If you want to Convert EDB to PST format then you can use this third party tool EDB to PST Converter Software that can Convert your EDB file to PST file without any data loss risk. This Software gives perfect accurate result and its convert every bit of data from Exchange EDB file to PST, EML, MSG, PDF and HTML formats. Free demo version is the best Option to check the performance of this software and where you can also save 30 emails per folder at free of cost.
Try this software free demo version from here: http://www.edb.ostintopstconverter.com/
Top comments (3)
The ConverterTools EDB to PST Converter is a popular tool for Exchange administrators and Outlook users to convert both healthy and damaged Exchange EDB files to PST. It recovers all EDB items, such as emails, attachments, contacts, calendars, tasks, and notes, and saves them in formats like Outlook PST, Office 365, MSG, PDF, EML, MBOX, TXT, RTF, and HTML. The tool supports EDB files from all versions of the Exchange Server.
To convert EDB to PST one can use a third-party tool. Sysinfo EDB to PST Converter is the best and most reliable tool to convert the EDB to Outlook PST format. The software converts corrupt EDB files to PST or Save to MSG, PDF, MSG Unicode, EML, MBOX, TXT, RTF, and HTML formats. It allows users to convert all the mailbox items like Emails, Calendars, Contacts, Tasks, Notes, and Journals with 100% precision.
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