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Karlo Dela Rosa
Karlo Dela Rosa

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13 6

Create a simple Deno + MySQL API

This is a simple concept of how we can make a REST API using Deno and Typescript.

Here's my simple RESTful API

If you are in a hurry just click here for the source code.

Here are the stacks:

  1. Deno
  2. Docker
  3. MySQL

Why Docker?

  • Because I want you to experience real data manipulation using the database rather than text files or objects, so I provided a local Database.

Why I didn't containerize Deno?

  • Because I don't want Docker to be a bottleneck. If you don't want Docker, it's fine you can use your own DB and run Deno server alone. I'm just giving you options.

Let's Start

Install Deno:

curl -fsSL | sh

Install Docker for local database (If you have personal DB, just use it and create the table needed)

Clone the repository:

git clone

Run Deno:

deno run --allow-net --allow-read --allow-write index.ts

Run MySQL Container:

docker-compose up -d

You should be able to see a running container for MySQL and Adminer

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                     NAMES
fa3924041b59        adminer             " docke…"   6 seconds ago       Up 4 seconds>8080/tcp   deno-adminer
7bf14f3a94ca        mysql:5.7.12        "docker-entrypoint.s…"   6 seconds ago       Up 4 seconds>3306/tcp    deno-db

Open Adminer



server: deno-db
user: root
password: root
db: deno-db

You should automatically see the user table and one test data

User Schema:

  `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `country` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  `created_at` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)


1. Create index.ts this will serve as our server for this App

import { Application } from ''
import router from './routes/routes.ts';

const app = new Application();


app.use((ctx) => {
  ctx.response.body = "Welcome to deno-rest-api";

await app.listen({ port: 8000 });

2. Connect to MySQL Database, create db/MySqlClient.ts

import { Client } from "";

const client = await new Client().connect({
  hostname: "localhost",
  username: "root",
  db: "deno-db",
  password: "root",

export default client

3. Create routes/routes.ts

import { Router } from ''
import { getAllUsers } from '../handler/getAllUsers.ts';
import { getUser } from '../handler/getUser.ts';
import { addUser } from '../handler/addUser.ts';
import { updateUser } from '../handler/updateUser.ts';
import { deleteUser } from '../handler/deleteUser.ts';

const router = new Router()

router.get("/users", getAllUsers)
.get("/user/:id", getUser)
.post("/user", addUser)
.put("/user/:id", updateUser)
.delete("/user/:id", deleteUser)

export default router

4. Create a contract, it's an Interface for our data model

export interface UserInterface {
    name: string;
    country: string

5. Create handlers, this will catch the requests and process the logics.


import client from '../db/MySqlClient.ts';
import { search } from '../repository/user.ts';

export async function getAllUsers ({ response }: { response: any }) { 
  const result = await search();
  response.body = result.rows;


import client from '../db/MySqlClient.ts';
import * as doesUserExist from '../specification/doesUserExist.ts';
import { search } from '../repository/user.ts';

export async function getUser ({ params, response }: { params: any; response: any }) {
    const hasRecord = await doesUserExist.isSatisfiedBy(;
    let status = 200;

    if (hasRecord) {
      const result = await search(params);
      response.body = result.rows;
    } else {
      response.body = { "error": "User not found!" };
      status = 400;

    response.status = status;


import client from '../db/MySqlClient.ts';
import { insert } from '../repository/user.ts';
import { UserInterface } from '../contract/userInterface.ts';

export async function addUser ({ request, response }: { request: any; response: any }) {
    const body = await request.body();
    const userInfo: UserInterface = body.value;
    let status = 200;

    if (userInfo.hasOwnProperty('name') && userInfo.hasOwnProperty('country')) {
      response.body = await insert(userInfo);
    } else {
      response.body = { "error": "Invalid request!" };
      status = 400;

    response.status = status;


import client from '../db/MySqlClient.ts';
import * as doesUserExist from '../specification/doesUserExist.ts';
import { UserInterface } from '../contract/userInterface.ts';
import { update } from '../repository/user.ts';

export async function updateUser ({ request, response, params }: { request: any; response: any; params: any }) {
    const body = await request.body()
    const userInfo: UserInterface = body.value 
    const hasRecord = await doesUserExist.isSatisfiedBy(;
    let responseMessage = {};
    let status = 200;

    if (hasRecord) {
      responseMessage = await update(,,;
    } else {
      responseMessage = { "error": "User not found!" };
      status = 400;

    response.body = responseMessage;
    response.status = status;


import client from '../db/MySqlClient.ts';
import * as doesUserExist from '../specification/doesUserExist.ts';
import { remove } from '../repository/user.ts';

export async function deleteUser ({ params, response }: { params: any; response: any }) {
    const hasRecord = await doesUserExist.isSatisfiedBy(;
    let responseMessage = {};
    let status = 200;

    if (hasRecord) {
      responseMessage = await remove(;
    } else {
      responseMessage = { "error": "User not found!" };
      status = 400;

    response.body = responseMessage
    response.status = status

6. Create specification. Read about Domain-Driven Design.


import client from '../db/MySqlClient.ts';

export async function isSatisfiedBy(id:number) {
    const result = await client.query(`SELECT COUNT(*) count FROM user WHERE id = ?`, [id]);
    return result[0].count >= 1;

7. Create the User Repository, this is where queries are stored for User APIs


import client from '../db/MySqlClient.ts';

interface Key {
    id?: any

export async function search(params:Key = {}) { 
    const isSpecific = Object.keys(params).length !== 0;
    if (isSpecific) {
        return await client.execute(`SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = ?`, []);
    } else {
        return await client.execute(`SELECT * FROM user`);   

export async function insert({ name, country }: { name: string; country: string }) {
    return await client.execute(`INSERT INTO user(name, country) values(?,?)`, [
        name, country

export async function update(name: string, country: string, id: string) {
    return await client.execute(`UPDATE user SET name= ?, country= ? WHERE id = ?`, [
        name, country, id

export async function remove(id: string) {
    return await client.execute(`DELETE FROM user WHERE id = ?`, [id]); 

Try it on POSTMAN.

Follow me on twitter

Source code: GitHub

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Top comments (5)

aminnairi profile image

Hi there,

I noticed you were using Deno and some other Docker images. Why not take the leap and use Deno inside Docker for maximum portability?

Here is an image I made for this purpose:

karlodelarosa3 profile image
Karlo Dela Rosa • Edited

Hi! I already tried it, but I've decided to separate it for now for the sake of simplicity. I will try a full blown docker system in my next project. But I appreciate it! Thank you 🙂

aminnairi profile image

Noted. Good luck for your project!

sutin1234 profile image
thinny • Edited

fixed body not found

const body = await request.body({ type: 'json'});
const userInfo: UserInterface = await body.value;

karlodelarosa3 profile image
Karlo Dela Rosa

I will check this error. Thanks for noticing

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