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Jumbo Daniel
Jumbo Daniel

Posted on

How to fix: error: 'invalid path' When working with Git on Windows.

I was trying to clone a repository from gitbucket client when I got this error on my PC

git -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.required=false -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false --no-optional-locks clone --branch master C:\Users\hp\Documents\HTML\Jobs\Fedha
Cloning into 'C:\Users\hp\Documents\HTML\Jobs\Fedha\...
error: invalid path 'src/Assets/fonts/TTF/THICCCBOI-Black.ttf:Zone.Identifier'
fatal: unable to checkout working tree
warning: Clone succeeded, but checkout failed.
You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status'
and retry with 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

I tried working my way around the issues; I even tried deleting the 'THICCCBOI-Black.ttf' file from the gitbucket repo, but this didn't solve the issue.
After hours of searching through the internet, I found the cause of the error:
The Git cloning of a repository fails on Windows with an "invalid path" error because the Windows OS reserves some filenames; hence, a file name may be legal in Linux or Mac (in my case) but illegal in Windows.



Whilst this may workaround the issue, care should be taken as the default for a Windows client was set to core.protectNTFS=true to close a potential security issue CVE-2019-1353 as described here.

Depending on the filename, you can configure Git to ignore the NTFS naming may fix the issue.

git config --global core.protectNTFS false

Turning off protectNTFS will stop Git from complaining about files that have a base name that is reserved but will not prevent an error if the filename is one of the reserved names.

The best solution is to:

  1. Identify the offending file(s) mentioned in the error message, such as ('src/Assets/fonts/TTF/THICCCBOI-Black.ttf:Zone.Identifier') as in my case.
  2. Rename the file(s) to something that does not conflict with any reserved names. For example, I can rename it to 'THICCCBOI-Black-Font.ttf'. NB. Check windows file naming documentation here
  3. Update the reference to the renamed file(s) in your code or configuration, if necessary.
  4. Commit the changes to the repository.


Top comments (8)

mato profile image
Sergey Matylionak


jumbo02 profile image
Jumbo Daniel

Thank You

leixhik profile image

I used the git command and it's work. Thank You <3

ceeclips_media_797b0e6651 profile image
CeeClips Media


mohammadmo profile image
Mohammad Mohammadi

good one

jumbo02 profile image
Jumbo Daniel

Thank You

chethan475 profile image
Chethan H

thank you!! this helped

sheshadri1992 profile image
Sheshadri K R

Thank you, what a hero! I was struggling with this problem for far too long. Your solution fixed it.