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Worry not! AI or Chatgpt will not replace you.

This trendy tool has shaken people all over the world, me included, at first.

All of my friends who don’t work in tech are actively using ChatGPT or other AI-powered tools for their jobs. I have never seen the adoption of new technology so quickly in my entire life.

ChatGPT knows me better than I know myself. Some jobs that require a group of techies to sit and compile data will be on the decline because AI does all this and more for you. Lucky for us, AI is not self-aware, so our logic, creativity, emotions, and experience can’t be replaced. The havoc that it has caused and succeeded in fueling fear in people’s minds too because of their advanced technology makes them think that the mass layoffs of people in the giant tech companies have occurred in the first few months since the said AI technology was released. But worry not, there’s a couple of reasons you might keep your job :)

Stay tuned for my next post!

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karimucheru profile image

Definitely right! But I think I’ll go with whatever’s in my ORIGINAL thought process. Thanks :)