DEV Community

Juan Esteban Perdomo
Juan Esteban Perdomo

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ok... today we'll go install commitlint

nice... already we can start this section correctly and fixing somes fails or bugs that I found with the previous post

we'll install the commitlint package like dev dependecy

npm install commitlint -D
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after that create file config called commitlint.config.js and export some config, if you don't know any of this library, this is the documentation, try to read, isn't to hard understand

the file commitlint.config.js will have the next config:

module.exports = {
  rules: {
    'header-max-length': () => Promise.resolve([0, 'always', 120]),
    'body-max-length': () => Promise.resolve([0, 'always', 120]),
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then if you make a commit you will have follow the rules:

  • max body 120 characters
  • header max: 120

one more thing for finish this...

you need add the next script for create into folder .husky file bash called commit-msg for execute after the pre-commit

npx husky add .husky/commit-msg "npx --no -- commitlint --edit $1"
# OR
yarn husky add .husky/commit-msg "yarn commitlint --edit $1"
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result file .husky/commit-msg

#!/usr/bin/env sh
. "$(dirname -- "$0")/_/"

yarn commitlint --edit $1
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try look the file into .husky/commit-msg and be sure that the final argument "$1" because in sometimes this part not be added

okay... now just try to do the next commit:

git add . && git commit -m "chore(commitlint): install and config done"
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if you don't follow some of this rules, you'll can't do the commit

previous post, implement linter to project
next theme for the next post: thinking about that >.<

github profile

github repo: I'm still working on that >.< srry

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