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Explaining Blockchain in a way that even a 5 year old could understand (Part 2)

Welcome to the wonderful world of blockchain! It's the technology that's got everybody talking, from Wall Street bankers to Silicon Valley techies. It's the digital equivalent of a Swiss Army Knife - versatile, secure, and can cut through all kinds of problems.

If you read my previous article, you know the basics - how blockchain works, its decentralized nature, and its potential to disrupt various industries. But today, we're going to take a deep dive into the fascinating world of blockchain and explore its wacky, wild, and sometimes downright weird applications.

We'll take a look at how blockchain is making the world of finance more inclusive and how it's being used to trace everything from diamonds to coffee beans.

But we won't just be talking about the cool stuff. We'll also be looking at some of the challenges that blockchain faces - from the energy consumption required to mine cryptocurrencies to the regulatory hurdles that stand in the way of widespread adoption.

So, put on your virtual reality headset and join us on this wild ride through the world of blockchain technology. It's going to be fun, it's going to be informative, and who knows, you might just learn something that will change the way you think about money and technology forever!

Types of Blockchain


At it's core,Blockchain is a technology that helps keep records of transactions in a secure and transparent way. But there are different types of blockchains, each with its own unique features and purposes. This article will explain the different types of blockchains and what makes them special, so you can understand how this cool technology works.

Private Blockchain


A private blockchain is a type of blockchain network where the nodes that participate in the network are restricted to a private group or organization. Unlike public blockchains, where anyone can join and participate in the network, private blockchains have restricted access and require permission to join.
Okay, imagine you and your friends are playing a game with a special toy that records every move you make. You all agree that only people in your group can play with the toy and see the records of the game. This is like a private blockchain, where only certain people can use it and see what has happened.

Just like how you and your friends can decide the rules of the game and how the toy records your moves, people in a private blockchain can decide how the network works and what kinds of things can be recorded. This helps make sure everyone plays by the same rules and everything is fair.

Private blockchains are used to do important things like keeping track of money or making sure products are made safely.

Public Blockchain


A public blockchain is a type of blockchain network that is open and accessible to anyone who wants to participate in the network. In a public blockchain, there is no central authority or control, and all transactions are recorded on a distributed ledger that is maintained by a network of nodes or computers.

Imagine you and your friends want to play a game, but you're all in different houses. You decide to play the game over the phone so you can all play together. But, you want to make sure that nobody cheats or messes up the game, so you decide to write down every move that is made on a big piece of paper.

A public blockchain is like that big piece of paper where you write down all the moves in the game. Except, instead of just one person writing it down, everyone who is playing the game writes down what they see. That way, if anyone tries to cheat or mess up the game, everyone else can see it and they can work together to fix the problem.

In a public blockchain, everyone who wants to play the game (or participate in the network) can see what is happening and make sure that everything is fair and honest. This makes it really hard for anyone to cheat or mess up the game (or the network) because everyone is watching and working together to make sure everything is done right.

Hybrid Blockchain


A hybrid blockchain or semi-private blockchain is a combination of public and private blockchains that aims to combine the best of both worlds. It seeks to address the limitations of both public and private blockchains by offering a more flexible and customizable solution.

A blockchain is like a big book that everyone can write in, but nobody can erase what's been written.

A hybrid blockchain is like having two different types of pages in the book. Some pages are open for everyone to see, and some pages are kept secret for only certain people to see. This way, some information can be shared with everyone, while other information can be kept private and safe.

Just like you might want to share some of your drawings with your friends, but keep your secret diary hidden away, a hybrid blockchain can share some information with everyone, while keeping other information private.

Consortium Blockchain


A consortium blockchain is a type of blockchain that is jointly controlled and operated by a group of organizations or entities instead of a single entity. In a consortium blockchain, the nodes that validate transactions are typically pre-selected and trusted entities that have agreed to participate in the network.

Okay, so you know how sometimes you play games with your friends, and you all have to agree on the rules to play the game? A consortium blockchain is kind of like that. It's a special way of keeping track of things, like who wins the game, but instead of just your friends, a bunch of grown-ups from different companies or organizations all agree on how it works.

So, just like when you play games with your friends, everyone who is part of the consortium blockchain has to follow the rules, and they can't cheat. That way, everyone can trust that the game is fair and that the winner really won. In the same way, a consortium blockchain helps businesses work together and share important information securely and fairly.

Blockchain Concensus Mechanism

The emergence of blockchain technology has ushered in a new era of decentralized systems and digital currencies, enabling individuals to engage in transactions with each other in a manner that is both transparent and secure, without the need for trust. Nevertheless, for a blockchain network to attain this degree of trustlessness and security, it necessitates a consensus mechanism that guarantees the authenticity and integrity of the transactions stored on the blockchain.

The consensus mechanism is a vital process utilized by blockchain networks to authenticate transactions and arrive at a consensus regarding the blockchain's current state. In simpler terms, it is the method by which every node on the network agrees on the present condition of the blockchain. This mechanism guarantees that every node on the network possesses the same version of the blockchain and that any transactions added to the blockchain are valid.

The field of blockchain technology utilizes various consensus mechanisms, each having it's own set of benefits and drawbacks. In this piece of writing, we will delve into some of the widely employed consensus mechanisms in blockchain networks.

  • Proof of Work(PoW)

Proof of Work (PoW) is a consensus mechanism used in blockchain technology to verify transactions and create new blocks in a decentralized network. In PoW, nodes in the network compete to solve a complex mathematical puzzle, which requires a significant amount of computational power. The first node to solve the puzzle broadcasts the solution to the network, which is then verified by other nodes. Once the solution is verified, the node is rewarded with a certain amount of cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin.
It is like a very hard puzzle that needs to be solved before you can get a reward. A lot of people try to solve the puzzle at the same time, and whoever solves it first gets a prize. This puzzle helps make sure that all the people using the same money (like Bitcoin) agree on what's real and what's not. It's like when you play a game with your friends, you need to agree on the rules and make sure everyone plays fairly.

  • Proof of Stake(PoS)

Proof of Stake (PoS) is a widely used consensus mechanism in blockchain networks that operates differently from the traditional method of using computational power to validate transactions. Instead, PoS selects validators or stakers to verify transactions based on the amount of cryptocurrency they possess. The probability of being chosen as a validator increases with the amount of cryptocurrency held by the staker.

Imagine you have a big box of toys that you want to share with your friends, but you need to make sure that only the good and fair friends can play with your toys. In Proof of Stake, your friends can become "validators" by showing you how many marbles they have. The more marbles they have, the better chance they have of being picked to play with your toys. This way, your toys will only be shared with the friends who are trustworthy and won't break or take your toys.



Blockchain technology has revolutionized the way we think about storing and transferring information securely. At the heart of this technology lies the concept of "cryptocurrency." While the term itself has become ubiquitous in discussions about blockchain, its precise meaning and significance are often not fully understood.

What are Cryptocurrencies?

Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual tokens that make the use of cryptography to secure all their transactions and control the creation of new units. They operate independently of a central bank or government and are usually decentralized. The most well-known cryptocurrency is Bitcoin, but there are now thousands of different cryptocurrencies in existence, each with its own unique features and purposes.

Cryptocurrencies are like special digital money that you can use to buy things online. They are different from the money you use in real life because they are not controlled by a bank or government. Instead, they use special computer technology to keep track of how much money you have and where it goes. Some people think cryptocurrencies are really cool, while others think they are kind of strange. But either way, they are a new and interesting way to buy things on the internet!

Cryptocurrencies can be used for online purchases and other transactions, and can also be traded on various cryptocurrency exchanges. Bitcoin, the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, was created in 2009. Since then, many other cryptocurrencies have emerged, including Ethereum, Litecoin, and Ripple.



Bitcoin, a digital currency that operates in a decentralized manner, was established in 2009 under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto by an individual or group of individuals whose identity remains unknown.It operates on a peer-to-peer network, which means that transactions take place directly between users without the need for an intermediary such as a bank.

Bitcoin transactions are verified through cryptography and recorded on a public ledger called the blockchain. The supply of bitcoin is limited to 21 million coins, and new coins are created through a process called mining, which involves using computer power to solve complex mathematical equations.

Bitcoin has been the subject of much speculation and controversy, with proponents touting its potential as a store of value and means of exchange, while critics point to its volatility, absence of oversight and the possibility of illicit application.

Despite these concerns, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have gained increasing acceptance in recent years, with many businesses and individuals using them for transactions and investments.


Ethereum is a computer network that lets people create their own special computer programs called "smart contracts" and applications that run on the network without needing a central authority to control them. This makes it possible to create things like digital wallets, online marketplaces, and secure digital identity verification systems.

Like other computer networks, Ethereum needs people to validate transactions and keep it secure. In exchange for doing this work, people are rewarded with a cryptocurrency called Ether, which can be used to pay for things on the network or exchanged for other currencies like dollars or bitcoins.

Overall, Ethereum is a platform that enables developers to build decentralized applications and services, without needing to rely on a central authority or intermediary, making it more transparent and potentially more efficient than traditional centralized systems.

The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)

The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is like a computer that runs on the Ethereum network. It's a place where special programs called smart contracts can run. Smart contracts are like digital agreements that enforce rules automatically.

The EVM is responsible for making sure these smart contracts are executed properly and that everyone on the network follows the rules. It's like a referee for the Ethereum network.

The EVM is also in charge of keeping track of everyone's balances and making sure that new smart contracts are created and old ones are deleted when needed.

Overall, the EVM is a crucial part of the Ethereum network that allows for secure and reliable execution of smart contracts and the functioning of decentralized applications.



Polygon is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, formerly known as Matic Network. It is an open-source, modular, and interoperable framework that aims to provide faster and cheaper transactions on the Ethereum network.

Polygon offers several benefits, including low transaction fees, faster transaction processing times, and improved scalability. It achieves this by allowing developers to build their decentralized applications (dApps) on its network, which is based on a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism.

Polygon also provides interoperability between different blockchain networks, allowing users to transfer assets and data across different platforms. This makes it easier for developers to build dApps that interact with multiple blockchain networks.

Overall, Polygon aims to make decentralized applications more accessible, efficient, and user-friendly, while addressing some of the scalability issues that have plagued the Ethereum network in recent years.



Solana is a high-performance blockchain network designed to support fast and secure decentralized applications (dApps) and cryptocurrency transactions. It was created in 2017 by Anatoly Yakovenko, a former software engineer at Qualcomm and Dropbox, and launched in March 2020.

Solana is built on a unique consensus algorithm called Proof of History (PoH), which enables high throughput and low latency while maintaining decentralization and security. PoH uses a cryptographic technique to generate a verifiable and sequential record of all transactions on the network, which makes it possible to process thousands of transactions per second.

Solana also uses a smart contract language called Rust, which is known for its speed and security, and allows developers to write and deploy dApps on the network. Additionally, Solana has a built-in decentralized exchange (DEX) called Serum, which enables trustless and fast trading of various cryptocurrencies.

Overall, Solana aims to provide a scalable and efficient blockchain infrastructure for developers to build decentralized applications and enable fast and cheap cryptocurrency transactions for users.

Non-fungible Tokens(NFT)


NFT stands for "Non-Fungible Token". It is a type of digital asset that is verified using blockchain technology, which makes it unique and irreplaceable. Unlike other digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies, NFTs cannot be exchanged for each other on a one-to-one basis because they represent a specific item, artwork, or collectible that has a unique set of characteristics.

NFTs have gained popularity in recent years as a way for creators and artists to sell their digital works and earn revenue. NFTs can represent a variety of things, such as digital art, music, video games, virtual real estate, and more. They are often bought and sold using cryptocurrency and stored in digital wallets.

NFTs are built on top of blockchain technology, which means that every transaction involving an NFT is recorded in a decentralized public ledger. This ensures the authenticity and ownership of the NFT, making it a valuable asset for collectors and investors.

It is like a very special toy that only you have. It's like your favorite toy, but it's not a physical toy you can hold in your hand. It's a special digital toy that only you can have and no one else can have the exact same one. It's like having a one-of-a-kind painting that only you can own. People like to collect NFTs because they are unique and special, just like your favorite toy.

Challenges that blockchain faces

Blockchain technology has attracted considerable interest and recognition in recent times. It's exceptional attributes such as decentralization, transparency, and immutability have made it a promising technology for a range of sectors, including finance, healthcare, and supply chain management. Nevertheless, despite it's potential, blockchain technology still confronts numerous obstacles that constrain it's broad adoption and scalability.

  • Scalability: The technology behind blockchains can only handle a certain number of transactions per second. This means that when too many people are trying to make transactions at once, it can take a long time to process them all. As a result, the fees for making transactions can also become quite expensive.

  • Interoperability: When different blockchains don't have a standard way to communicate and share data with each other, it creates problems like divided networks and scattered data.

  • Security: Although blockchain is often seen as a secure technology, it can still be hacked by cybercriminals. Additionally, as blockchain applications become more complicated, the chances of errors and weaknesses in smart contracts also increase.

  • Regulation: There are rules that govern how money and financial transactions work in our traditional financial system. However, blockchain technology operates outside of this system, which makes it unclear whether it is following those rules or not. This lack of clarity can make people unsure about whether it is legal or not, which may discourage them from using or investing in blockchain technology.

  • Perception: Some people don't trust or believe in blockchain technology because they don't fully understand it or haven't seen it put to use in real-world situations. This makes it harder for blockchain to be accepted, especially in industries that are resistant to change.

In order to tackle these obstacles, it's crucial for both developers and stakeholders to collaborate and construct a dependable, protected, and extensively accepted blockchain framework.

Blockchain Energy Concerns


Blockchain technology is a revolutionary way to store and transfer information securely, but it has a big problem: it uses a lot of energy. The most popular blockchain, Bitcoin, requires huge amounts of electricity to run. This is mainly due to a process called mining, which is used to validate transactions on the blockchain and create new coins. Unfortunately, most of the electricity used to power this process comes from non-renewable sources like coal and natural gas, which are bad for the environment.

The high energy consumption of blockchain has led to concerns about its sustainability and impact on the environment. Some people are worried that the energy required to run blockchain technology will contribute to climate change and increase carbon emissions.

There are a few solutions to this problem. One is to use alternative consensus algorithms that are less energy-intensive than mining. Another is to power blockchain networks with renewable energy sources like solar or wind power. These solutions can help reduce the environmental impact of blockchain and make it more sustainable in the long run.

In summary, blockchain technology has a big energy problem that needs to be addressed if we want to use it in a sustainable way. However, there are solutions available that can help reduce its environmental impact and make it a more sustainable technology for the future.


There are numerous aspects of blockchain technology to discuss, and while I have covered the main topics, further research would be beneficial for those interested in comprehensively understanding the technology.

That would be all for now, till I write again.

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