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JS Bits Bill
JS Bits Bill

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Symbols Are Your Friend Part V: Symbol.toPrimitive, Symbol.toStringTag, & Symbol.unscopables

Symbols Are Your Friend Series

I know. You haven't gotten your fill of symbols yet. Rest assured, there's more! This week, we'll take a look at the following symbol static properties:

  • Symbol.toPrimitive
  • Symbol.toStringTag
  • Symbol.unscopables

This symbol defines the method to convert an object to a primitive.

Default behavior:

const arr = [1, 2, 3];
`${arr}`; // "1,2,3"
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Symbol.toPrimitive utilization:

const arr = [1, 2, 3];
arr[Symbol.toPrimitive] = function(type) {
  const doubled = => {
    return item * 2;

  return `doubled: ${doubled}`;
`${arr}`; // "doubled: 2,4,6"
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This symbol defines the behavior of an object when it is converted into its default string description. Essentially it lets you modify the value of Object in "[object Object]" when Object.prototype.toString() is used:

Default behavior:

const shows = {
    cartoon: 'DuckTales',
    sitcom: 'Seinfeld',
    crime: 'NCIS'
Object.prototype.toString(shows); // "[object Object]"
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Symbol.toStringTag utilization:
Note that Symbol.toStringTag is a string valued property (and not a method).

const shows = {
  cartoon: 'DuckTales',
  sitcom: 'Seinfeld',
  crime: 'NCIS'
shows[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'Shows';
shows.toString(); // "[object Shows]"
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One thing that's odd about this symbol is that it does not seem to work with anything other than objects:

const arr = [1, 2, 3];
arr[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'Numbers';
Object.prototype.toString(arr); "[object Object]"
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const str = 'My string';
str[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'Custom String';
Object.prototype.toString(str); "[object Object]"
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If anyone knows why, please comment!

This symbol is so incredibly useless but it at least introduced the with statement to me which I had never see before. Essentially, Symbol.unscopables modifies the behavior of with. So what exactly does that do?

with allows you to create a scope to a statement. The syntax is as follows:

with (expression)
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Here's an example:

with ({ first: 'Charles', last: 'Bronson' }) {
  console.log(`Hi ${first} ${last}!`);
  // Logs "Hi Charles Bronson!
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So yeah, that's all it does. Also note that with is deprecated as it has browser compatibility issues.

So all Symbol.unscopables allows you to do is define what properties of an object are excluded from a with environment binding:

const actor = {
  first: 'Charles',
  last: 'Bronson'

actor[Symbol.unscopables] = {
  last: true

with (actor) {
  console.log(first); // Logs "Charles"
  console.log(last); // Logs ReferenceError
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More symbols in the next article! 😀

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Top comments (1)

lowlighter profile image
lowlighter 🦑

Nice article !

Symbols are really a cool feature, although I guess they're not that much used since basically using Symbol.toPrimitive and Symbol.toStringTag is globally the same as using valueOf() and toString() (although like you said there's a few differences).

More features is always a plus, since it allows you to bend the languages to your will rather than the contrary.

That's why I'm kind of sad that with was trashed out. I understand why some people didn't like it, but a shame it didn't stick around. Would have been quite cool to use with (this) in ES classes to mimic other languages like C++ or Java where this is implicit inside a class.