Dapper is a great addition to working with databases when working with a Microsoft data provider that requires a connection and command object and when required command parameters. Dapper at this point in time does not handle DateOnly and TimeOnly Struct.
To handle DateOnly and TimeOnly, the following handler/mappers will provide methods to work with DateOnly and TimeOnly.
public class SqlDateOnlyTypeHandler : SqlMapper.TypeHandler<DateOnly>
public override void SetValue(IDbDataParameter parameter, DateOnly date)
=> parameter.Value = date.ToDateTime(new TimeOnly(0, 0));
public override DateOnly Parse(object value) => DateOnly.FromDateTime((DateTime)value);
public class SqlTimeOnlyTypeHandler : SqlMapper.TypeHandler<TimeOnly>
public override void SetValue(IDbDataParameter parameter, TimeOnly time)
parameter.Value = time.ToString();
public override TimeOnly Parse(object value) => TimeOnly.FromTimeSpan((TimeSpan)value);
Add both or one of the class to a project then in the constructor of the class used to work data with Dapper.
using Dapper;
using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data;
using kp.Dapper.Handlers;
using sqlserverApp.Models;
using static System.DateTime;
namespace sqlserverApp.Classes;
internal class Operations
private IDbConnection _cn;
public Operations()
_cn = new SqlConnection("Your connection string");
SqlMapper.AddTypeHandler(new SqlDateOnlyTypeHandler());
SqlMapper.AddTypeHandler(new SqlTimeOnlyTypeHandler());
Now when needed to work with DateOnly and/or TimeOnly.
internal class Operations
private IDbConnection _cn;
/// <summary>
/// Setup connection and DateOnly and TimeOnly handlers from Dapper.Handlers class project or NuGet package
/// </summary>
public Operations()
_cn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString());
SqlMapper.AddTypeHandler(new SqlDateOnlyTypeHandler());
SqlMapper.AddTypeHandler(new SqlTimeOnlyTypeHandler());
public List<Test1> GetAll()
=> _cn.Query<Test1>("SELECT Id, DateOnly, TimeOnly FROM dbo.Test1;").ToList();
public async Task<List<Test1>> GetAllAsync()
=> (await _cn.QueryAsync<Test1>("SELECT id, GenderType FROM Genders")).AsList();
public bool Update()
var statement = "UPDATE dbo.Test1 SET DateOnly = @dataonly,TimeOnly = @timeonly WHERE Id = @id";
var affected = _cn.Execute(statement, new
dataonly = DateOnly.FromDateTime(Now),
timeonly = TimeOnly.FromDateTime(Now),
id = 10
return affected == 1;
Package the code
When there are many projects that require handlers to work with DateOnly and TimeOnly the smart path is to create a class project with the handlers, compile and pack as an NuGet package so that when needed simply add the package to a project dependencies.
Actually there is no need to package the code as it has already been done.
If a developer wants to personalize the code, download the source code, modify and pack to a local NuGet package.
To create a local NuGet package source, create a folder, point to the folder as shown below. Once this is done adding the package is done through NuGet package manager.
By placing the code to handle DateOnly and TimeOnly into a class project or a NuGet package allows easy and consistent access to the handler code without the need to locate the code or copy and paste into a project each time either both or one handler is needed.
- Dapper at GitHub
- Using Dapper - C# Part 1
- Learn Dapper
Unsure if Dapper is right for you?
Check out this class which was replace with this class which cut the code in half.
No credits are required using a modified version of this code.
Source code
Clone this GitHub repository for use without using the NuGet package or placing the package in a local NuGet folder.
Top comments (2)
Created an account here just to say thanks for this NuGet package. Works like a charm, saved me the time.
You're welcome.