feedback recognized and ultimately integrated into your product.

For content creation and also for support of your developer community it is best to get your engineers on board as they have deep understanding of your product on a technical level.

Like it or not you are in sales in DevRel! Learning some lingo is unavoidable. I had to search for a few terms like PQL (Product Qualified Leads) and Inbound/Outbound Marketing.

Speaking a lot of different Tongues

What it boils down to for me after the first week:

You have to speak a lot of different tongues to get your work done!

That is it for today

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