Here are 35 Windows Commands you NEED to know with example and explanation
dir - Display a list of files and folders in a directory.
- Example:
dir C:\Users\
- Explanation: This command will display a list of files and folders in the C:\Users\ directory.
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- Example:
cd - Change the current directory.
- Example:
cd C:\Windows\
- Explanation: This command will change the current directory to C:\Windows.
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- Example:
copy - Copy one or more files to another location.
- Example:
copy C:\file.txt D:\backup\
- Explanation: This command will copy the file.txt from the C:\ directory to the D:\backup\ directory.
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- Example:
del - Delete one or more files.
- Example:
del C:\file.txt
- Explanation: This command will delete the file.txt file from the C:\ directory.
- For More Details:
- Example:
type - Display the contents of a text file.
- Example:
type C:\file.txt
- Explanation: This command will display the contents of the file.txt file in the C:\ directory.
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- Example:
ren - Rename a file or directory.
- Example:
ren C:\oldname.txt newname.txt
- Explanation: This command will rename the oldname.txt file in the C:\ directory to newname.txt.
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- Example:
rmdir - Remove an empty directory.
- Example:
rmdir C:\emptyfolder
- Explanation: This command will remove the emptyfolder directory from the C:\ directory.
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- Example:
md - Create a new directory.
- Example:
md C:\newfolder
- Explanation: This command will create a new folder called "newfolder" in the C:\ directory.
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- Example:
pushd - Change the current directory and push the current directory onto a stack.
- Example:
pushd C:\Windows\
- Explanation: This command will change the current directory to C:\Windows\ and push the current directory onto a stack.
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- Example:
popd - Change the current directory to the topmost directory on the stack.
- Example:
- Explanation: This command will change the current directory to the topmost directory on the stack.
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- Example:
netstat - Display active TCP connections and ports on which the computer is listening.
- Example:
netstat -a
- Explanation: This command will display all active TCP connections and the ports on which the computer is listening.
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- Example:
ipconfig - Display the current TCP/IP configuration.
- Example:
- Explanation: This command will display the current TCP/IP configuration for the computer.
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- Example:
ping - Test the connection to a remote host.
- Example:
- Explanation: This command will test the connection to by sending a series of packets and displaying the response time.
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- Example:
tracert - Trace the route to a remote host.
- Example:
- Explanation: This command will trace the route to and display the hops taken to reach the destination.
- For More Details:
- Example:
telnet - Connect to a remote host using the Telnet protocol.
- Example:
- Explanation: This command will connect to using the Telnet protocol.
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- Example:
nslookup - Query DNS to resolve a hostname to an IP address or vice versa.
- Example:
- Explanation: This command will query DNS to resolve the hostname to an IP address.
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- Example:
tasklist - Display a list of currently running processes.
- Example:
- Explanation: This command will display a list of currently running processes on the computer.
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- Example:
taskkill - Terminate a running process.
- Example:
taskkill /pid 1234
- Explanation: This command will terminate the process with the process ID 1234.
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- Example:
systeminfo - Display system information.
- Example:
- Explanation: This command will display information about the system, such as the operating system version and the installed hotfixes.
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- Example:
driverquery - Display a list of installed device drivers.
- Example:
- Explanation: This command will display a list of installed device drivers on the computer.
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- Example:
net - Manage network resources.
- Example:
net share
- Explanation: This command will display a list of shared network resources.
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- Example:
netdom - Manage Active Directory domains and trusts.
- Example:
netdom join contoso / /userd:contoso\admin /passwordd:password
- Explanation: This command will join the computer to the contoso domain using the contoso\admin user and password.
- Example:
sfc - Scan and repair system files.
- Example:
sfc /scannow
- Explanation: This command will scan all protected system files and replace any corrupted files with a cached copy.
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- Example:
chkdsk - Check a disk for errors and repair them.
- Example:
chkdsk C: /f
- Explanation: This command will check the C: drive for errors and repair them if possible.
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- Example:
diskpart - Manage disks, partitions, and volumes.
- Example:
- Explanation: This command will open the DiskPart utility, which allows you to manage disks, partitions, and volumes from the command line.
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- Example:
bcdedit - Manage the boot configuration data store.
- Example:
bcdedit /set {default} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures
- Explanation: This command will set the boot status policy to ignore all failures.
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- Example:
bootrec - Repair the boot configuration data store.
- Example:
bootrec /fixboot
- Explanation: This command will repair the boot configuration data store and write a new boot sector to the system partition.
- Example:
shutdown - Shut down the computer.
- Example:
shutdown /s
- Explanation: This command will shut down the computer.
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- Example:
logoff - Log off the current user.
- Example:
- Explanation: This command will log off the current user.
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- Example:
powercfg - Configure power options.
- Example:
powercfg /hibernate on
- Explanation: This command will enable the hibernate feature.
- Example:
wmic - Execute Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) commands.
- Example:
wmic path win32_process get name
- Explanation: This command will display the names of all processes running on the computer.
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- Example:
reg - Manage the registry.
- Example:
reg add HKLM\Software\Example /v ValueName /t REG_SZ /d "Hello World"
- Explanation: This command will add a new value to the registry at HKLM\Software\Example.
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- Example:
cmdkey - Manage stored user names and passwords.
- Example:
cmdkey /add:server01 /user:john /pass:password
- Explanation: This command will add a new stored user name and password for the server01 server.
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- Example:
certutil - Manage certificates.
- Example:
certutil -addstore -enterprise root ca.crt
- Explanation: This command will add the ca.crt certificate to the enterprise root certificate store.
- For More Details:
- Example:
schtasks - Schedule tasks to run at a specific time.
- Example:
schtasks /create /tn "Backup Task" /tr "robocopy C:\data D:\backup /mir" /sc daily /st 01:00
- Explanation: This command will create a new task called "Backup Task" that runs the robocopy command to copy data from C:\data to D:\backup every day at 1:00 AM.
- For More Details:
- Example:
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Top comments (1)
What's with the hyped headlines and lacking intros lately on
I don't NEED to know these at all, sorry. Nice to skim a reminder I'd grant you, and the article I like, it's a nice neat summary of a lot of useful commands.
What is a Windows Command? Put it into context. There's cmd.exe, powershell and increasingly WSL bash all available on windows (admittedly all these look like they'll work on cmd.exe or powershell). Still.