Testing a microservices application requires a strategy that accounts not only for the isolated nature of microservices but also for service dependencies. This is why microservices testing processes often put each microservice in isolation to verify it is working properly and then tests microservices together.
What are the struggles are you having while you are testing microservices?
Top comments (5)
Mostly team Collaboration. Most of the microservices I tested were developed by multiple teams and mostly regression involves combined efforts of all the team members
Thank you for the response @adhithyasrinivasan I assume you are using calls, Slack or etc for troubleshooting with a team member, right?
Yes. We schedule a short or long meeting depending on the situation and try to close the issues we identified
Are you using any tools for monitoring your test runs?
Yes. Github pr checks to ensure that the ci tests triggered by the prs are passing before merging them. Then automated sanity and regression suites against prod and stage environments in timely fashion to ensure critical features are working fine