DEV Community

Joysankar Majumdar
Joysankar Majumdar

Posted on


Overview of My Submission

I have build an authentication system where user can login in the application(android) with the help of Telegram (Bot service). In this system , any user has not to go through any hassel. Any user just need to follow the steps to login the TeleIn app

  1. Go to TeleIn app's login page
  2. Click Login and it will redirect to Telegram app
  3. Now in Telegram , just click start
  4. The TeleIn Telegram Bot will provide a link
  5. Click the link and you will be redirect to the TeleIn
  6. By default it'll take your Telegram name, you can change it now and Submit.

That's it. Its too simple. No OTP no email comfirmation no extra auth flow! Just simple!

Cosmos DB is the place where I store the data of user safely using the Node server.

Submission Category:

Wacky Wildcards

Link to Code on GitHub


Telein Server

This is the backend of TeleIn Android App The backend server is based on NodeJs and it uses Telegraf to make conection with Telegram Bot This backend is hosted on Render.

Code snippets

async function login(keyid, res) {
  resourcesMain = await container.items
      query: "SELECT * from c WHERE c.tempuid = @Uid",
      parameters: [{ name: "@Uid", value: keyid }],

  resources = await container2.items
      query: "SELECT * from c WHERE c.tid = @Tid",
      parameters: [{ name: "@Tid", value: resourcesMain.resources[0].tid }],

    if(resources.resources.length == 0){
        var crtAcc =
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I have build an authentication system where user can login in the application(android) with the help of Telegram (Bot service). In this system , any user has not to go through any hassel. Any user just need to follow the steps to login the TeleIn app

  1. Go to TeleIn app's login page
  2. Click Login and it will redirect to Telegram app
  3. Now in Telegram , just click start
  4. The TeleIn Telegram Bot will provide a link
  5. Click the link and you will be redirect to the TeleIn
  6. By default it'll take your Telegram name, you can change it now and Submit.

That's it. Its too simple. No OTP no email comfirmation no extra auth flow! Just simple!

Used Tech

  1. Cosmos DB
  2. Okhttp3
  3. Coroutine


Additional Resources / Info

Tech Used

  1. Cosmos DB
  2. Telegram Bot
  3. Render


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