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01 - Introduction to JavaScript | History | Current status

What is JavaScript

Javascript is popularly known as a powerful scripting language for controlling web pages.

Tho' It was originally designed as a scripting language for websites but it has evolved so much since then that now javascript is used everywhere. Through javascript, you can build web applications, create APIs, build mobile applications, even do Machine Learning, and what not...

History of javascript

In September 1995, a Netscape programmer named Brandan Eich developed a scripting language in just 10 days which was named Mocha.
Then it was named LiveScript and later javascript which became one of the most popular programming languages.

What is ECMAScript

ECMAScript provides the rules, details, and guidelines that a scripting language must follow to be considered ECMAScript compliant. Thus javascript is a scripting language which is based on ECMAScript and follows the ECMAScript specification. Releasing a new edition of ECMAScript with new features does not mean that JavaScript will also be having those new features immediately. Javascript might take some time to adopt those new ECMAScript features.

Here is a list of ECMAScript Editions:

Version Year
ES1 1997
ES2 1998
ES3 1999
ES4 Never Released
ES5 2009
ES6 2015
ES7 2016
ES8 2017
ES9 2018

Current Status of Javascript

Javascript has a very large ecosystem and most importantly a great community. Tho' Javascript has a simple syntax and is easy to start with but is almost impossible to master. it is quite a funny language with lots of tricky parts which we are gonna cover in our upcoming articles.

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