Let's help get some fresh talent in the industry. Help out another person by checking for spelling, grammar, making sure their resume is easy to re...
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Would love some feedback on mine.
I have a website version that uses Print CSS to adjust down to a printer friendly version.
My thought was that since I'm trying to get a web design/development job having a resume website would be kinda cool and nifty that I can just print off a copy, wherever I am.
Perfect resume because its form itself speaks to your area of expertise. It paints you as having very specific skills, and that's usually a good thing. While a narrow focus can mean some people will not respond, it means that you will hook the ones who ought to respond.
Thank you for the kind words. That's definitely what I was going for. I'm trying to get a job making websites, so why not have my resume be a website? Most places only have an upload field for the resume, but then I can just go there, print off a fresh copy as a PDF and upload it.
Hi Jack.
I like the look of this immediately, but there are a couple of things I would change:
I really like the way you talk about "Professional Highlights" and "Projects I'm Proud Of". This gives me the impression that you're selecting things you think will interest me as a prospective employer, rather than turfing out every project you've ever done. Saying you're proud of something and showing it off is also a great way to impress people.
I am loving the printed version. Really stands out compared to the 'wall of text' most resumes are these days. My only concern is the non-tech centric roles; but I have no suggestion on how to deal with that given your experience and how tightly coupled they are to the next step in career path.
OVerall, I am digging the design Jack. Well done.
Thanks for your feedback David. I was definitely trying to stand out with the design.
I've had a couple people mention having my time at Target on there. The only reason I included it was to prevent the "Why'd you take a year off?" question. I've read that having employment gaps isn't the end of the world, but if there's a gap and the answer is "Oh, I just worked at Target" that seems worse than not having the gap.
I love it, it's simple and beautiful
But in Hong Kong, the job hunter only Ctrl+F the exact word, didn't know what is that
They will ask do you know .net if you know C#
Finally, CV will become "Word Wall" :(
I love the interactive Website Jack.
Thanks Gareth!
Might just be me, but I always notice when a site doesn't have a favicon or has the wrong one such as the drupal one when they don't give their own. So I would say get a favicon. Looks nice otherwise.
Wow, this is impressive and you just graduated! NICE WORK!
One suggestion I have would be to get a little more detailed on some points to help you really stand out. It will also help people get a firm grasp on what you can do the more detailed you are. For example:
I am personally a big fan of tailoring my Resume. You have A TON of awesome skills, but sometimes that makes it a little overwhelming to read. When you are applying, look at the job description and maybe try to whittle down your Skills list to those that you think would be most important for the job. That way if someone is reading your resume they can easily see you have the skills they are looking for.
When I first graduated I also put some of the relevant classes I took under my education section. Something to think about if you want. I also added notes about any organizations I was involved in or led that I thought might convey I had skills the employer was looking for.
Did I mention I LOVE your font?! :D Keep crushing it!!!
I agree with all of this. Thatβs all I have to add. π
+1 to what Molly said, I wish I would had such experience to show when I graduated haha.
Definitely trimming down the skills to the most relevant for the job you're looking for is important.
OK, I'm going to poke as many holes in this as I can:
Consistency (i.e. evidence of attention to detail and caring about your presentation) is important.
Some of the skills are written as "Frontend - React, Vue, Bootstrap" and some as "Version control using git or svn". I'd recommend picking a style and sticking to it. Keep capitalisation consistent between technology names and use a dash to separate the label from the list instead of the word, "using". There's no reason for some lists to have "and" or "or" before the last item and some not to. I'd leave it out, because that makes the text look a little less dense on the page.
Lines like "provisioning of customer accounts in vendor systems" are pretty vague and look like filler to me. If I was interviewing you I'd maybe ask you to elaborate but I might make the assumption that you just put it in there to make the list have more than two bullet points.
Remember that when someone (well, someone like me) looks at a CV we're noticing the weakest parts and we're thinking that if the candidate included that bit, it's because they couldn't come up with anything better. The best CVs make it look like the candidate had just shown us some examples of how good they are, leaving the reader to imagine that everything else they've done is up to the same standard.
This is the most interesting line in your CV:
Instead of that I might choose to write this:
Obviously it depends what you did and that might not be completely accurate anymore, but I'm trying to put the emphasis on you doing something. I'm also trying to avoid contractions like "/yr" and words like "utilize" which make things sound buzzwordy. I've also changed the voice so instead it's not so passive and it's more about you. I know some people say that you shouldn't use words like "I" too often in your CV, but, well, I don't agree :P
I don't think you need to include the heading on every page1. Reviewers are probably either going to be reading this on their screen or on a printout that they're bringing to the interview, so they're not going to get anything mixed up. This means you get more space on the page to sell yourself and you don't need to use titles like, "... continued".
The Education section seems padded compared to the rest, because it's spread out with extra line spacing and includes irrelevant information. When I read things like "August 29, 2018" I think, "why do I care what day you graduated?" It's also inconsistent with the way you write dates for the work experience.
I think this covers everything for that section:
The classes you mention will already be covered by your skills list... except I notice they aren't. You thought it was important enough to mention that you learned C++, but it's not something you list in your skills. My interviewer brain asks, "did you fail that course?"
I could also suggest you shorten the skills section to just include the skills relevant to the position for which you're applying. Maybe you could keep a copy of this "master" CV and let it flow over a few pages. Knock yourself out with writing this copy but trim it down for each role you apply for by removing things that don't matter.
Maybe change the heading "Work Experience" to "Relevant career history" or something2 because "work experience" is a phrase associated with people interning or still in education, and might put people off who just glance at the document.
It looks like you have a lot to offer, all I'm suggesting really is that you tidy it up a bit.
yes, I know you only have two; I'm being wildly general. β©
that's terrible, too, makes you sound like a robot. But I can't do better before my morning coffee! β©
Here is my CV I would like to hear what you think about it and what should I change to make it better :)
Thanks for this opportunity!
HOLY awesomeness! I can't believe you have done all of that and you are only 23!
Now I am not sure what it is like when applying to other companies outside of the US but here is my feedback if you were applying to US companies.
Overall, make sure you are only putting on the CV what the employer needs to know about you to ensure you can do the job they are hiring for. You have so many awesome accomplishments but not necessarily all of them should be on a CV and not necessarily all of them will be relevant for the job you are applying for.
Hope that helps!!!
Hi Molly, thank you for taking the time to check my CV and give feedback! Yes, luckily I could do a lot of things during 2017 and 2018 that helped me to have some accomplishments in my CV after graduating from the university.
I applied to almost all companies in Europe, but I will definitely take your advices to improve it. I didnβt realize on putting classes/subjects that were related to the job I applied, will do that and take out my high school degree.
Also I will polish the other sections to make the CV shorter and better!
Thanks again!
Hi Santiago.
I like your CV, and there's not much I'd change. This is therefore mostly a proofreading!
"What I expect about a company" sounds a little odd - if not a little entitled - to a native English speaker. I might say, "What I am looking for in a company" instead.
The same with beginning sentences with, "also" which is a very European thing to do. "Also I worked" reads better as "I also worked" or even simply "I worked".
There's no need to say "During my internship" in the section which is headed "Research internship". Remove that phrase and get a bit more space to write in more achievements.
I'd reverse the order of your sections to something more like Skills -> Job history -> Education -> Publications... because honestly, once you have any job experience, people stop caring about what you learned at university or school. First eyes on the page will likely be HR people or recruitment agents who are scanning for keywords1
You don't need to list your references on your CV (at least not in the UK, I don't know what it's like elsewhere) as it's understood that you will be asked for them if and when your CV generates enough interest to get you to an interview. Leaving them off saves you space you can use to expand on your skills. If you still feel you need this section, I'd suggest you remove the introductory paragraph ("The people listed below...") since it's unnecessary.
As to that, the intro text to the "Technical Skills" section is also unnecessary. This section and the references section are the only places you use this style. It looks a little odd pressed up against the bullet list and doesn't add any information to the document.
I'd rename "Extracurricular training" to "Training" or put it in the education section. I'd also rename "Technical skills" to "Skills". If you do that, then all the labels on the left-hand side of the document will fit on a single line, which in my opinion will make the page look neater.
I'd work on the margins, too - your name in the heading and some of the dates (see: "February 2018 - May 2018") are pressed up too close to the side of the page for comfort, and they make the whole thing look a little ragged.
Welcome to the world of Javascript === Java. β©
Thank you very much Ben, for giving me such a good feedback! I really appreciate the time you took in checking my CV. I will change the writing to make it more clear and improve de margins (I totally agree that they donβt look very well)
Don't know how it is in Europe but normally one page is ideal here in the US. Also the gray background would make this a pain to print out I would think. Content wise looked okay though!
If I can give my two cents, I studied in London and got some pretty awesome CV tips when doing my master.
The recommendation there is also that your CV should fit in one page. My guess is that other countries in Europe are also like that - so research the country's "CV Rules" before you apply. :)
I would also tell you that over there you don't need and actually shouldn't include your picture.
Thanks for your feedback! I will need to summarize if I apply to jobs in US (though 2 pages wasnβt to much). Regarding the background you are right, although I like how it is in digital format, if I need to print it is inconvenient with that colours.
Glad my feedback was helpful. I can't design for shit but I can critique. :P
I think it does look good digitally but is bad for print. The problem with that though is if I get a digital copy, I'm not going to look for a print copy. I'm just gonna be sad.
Totally agree with that haha!
Hello guys, thanks for this thread. I'm trying to get my third job in software engineering, precisely in the front end side of things. Here is a link to my CV, drive.google.com/file/d/1MzAdhjT__.... Thanks in advance for any feedback. Appreciated
Hi Alexander.
I have mostly presentational tips for this one:
Your intro paragraph is important but it reads slightly clunkily:
I suggest a couple of minor tweaks:
I'm not sure how to rephrase the "passion" part and sill keep it in the same voice as the rest of the paragraph, and I'm worried that putting too many things in that opener will make it less punchy.
Hope this helps!
Hello Ben,
Thanks so much for the feedback. I am so grateful for the time you took to go through my resume and give this detailed feedback. It really means a whole lot to me. I will go over your recommendations, suggestions, and advice and follow suit accordingly. Once again thank you and do have a nice day ahead.
Alexander Nnakwue
Overall feels professional just that I would changes the following. Firstly it's the amount of titles for packt publishing find one title that you wrote down and stick with it. Lastly I would remove the word intern from Sparkplug. Since I won't consider someone a intern when they you had graduated from university and had been working with them for 3 years after they had graduated, that is not a internship but full time work.
Wow. Thanks for the tip Max. I really appreciate the feedback. Thanks again. Regards
I second that view. Nicely constructed CV that gets to the point. Just remember to adjust and highlight particularly impactful experience based on the position/company you are applying, youβll do just fine!
Thanks Michelle. I will take in your feedback and implement accordingly. Regardsπ€π€
I think your CV is pretty solid, nothing to say :D
I see you freelanced at Packt Publishing, I reviewed a couple of books for them ages ago!
Thanks for the feedback rythms, feels good to hear. Yes I freelanced with Packt a while back. Also doing same with Appress ATM.
Firstly, you have it to 2 pages, which apparently is the magic CV number! I absolutely love the font and style. Its crisp and clean and you can glance the skills quickly and easily.
I really like this, I would interview you.
I can't express how amazing of an opportunity this is!
Feel free to tear apart my resume. I value any feedback!
I am a student that is searching for internships, trying to leverage my current experience.
Thank you to anyone that is able to give me advice/feedback :)
Hello another iOS Developer :D
I like the beginner to advance ranking. I also like the breakdown all your experience.
Just a reminder that any tech you list is interview-fair game, so make sure you are in fact comfortable with what you list and can answer questions about it. Next, position your skills for the job you want, not the job you have. You have a lot of various experience and I would encourage you to think about where you want to take it. Good luck!!
I couldnβt agree more, thank you so much! Iβm in a tough position, because Iβm a DevOps intern currently and I love it so much, but I practice iOS development in my free time so Iβm trying to find an internship that would see my DevOps experience as valueable, but I agree on what you said because I donβt want to seem wishy washy.
Thank you so much for your advice, itβs always exciting meeting other iOS people!
Devops is valuable anywhere you go!! If nothing else than to provide insight into the whole process. It's always tuff getting started, my comment was primarily something to keep in mind as you go further into your career.
One thing that blew my mind.
How did you give yourself 5 stars (100% knowledge) on Atlassian Suite(Jira/Confluence)?
I am pretty sure even the main contributor/creators don't have the 100% knowledge of the product.
I hadnβt thought about it like that, I agree completely. Thanks!
Hi Bailey,
I would add a few thoughts...
First of all, I come from the school of thought that you highlight your most impactful item based on where you are - your most impactful is eduction at the moment. There are definitely different camps on this one, but I would swap.
I would also put a small (read sentence at most) intent at the beginning to direct the resder you are interested in an internship in x, y or z. I think that could help drive reality.
Love the visual on the left. Hope you have the career you want in tech!
It's a marvellous idea @kaydacode
And here's my resume. Would love to get some feedback :)
I am python, javascript engineer and I am trying to land a remote job as backend developer.
1) for your skills at the bottom, how are they ordered? It doesnβt feel obvious looking at it. Either make sure theyβre listed from strongest to weakest, or just list them alphabetically. Alphabetical listing makes it look less haphazard.
2) anywhere you can, add numbers. I know from your resume that you worked on apps. Refactored some controllers. How big were the apps? Did you have to deal with concerns of scale? How many controllers did you refactor? When you say βalmost allβ that could be three or fifty depending on the size of the app. When you implemented caching for an app, what kind of performance gains did you see?
Thankyou for the feedback Jess :)
Currently I have listed my skills in the order of strongest to weakest but since the intent is not easily visible, I'll try experimenting with alphabetical ordering or a small hint denoting the strongest to weakest order.
And I definitely agree with you that I will add numbers to measure each metric, builds a clear picture.
Hello Shashank; your looks pretty impressive. Very well filled out and the sections are well separated. I like that you list the tech used during each position. The one issue that really stings is the capitalization. Python, Docker, etc should be upper case. Also, add the months to to the employment dates. At the moment it looks like you work at each place for exactly 1 year.
Good luck in your search.
Hey David, thanks for the wonderful feedback :D
I'll add capitalisation for key words and adding months is a very valid point, I'll incorporate that too. Thanks again.
Great idea, thanks! Definitley will take advantage of this.
Here's my resume I just updated it, so it may be lacking of some things.
Warning: since I'm not a native english speaker I may have spelling errors. Any kind of feedback is welcome :D
Hi Miguel,
really love your intro and your goals, you have a strong CV.
A few notes:
I'm not sure about listing udemy's or udacity's courses in your CV, you've already established you're self taught, unless you have a certificate or something there's no need to list the courses.
I was aware of one of those spelling errors, they're quite embarrasing... Thanks for pointing them out!
I'll reconsider about mentioning the online courses, maybe they don't really give more value to my resume.
Thanks a lot for taking the time to read it and provide feedback, I really appreciate it!
Great idea!!!
Here's the link to my resume. I hope everyone feel free to give any feedback, as I really need it!
Thanks to everyone!
reminder anything technology wise you include make sure you're ready to be interviewed in it.
I would prefer a more skim-able approach. By that I mean, less wordy, straight to the point especially under your experience. What languages did you use? Why were you an asset to the team? What did YOU accomplish? Do you have any measurements (lowered load time by 3 seconds, for example).
For someone with over 10 years experience I'd love to see more elaboration under your experience.. might as well finish filling out that last half of page :)
Under technical skills, you have an extra / in front of React.
Personal preference to move experience before education.
Overall looks good, I think some minor updates would really be beneficial. Good luck!
Hello Kim!
I'm so glad to receive your feedback! Now, I'm going to review and consider your advices!
Thank you so much!!
I was about to create a post to get feedback on my resume and then I saw this one! Awesome..
Here's my resume! Honest feedback will be must appreciated!
Hi Shahriar,
a few things:
In your skills you mix frameworks in the programming languages section (Angular?) and frameworks in the markup languages section (Bootstrap)? If the section is "programming languages" just list programming languages and then do a section for the major frameworks you know. Also, AJAX is neither :D So:
Also, swap the order of the experiences. Always put the most recent first, that's the most important while scanning a CV. Same for the awards at the end, most recent first :-)
You are doin a Master in CS, unless this CV is for academic reason I don't think you need to list all the courses you attended at your Bachelor (because the fact that you're doing a Master tells me you're quite knowledgeable in computer science alreay). It also saves you a lot of space in the CV.
Good CV!
here is my resume please take a look at it and give me some advice, thanks in advance.
Hi, I think it's a solid resume, congrats.
Just a few small details in the copy that would make it even better
a quick rundown:
In the description: "Software engineer student specialize in..." should be "Software engineering student specialized in..."
In the skills section, capitalization is not hugely important but trivial copy errors can be corrected:
"IOS" to "iOS", "swift" to "Swift", "nodejs" to "Node.js" (or "Node JS"), "Sql" to "SQL", "NoSql" to "NoSQL", "SqlLite" to "SQLite", "Mysql" to "MySQL", "javascript" to "JavaScript", "java" to "Java", "html" to "HTML", "css" to "CSS". You either put everything in lowercase, which make sense because the styling looks like they are "tags" or you use the proper capitalization for each word. But don't mix it, your choice.
Same thing for the experience, things like "api" instead of "API" or "angular 5" instead of "Angular 5" or "Ads" instead of "ads". "RESTapi" should be "REST API".
"and using Adobe framework (flash,photoshop,illustrator)" should be "and using the Adobe suite (Flash, Photoshop, Illustrator)".
Same thing in the experience section. "Google play" should be "Google Play" and so on. Basically google all the names of the tools and use the capitalization they use :D
"this game made until now 200k+ downloads in windows store" should probably be rephrased as "This game as made 200k+ downloads as February 2018", replace it with the month and year of the last time you checked :) Because "now" is a moving date.
"i used Ionic 2" should have a capitalized "I" as in "I used".
In the volounteer experience you use the present tense, but the experience was in the past, so I would rewrite that paragraph using the past tense. Something like: "My role consisted in supervising all IT staff and creating events and trainings related to new technologies inside and outside the university. I also worked on the communication and advertising of such events, in addition to social media."
They are all trivial changes, that's why they are worth getting right. They polish your resume.
Also, make sure the links are clickable if you send this around as a PDF or in a web page or in a presentation format.
Good job so far!
Thank you for you advice, i was posting for internships and entry level jobs with this resume but i didn't get any luck i get rejected from the first selection. thought that my resume is the problem but after what you said now i don't know what is wrong :p
Hi, guys I'll be graduating soon(hopefully π) my pdf CV is at ameerhamzariaz.github.io
I would love feedback on how to improve it to stand out. Thanks
Your page looks great - I would still recommend having a PDF (maybe even reflect the design elements you have here). Most managers and recruiters will print and email resumes around, so make sure it's printer friendly. Nothing says you can't have both :)
Hi Kim, the webpage already has the link to download resume as PDF.(I'll try to make it more visible) btw here is the link. Let me know what you think. ameerhamzariaz.github.io/src/Ameer...
Can you help me make my github page look this good?!!! haha
This looks pretty slick. When you put it on paper make sure you can fit it on a single page. You might be able to do without some of your early education if you find yourself running short of room. Also consider tailoring it for the job. If you are applying for a front end job make sure all the design stuff is front and center. If you are applying for a backend position then make sure that relevant is prominent.
Keep crushing it :D
Thanks Molly for your sweet comment. It's true I am still trying to figure out what I want to do when I graduate. That's why I did my semester projects on different platforms/techs.
Which lead to another problem being "Jack of all trades master of none". Hopefully something would zing eventually.
Thanks once again :)
Having a broad skill set to start out is great bc then you can really choose what you enjoy. I started out as a full stack dev and then over a few years transitioned to exclusively the backend bc I realized that is what I enjoyed the most!
I know I'm probably late in trying to get into the field since I graduated in May 2018, but I would really appreciate feedback on my resume and portfolio website.
Thank you!
Love the layout -
reminder any technology you list be prepared to interview in. Otherwise, focus on what you want your job to be in.
Is it correct that you're doing Data Analytics Apprentice and Mainframe Production Support Analyst at the same time? Both point to present.
Only real suggestion would be to add a line under each position what tech you worked in.. just a high level summary. I think it's great that you elaborated to fill out the page. When you get more experience, definitely focus on making it skim-able.
Why do you think you're late? You just started, that's perfectly fine!
Like the resume :) Good idea of listing what you've worked on in each position
Haha I just feel like I haven't done too much in terms of software development so far in the last 3 years!
Thank you so much! Is there anything that you'd suggest that I modify/change?
Nope :D
Oh what a great thread.
I've never had my resume reviewed before but I've never gotten any complaints about it either.
I would love some feedback: Jemima's resume
Please take everything with a grain of salt and decide for yourself if you agree with it or not :)
My personal preference would be to not have two columns. For me it makes it harder to scan and or read in the order you want me to read it in. Is EDUCATION really the most important thing on here? Or should it be EXPERIENCE? Hard to say with multiple columns.
Skills. You list JavaScript in FE Development, but break Python and C# out into Programming Languages (instead of BE Development). I'd consider consolidating the sections (particularly UX and UI) and perhaps move the individual Tools into their respective categories. Less headers may result in the skills themselves carrying more weight.
Experience... The 2nd/3rd descriptions read almost the same. Creating mockups and wireframes. See if you can't break those out to distinguish. Perhaps mention the applications used? Or maybe size/number of customers, or something else. I guess that, at least for me, "UI/UX Designer" implies mockups and usability so the descriptions aren't adding anything.
I would move the last three (teacher, trainer) into their own section... "VOLUNTEERING" maybe? I love that section, but it feels odd in Experience which I think of as more "jobs" and the dates don't let it work well chronologically.
Last thing.. If I print this only then do I see your name, website, email, and phone. Might just be my Safari, but seems odd not to have it there all the time.
Hi Philip,
Thanks so much for the detailed response.
I've made some changes to my resume and I'd love to get some feedback from you on the new look.
Once again, thanks
I like it! Did you add the PROFILE or did I somehow miss it completely from last time? Either way I really like it. Nitpick, spell out "2 years" as "two years." It will read better.
I'm still inclined to merge the UX and UI skill categories together, but that's just me.
I think the one column setup really makes it easier to read as you intend me to read it.
I just added the profile.
Right, I've done the merge.
Thanks so much :D
I'm a senior dev, but been in the same job for 14 years, haven't written a CV in that time, but being made redundant in March next year. Anyone want to give a glance at mine?
I will provide feedback for others as well.
Post it! Why not. Lol
Post it!
Definitely! Would probably help others who might be looking to make a change after being at the same place for a while.
I didn't get any feedback on thread on twitter, would like to try my luck here anyway...
Here are the links to my resume and portfolio. Would love to have some feedback!
Hey Shrey!
This definitely got out of control lol - thanks for posting again.. I'm trying to (slowly) go through and catch any that fell through.
I like the layout, make sure it's printer friendly and in b&w.
Your bullet points are incomplete sentences, which I prefer, but remove the . from the end of each line.
With your experience are there any metrics you can pull out of what you were able to contribute?
Each of your projects point to - present. Maybe remove that if you're just in maintenance mode and only have the established date.
reminder: any tech skills you list are fair game to be interviewed about. Be ready if you list them :)
Thanks for your patience.
Hey kim, thanks for the review. As I just an intern, so there aren't any metrics that I can include, coz I don't know the scale of impact of my contributions.
I will definitely work on the project section!
May want to tweak your resume to a read-only-public link. It's asking for permission now...
Fixed it!
I am a WordPress developer from the past one year. I am quite interested in Front end development using HTML, CSS ,Javascript,jQuery and other. I am looking for a job in this field only. This is website prachipweb.co.in. please review it.
Your website is really beautiful, but there is something that could send a wrong message and be detrimental.
The first time your website is loaded, that is to say without cache, there is a loading bar at the top.
All is well, and I was pretty excited to discover why I was asked to wait.
The loading went on for a few seconds and then I just saw a regular page that didn't make me understand at all why there was a loading.
It seems unnecessary and my knee jerk reaction was
This person doesn't care about their craft
Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm not assuming anything but since it was my initial reaction I'm thinking I won't be the only one and losing a recruiter's interest for such a detail would be a shame.
No I wont mind. You correcting the fault and that is a big help. I will fix it. Thanxx
Your website is SLICK!!! I like what you did with the %'s and the skills, that is a neat touch. I would assume that the left is beginner and right is mastery. You might want to put a little key on that just so people know what the scale is measuring.
For the CV itself.
Hope that helps :)
Thank you so much.. I will make these changes .
Looks "Work Experience continuedβ¦" not needed on page two. In my experience hiring managers want to see the skills used in each role. Don't be surprised if you get that request. Otherwise, not bad. I'd talk to you.
I have a lot to learn but I've already begun to apply for jobs. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Heres my resume
It requires permission to access your resume.. Also, maybe I am old school but I would go with a simple PDF.
Fixed. It is a PDF.
good... I had a look and I miss some links to other services like LinkedIn, StackOverflow, your personal website if you have any..
Maybe some hobbies would be good or something that will tell people what kind of person you are.
Also, have in mind that people can have a plan to print your CV to a paper so they would print it also with the grey background so I am more for a white background, but that's just mine opinion.
Wish you best :-)
Thanks so much for your helpful feedback.
Hello, Here is my Resume/CV. I welcome any feedback
You have a lot of great experience on here but due to that and some of the other sections it is a bit long. I would highly suggest getting it down to 1 page. I think if you change your formatting a bit plus remove a few things it would probably be easier than you think.
Formatting: Right now the section headers like EDUCATION and then the bullets under them are all the same size which makes the section not really stand out. For example look at @turfaa's resume here. See how the sections are very obvious, try for something like that.
Experience: If you are not going into hardware I think you could remove Lambert Electromec. and Karim Enterprises and focus on the software experience. OR make those two jobs a little smaller by paring down the list of things under them. Overall you want to make sure you are conveying that you have the skills that the employer is looking for so anything that doesnt add to that you can get rid of. I would also move this to the top followed by Education.
Education: Good
Skills: move these up so they are under experience or education. Then I would put extra curricular activities/projects under this.
References: Rather than list these out I would save some space and just write "References available upon request"
Overall you have a lot of really neat experiences on here but make sure to only use what will be relevant to the job you are applying for. If you focus your resume it will be a lot easier for people to see that you are a fit for the job.
Hope that helps!!!
Thank you very much.
Hello Molly,
I have made some edits on it can you take another look? Thanks.
Looks so much better!!! I love that you can tell where each section starts and ends. I would still work on getting it to one page. Bullet points like:
Up under experience I think you could be more detailed still
Feel free to checkout my post Resume Writing Tips as you are editing it :)
Thank you very much Molly. For some reason I find it difficult to bring it down to a page. But I'll keep trying as time goes on.
This reflects the latest set of changes.
this is an amazing idea,
here's my resume:
I am not that junior, kind of in the mid-level.
but I would love some feedback on my resume .. tried my best following best practices .. but I'm sure i messed up some where π
oh! and btw, English is my second language, my primary language is Arabic. So I very much welcome language comments as well
Love the formatting of you resume, it's very neat. I have a few thoughts that might help tighten it up.
Hope that helps!
This really helps @Molly.
Thanks a lot for taking the time to review it, I appreciate this.
Here's mine. I could definitely use some help with it. I'll have recruiters reach out to me, but I never seem to get past an initial conversation.
This looks pretty good! If you have recruiters reaching out to you that probably means you are doing something right!
My one piece of advice would be that you have a couple of details under "Ameripride Linen & Apparel Services" that seem less relevant to finding a dev job.
β’ "Support the service department by tracking and reporting Customer Service..."
β’ "Coordinated with Apparel Center to enter new garment orders in a timely manner..."
Maybe remove those so the dev points stand out more.
Another piece of advice I have is that if a recruiter doesn't move forward with you ask why. Tell them you would love feedback so you know what to work on in the future. Couldn't hurt to ask!
Hope that helps :)
Thank you.
I think they reach out to me because I have Java on my resume, but end up ghosting or dropping communication with me because I don't have enough relevant or recent experience.
As for those two points, those were a major part of my job. It wasn't a dev role, and neither is my current one, really.
Hi everyone ,I am a 2nd yr CSE undergrad from India.
Here is my resume
Here is my github profile
Here is my linkedin profile
Since I don't have much experience. So plz give your feedback so that I can make my resume attractive and eye-catching for recruiters which will help me and also plz give your feedback on my github and linkedin profile.
Note: Ignore 2nd page (blank page).
Thanks @Kim Arnett for such a awesome topic.
You have a lot of whitespace and while it is VERY neat, dont be afraid to fill that up with some juicy details about what you did. Brag a little bit :) That will help people doing the hiring get a firm grasp on what you know and what you are capable of.
Hope that helps!!!
Thanks a lot @Molly Struve for giving feedback on my resume. Surely update that.You are the first person who has given me feedback on my resume since it was my first resume. I will keep in my mind these points.
This thread is so great that it needs its own app or to exists as a feature of dev.to
here is my Resume . It's kind of fresher's CV as I'm still searching new job and my work experience timeline is not much. So that, I had to put my project details.
I value any feedback :)
you have a lot of contact info up top - I would only use 1 or 2 most important links. Like if your website links to the others, only use your website. Also make a little larger, looks tiny compared to your body text.
remove " from about
I like the layout
would recommend references be a separate page available on request, also try to get a couple more. Teachers, employers, coworkers etc.
Would like to see one page. See if you can reconfigure some things, remove projects that don't pertain to what you want to do, or only list the most relevant ones. OR move projects to a separate page so it's all in one place.
Thanks for suggesting. I will modify :)
Would love to have some feedback on my resume. π
Link - drive.google.com/open?id=1aVLMrrJk...
And here's a link to my website where I have put up my work hackertronix.com
Thanks to the community for this initiative
Love the portfolio site Prateek! The little Star Wars heads popping up is a nice touch. It's missing the link to your CV.
Yea I didn't add my resume on the site, but that's a good suggestion... You can download my resume from here drive.google.com/open?id=1aVLMrrJk...
Well I thought I had submitted my resume yesterday, but it didn't go through :|
Hope I'm not that late. thanks in advance for your time
Here is my resume Johnny Fang
would love to see more elaboration on your projects...
"especially in the legal department where they struggling to respond to their users on the required time." Great but how??
anything in skills is fair game to be interviewed on so make sure you're comfortable with what's listed or leave it off. Use separate lines for proficient / familiar. hard to follow in single line format.
projects could probably be included under employment. helps connecting the two and not read like those are your side projects. Would like to see more elaboration, like I said above.
Kim Thanks for the feedback!!!
Hey! Thanks a lot for making this post :)
I'm new to this community and totally loved it how devs here are helping each other out by giving such detailed reviews in comments. Kudos to all of you!!!
Here's the link to my resume. Would really appreciate any feedback and/or suggestions for the changes that need to be done.
Update: New edited resume after making all the suggested changes.
Welcome to Dev!
remove background color from body - should be black on white and make sure your green headers are b&w printer friendly and readable. Margins are also really small, so it may cut off also.
I'd like to see more elaboration under projects or experience rather than community involvement. Currently that's the bulk of your resume, which I don't think is your intention. Is still a very good thing and definitely deserves to be mentioned - not just in such depth.
again, more elaboration on your projects. what tech did you use for each, did you work with others? overcome and challenges? etc.
Thanks a lot for your inputs, @kaydacode ! :D
I've tried to make all the changes that you suggested and have updated the link as well.
Here is my resume I would like to hear what you think about it and what should I change to make it better :)
Thanks for this opportunity!
Here's mine. It's a little bit outdated, I've just graduated yesterday and learned a few new skills that aren't listed. I also have a portfolio.
I Welcome any feedback! π.
Hi Moutaman! I would switch the sections:
Now that you've graduated probably you don't need the intro.
I would expand on what you're working on now that you're freelancing.
You can't have years of work experience by definition but you can tell what you're doing and learning.
Don't lose your focus and drive, that comes out a lot from your CV.
As others have suggested up in the comments, remember to tailor your CV towards who's the employer. If your strenghts are PHP and Node, maybe lose the "experienced in Java", especially if you're not that interested in doing that. Your knowledge of Android (use upper case for the first letter) development is already a good bonus. I would also remove the first two core skills, because they are implied by the CV
If you can fit everything in 2 pages instead of 3 it's even better!
Good luck
portfolio link is broken :(
Hello guys, just joined this community and this kind of posts make me feel very happy.
I would like to attach my CV if someone could give me some feedback on it: drive.google.com/uc?id=1jcYufxb6P9...
Thank you!
Welcome to Dev!
RΓ©sumΓ©e -> ResumΓ© -- And I would leave this off. Chances are no one is going to read it - people want to see what skills and experience you have easily so they can make a quick decision to move forward to go to the next resume. Doesn't mean you can't also include a cover letter when you apply which will closely match the job posting to your skills and makes it personal.
If anything use a career objective - 1 or 2 sentences.
Thank you very much for the review and response Kim, very kind of you!
Apologies for the late answer!
This makes me so happy!!! Love being able to pay it forward :D
After helping a bunch of people with their resumes I was inspired to put together a blog post of resume tips based on the most common pieces of advice I have been giving out. Hope you all find it useful!!!
Great idea but Can I post my portfolio?
BTW Here's my portfolio
I donβt think anyone will mind. π
Iβm looking at your portfolio on mobile. The look is clean, Iβd say my biggest concern is that there is a lot of stuff there. I felt like I was scrolling and scrolling and scrolling.
It may be possible to consolidate some of the info and/or shrink some graphic and text to make the whole thing a bit more skimmable.
Why on earth have you spoken at TEDx and I can't find a single link to the talk on your website :P ?
I would have it at font 72 with yellow background and tags around it.
It looks great! The only thing I would change is the blur effect on hover in your work examples.
Love the "FBI-SURVEILLANCE" WiFi network on the Linux Desktop Demo :D.
Wow, awesome topic!
Here is my LaTeX RESUME. I fixed it with CVCompiler to be more DevOps/Python directed, and I would love to get some feedback from you :)
I would increase the font size a bit.
I have a few corrections: "automation at heart" instead of "automation in heart", and "work with experienced software developers" without the "an".
You currently work at Nokia, so you should probably change the label of the section, maybe to something like "Experience" or "Employment history". Previous sounds like "something I used to do but I don't do anymore"
"Scrum master" (without "as additional activity" which is implied) and "since April 2018" instead of "from April".
Instead of saying "mothertongue" you can simply write "native" or "native speaker" in the parenthesis.
"Some of this projects are just one file scripts, and some of them from script becomes a stand alone projects." <- I would totally remove this sentence. It doesn't add value, we all have scripts around. You listed two projects and that's fine.
There are few other corrections incoming, sorry :D
"YouTube to MP3 converter with adding tags" -> "with added tags", or just "with tags"
"Remake of old game with simple GUI" -> "Remake of an old game with a simple GUI"
"attendee on conferences" -> "at conferences"
The last sentence (the one about personal data) keep it optional because it might not mean anything depending on the legislation of the country the company hiring you is in.
Ow.. Thanks for your comment, I will change my CV as soon as possible :) Now I see that not technical skills but english is something I should work with ;)
Ah ah I'm in the same boat, I'm not an english native speaker either
I'm a bit new to the industry and I'm using the generated linkedin resume for now :/ but I want to hear some tips of how to make it better, any feedback is greatly appreciated!
I didnt know Linkedin had that feature, neat!
You are definitely going to want to put some details under your Experience section. What did you do as an intern? What languages did you use? As a self employed web developer what have you been working on? Do you have any projects? When I first started I worked on my own project for 3 months which is basically how I learned to code. Then when I interviewed I talked a lot about that project and even gave demos on how it worked. It worked out awesome.
For your boot camp put some details about things you worked on, projects you did, languages that you learned etc. All these extra details will really help people get an idea about what you know and if you are a good fit for the job.
Hope that helps!!! :D
I just found out about it too, I do plan to add more to what I did as an intern and I want to create some projects that I will be proud to show off, as for my self-employed part the projects I worked on are not online anymore but it's no biggie, thanks for the tips!
Lol - your resume is more impressive than mine, and Iβve at this for a minute.
While your layout is pretty fancy looking, as a hiring manager, it more leans towards βhard to skimβ than βstands out in a good wayβ
Some of your more impressive projects on the right sidebar get lost.
I would add... your resume is visually appealing - big win, makes me want to read it! Love the brevity of a one pager.
My feedback would be remove βIβ and make it more action oriented. Instead of I implemented - just say implemented x. βIβ can send the message that you donβt value βthe teamβ when thatβs likely not your intent.
Truly enjoyed format.
Ok, my turn. This is my resumè.
I'll appreciate any feedback :)
remove blue background from body text. Too difficult to read and probably not printer friendly. Keep the body black on white - and try printing it out in b&w to make sure the shades of the header translate ok.
recommend not breaking experience over the two columns. Experience is more important than education after graduation. Maybe moving education and exposure to the right side will fit all experience on the left.
would like to see more elaboration on your current project. What tech are you using, how are you valuable to these projects? what big bugs have you saved from going into production etc.
Sorry for the late reply, but thank you for your feedback. I'm going to update my CV
Hi, here's my resume. If anyone would be kind enough to give feedback on this, I'll wait with apprehension... π
Like the format and the fact that is a one page CV
(I wouldn't put my phone number in the CV)
One thing I would ask you is "what does it mean that you pioneered the development of a distributed DB" ? Maybe you should expand on that or remove it if you can't for contractual reasons.
You seem strong on mobile development, maybe write more about which kind of problems you helped solve as an intern at CoLab (expand the two sections?)
Anyway, really good resume :)
Hello Good people of Dev.to community,
I think I too can absolutely benefit from your feedback on my resume.
Here is my Resume
Thank you Folks, looking forward to your feedback !
In case eyes are still on this thread, my resume is here. I've been having a really hard time getting past ATS software, even using optimization tech like Jobscan, so any critique would be really appreciated.
I know this is an old post but I'll give it a shot anyway. I'm a recent college graduate looking for entry level work. I hope to get some good criticism.My resume is:
Hi guys,
Here's my resume. I would love to hear some feedback on improving not only the resume but also some additional skills which are missing according to you for a software developer.
Check mine please,
regarding your CV .. I remember one HR once told me that it is good when your CV takes max 2 pages so it can be printed out to just one sheet of paper. So I would say.. you can make your CV shorter and move the content to your website.
Also, I checked your website and I like links to all those services - it shows that you have some experience already because you have this kind of ecosystem around you.
links work well, could you be more detailed?
And why did you put github page of someone else?
Ahh.. I am sorry .. deleting my comment right now as it is wrong and useless
pdf version of my resume. I also have it as a doc format and in portuguese since I live in Brazil.
I tried to describe my relevant experience and some context about the teams I worked at.
Nice! Just a minor correction: "automatic analyze" should be "automatically analyze". Not sure about listing git as a skill (in the sense that nowadays it's a given unless you're a junior junior)
Also make links clickable if you can, usually if you put the protocol (https://) links work. You save the recruiter time, they can click instead of copy and pasting.
Last detail, use the past tense for past positions. Instead of "our services has over 5M users" say "our services at the time had", same for the other verbs. You're already using the past in the list below that.
I don't know if it's still too late to post in this thread but would love to get feedback on my resume. I'm looking to land a job as a JavaScript Developer or Junior Web Developer.
Here is mine: gist.github.com/jimtryon/834a1169a...
I know that this is an old post. Can I still share my resume and get opinion of this amazing DEV community ? Though I am not a junior anymore but I am looking for a new job opportunity and it would be very helpful.
Wow, that's a great service! Have you thought to monetise it? I would also recommend to check the fullstackresume.com service where you could build your Full Stack Resume in less than 30 seconds. Instead of writing all the content by yourself the service will generate it for you based on your unique experience using the minimalistic A/B tested resume template! Alex.
Here's mine.
Any feedback is highly appreciated!
Old school, nice!
Just put the work experience at the top.
I would put stuff in this order: work experience, skills, education, awards and scholarship and then volounteering experience
I have a bit of a different perspective but thatβs the beautiful thing about these exercises! Also, remember itβs improtant to tailor your resume to the opportunity you are pursuing...
I like the old school vibe! I give advice to put your most impactful βexperienceβ at the top - for you at this moment, itβs your eduction. That will shift! Also, I would remove the line in the middle of each experience regarding positive feedback prior to departure and much like youβve seen in other feedbacks on here - add the βso whatβ instead. What business or technology outcomes resulted. That will be more impactful.
Great job representing yourself overall!
Great feedback! :-)
Great feedback from both of you! I really appreciate it.
So What if i am new to software development (switching career from an engineering based profession to software development) and I am still scouting for a developer job, How will my resume look like? can I get a sample?
If you are making a career switch I would assume you are doing some sort of bootcamp or working on your own projects to learn coding. You will want to highlight those and put them at the top of your resume. Then add any previous jobs that were outside of development, but when you are listing what you did make sure to highlight soft skills that will also be relevant to working in development. Things like team work, leading, time management, stuff like that.
Hope that helps! Good luck with the switch!
Those added details are PERFECT!!! It makes a huge difference :)
One other thing my Mom always told me was that when you are starting out you should have a one page resume and after 5-10 years then you can expand it to 2 pages. Anyone else have an opinion on that? Yours is 2 pages more bc of formatting so it might not matter. For those of you who are doing a lot of hiring, do you have any preconceived notions when you see a 2 page resume?
This is a great idea Kim.
I am new to the dev space.
Below is a link to my CV. Kindly have a look. Your feedback, please.
personal pet peeve but I don't like the indentation of the second column - wish it was a clean break all the way down.
anything in skills is fair game to be interviewed on so make sure you're comfortable with what's listed or leave it off.
leave off irrelevant work experience. Elaborate on your internships - what did you do, how did you help/contribute/make things better for the team.
Its a resume that ought to get you a call from someone looking for entry-level developers.
However, it does not give one a sense of what you do at your first job, in terms of technology etc. It's very abstract there. So, someone looking for meat, might not respond if s/he has many others to choose from, and those happen to be good matches, with some specifics.
Resume Link.
would love to get some feedbacks, suggestions, corrections.
Hi Pawan, don't use the third person in your CV, actually don't use the third person if you're writing about yourself :D
Instead of "thrives etc etc" write "I thrive in an environment that constantly embraces new technologies". It's also a double edged sentence to be honest, because although I perfectly understand what you mean (you like challenges and constant learning) you might also put off someone working at a large company that has an established stack (which is perfectly fine if you're not interested in working in such a company in the first place). Think about it, you're the only one that can know this.
"I am artistically inclined and creative person." -> "and a creative person"
"to drive my career as Product/Solution Architect" -> "as a product..."
"MongoDb" -> "MongoDB"
"Ruby Metaprogramming JavaScript" -> "Ruby metaprogramming, JavaScript"
What's OOPS? I say it because I don't know what it is and if I receive a CV like this I'm definitely going to ask you.
Keep the date range consistent, I know it's little stupid things but not having them is better. So don't mix "Aug 2018 - present" with "Aug 2017 To Aug 2018" with "Dec-2016 To july 2017" with "OCT-2015 To MAY-2016". If you notice they are 4 different ways to specify a date range. Choose one and stick to it. My favorite is "Aug 2017 - Aug 2018"
Make links clickable, if you put links in a CV I should be able to click and open the website.
In the personal information I would give you the same advice as the one I gave you about the intro: no third person.
Hope this helps
Hi I have updated the resume with your feedback. Please have a look
I think it's fine now! :-)
This is a great idea. I would appreciate any feedback on my resume. link
Thank you.
Hi Mohammed!
Here are a few thoughts I had about your resume.
Hope that helps!!!
Thank you Molly for taking the time and for the feedback.
Regarding the summery, I wrote this to make up for not having a solid job experience and because I was going to apply for a front-end Developer role, I thought it will be better to put the focus on my portfolio.
I will update the the things that you noted. Thanks again.
Hi Mohammed .. I would put there a full linkedin and github link .. if you print out the CV, you will see only icons..
I didn't think about that while choosing the icons. I will change it now.
Thank you Jan. I appreciate your feedback :)
I was looking for something like this since i am looking for an internship or an entry level job to validate my final year in college, lately i was getting alot of rejections and i think my resume is the reason.
here is here is my resume please take a look at it and give me some advice, thanks in advance.
This would be so welcome! I'm looking for my first web dev job in January, so any and all help getting this polished up would be excellent! Here's my resume!
Good luck!
love the layout.. make sure to print in b&w and make sure it still looks decent. I think you have enough contrast it should be fine.
rephrase "goal digger" as goal oriented, I re-read that 3 times as "gold digger" LOL. Also see if you can consolidate the last two sentences in your objective.. seems like you're saying very similar things.
personally I would move "projects" (drop side) before education - that's your relevant experience at this point. Also love that you've elaborated under your education on projects. Include any group projects or software development lifecycle you used also.
overall looks great!
This is such a great opportunity, thank you! Here's my CV, any feedback will be greatly appreciated!
Honestly my biggest critique would be that if feels a little busy with the two columns. It is nice that it is different but at first I wasnt sure where to look. You might want to consider a standard one column approach or research and find other two column resumes to see how they format it to make it easy to read. I am sure its doable I am just not a "design" person so I dont have any good suggestions.
Keep kicking butt!
Possible idea for cleaning separating two columns You can thank @loopdeez below for that one ;)
Heya all, I am a newbie stepping into the Software and DevOps Industry. Any feedback is welcome! Here are my links
Also, any help/tips in entering the DevOps industry would really help a lot π
Here's mine =)
links won't translate well on a printer which recruiters and managers use frequently.
for experience, elaborate more on what you've done - and I love that you broke out the tech stack for each one. It's ok to include links also - just include the full link so a hyperlink isn't necessary.
Keep experience tailored to the job you want, not the job you have. If something goes against what you want, leave it off.
Under abilities - I'd use the same rule. Anything you list is fair game to be interviewed on so make sure you're comfortable with what you list.
I like the order you've laid things out.
Great idea @kaydacode!
Ok, so here's mine!
To give y'all a bit of background:
I enjoy coding so much! It reminds me a lot of craftsmanship: idea => know-how => build it.
I've been interviewing for a first developer job these last three months and I've found it really tough. The technical level most companies (from 3-people startup to 200-people companies) ask for, makes it hard for people with no engineering background to pass through the loops. And I've seen several time people being slightly disappointed (on a technical level) when we met. So I thought that my resume might not tell the proper story (mine).
Would love your feedback and ideas on this!
This resume is HOT!!! Wow, I want to hire you to do mine. Perks of having a marketing background I guess :)
Since you are getting to the interview process thats probably a pretty good indication that your resume is doing what you need it to do. As for the interview, I have a couple thoughts that might help you.
I think companies that have solid mentorship programs will likely have a more doable and friendly interview process that I bet you could nail. Keep your head up, you seem like a solid Jr candidate to me and the fact that you love coding is half the battle. Nothing beats a hungry candidate ready to learn. Good luck!!!!
Thanks Molly for the kind words!
I completely agree with you about internships + asking for feedbacks. Internships are really something I'll look into next year.
This is an amazing idea! I welcome any feedback on my resume here, but just as a disclaimer - I'm still working on trying to get into a freelance opportunity/junior web developer job. My work is not all that impressive yet, so the freelance work has been tough to find. As a career changer, I'm not sure if this resume helps position me for opportunities in web development. Any tips/feedback is greatly appreciated!
Hi, here is my CV. I am graduating next year. Would love some feedback.
Thank you
Hi Turfa! Just a little detail:
Group your achievements by date, it would make sense to have the international one first if it was the most recent but it's something 3 years old so I would group them by year and that's it.
Finally, you have a typo: "url shorter" instead of "url shortener"
Great work!
Thanks for your feedback!
Hope you dont mind, I shared your resume with a candidate below as a great example for formatting :)
I'm more than happy. Actually I use template from Career Cup.
My design is too bad(I think).
Here is my resume link.
Leave references off, should be a separate page that is provided on request.
Instead of interest & hobbies I would encourage you to add a personal skill section of: Learning new things, teaching others, etc.
elaborate on what YOU did under your work experience, I like everything you've listed would just like to see your contributions.
revise career objective to one line - I think you said it best with:
I am an enthusiastic and passionate Java programmer who loves to learn and help others grow.
Thanks Kim for review my resume,
This is my updated resume link.
Good afternoon.
I'd appreciate any and all help that could be provided. I'm a recent graduate who got a low end job as a build engineer, but it's deeply lacking anything I desire in the software world. I wish to be a developer and currently I am doing nothing like what I desire.
Please follow attached link to see my current resume and I would appreciate any and all help.
Thank you!
Hello, Here is my CV/Resume. I welcome any feedback.
consolidate your personal information into 3 lines max. No double lines. Also use consistent formatting as you did in body text (not bolded).
can you elaborate more on your current position? Very generic.
you only graduated 2 years ago, you shouldn't have 3 pages. Elaborate more on recent and more reverent experiences, less so on older or less-relevant experience. Revisit lines with one word carried over, etc.
move experience before education now that you've graduated and have plenty of experience.
reference should be a separate page available on request.
leave off things that don't pertain to your job or being a good employee - make sure you feel comfortable with all things listed in skills as it's fair game to be interviewed on. Good luck!
I welcome any feedback on my resume π
I am looking to target Front-End Roles soon.
Probably just me, but if you own ceritakelly.com, why not setup an email address at that domain instead of gmail? iam@ceritakelly.com or cerita@ceritakelly.com. Not a big deal, but something I notice.
Skills. Find a way to not list HTML first. It's one of those that is almost implied by being a front end developer. I'd still put it on there, just not first. Your other skills are more important IMHO.
Why the 4 lines for skills? They appear to be grouped, but have no sections. What would happen if you just made it one long comma separated list? Might read easier.
PROJECTS is indented and uses a different format than the WORK HISTORY. Those should be consistent (personally I like the WORK HISTORY formatting).
Why no links to those projects? If they are available, it might be useful to see that.
EPEK says ".... using HTML and CSS" while Hexadecimal Clock says "...; HTML, CSS". Consolidate those.
UAT == I know what it means, but will others? I know you expand it above in skills, but might expand it here as well so it's easier to reason about.
Personal pet peeve is the first bullet point under Website Coordinator. It wraps, but loses the indent of the bullet.
Deployed over 3000+ ipads... can you talk more about the coordination there? Does it mean you simply handed them out? Or had to manage the entire project. The latter is much more interesting.
Why isn't Wordpress, Photoshop, Microstrategy, and Adobe Experience Manager in your skill list?
Thank you, Phillip!
I think JavaScript first would be good. Mostly I just don't think HTML should be first :)
As for skills, I get the point about redundancy. My concern would be if someone skims and/or simply skips to the skills section then they'll have missed those. Perhaps you could break out skills you used to use, but don't anymore. It's still interesting information.
your Resume layout is amazing can you tell me how can make like it ??
Here is my resume (drive.google.com/file/d/1CF89Wf_DU...). Any comments are welcomed.
The detail in this is incredible, nice work!!!
The only thing I would say is that I think the Experience section should go at the top, then skills, then education. I would personally save the summary statement for a cover letter or email that you send with the resume. I would also tailor it a bit depending on the job you are applying for. Other than that this is SUPER AWESOME.
also +1 for Elasticsearch on your resume!!! ;D
Here is my CV, any feedback is appreciated.
Thank you
Hope that's helpful!!!
Thanks for the feedback :D
Hey, here is my resume, feedbacks are welcome.
Hi Rushal! Overall it's a great resume, here's just a few things I would change:
The last updated in the upper right corner is a little cut off
The Links section in the left sidebar aren't clickable
For the first item, I'd love to know what else you've done there! Do you have any stats on how the product you made helped the company? I would add a bit more context to that item
Similarly for the Linux Foundation, how did your work help the project as a whole? More context is always better!
Thanks for the feedback. :)
I will update the last updated part;
The links are clickable, I guess dropbox doesn't allow them, in PDF it's clickable;
I just started working with the company and most of my work is building out the backend services(API development, design issues) and features for the product. So I am not sure what more to write in it :/
For The Linux Foundation, I will include links, I guess that will give more context :)
Awesome! Regarding the new company β can you give specifics of what tech you're using? Since it's the first item on the resume I would expect a little more content than what's currently on it.
Is this post still relevant?
Here is my Resume
Maybe it needs some improvements, I would like to hear feedbacks!
Here is my resume. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
Link for portoflio
Unless you have to, don't put "Junior" or "Intern" in your job descriptions. You might have to, but if not, there's no reason to.
Education. I would put dates as "2017 - present" and then drop "(In Progress)". Feels simpler to me.
Consider moving your skills to the top. Since you're just getting started those are the most important things. Don't save them to the end.
Hi Samundra,
I am going to give you macro level comments as...
-it doesnβt render well on iOS
My overall advice is simplify. The font in the intro is a bit difficult to read - I would suggest shifting it. In these situations, you want to think of your personal brand. How can you find a more streamlined version that still represents you?
Find ways to streamline and highlight the items you really want to standout - that will be the key.
Keep up the energy and talent!
I agree, that font is pretty difficult to read, and will be very difficult for anyone reviewing your resume with conditions like low vision or dyslexia.
great idea, Here is mine
I would love any feedback. Thanks.
I tried downloading the english PDF but it 404'ed maybe I was clicking the wrong thing.
it just in process like rus and ukrainian, thank you for the bug, I'll add this one soon.
You should precise which type of API you can work with: REST ? GraphQL ?
Thank you for advice Im using both but I need to rewrite :)
Roast me
Hi Sofiane!
I would remove the blue underline, remove the flags and use the languages names or the ISO codes for them (English is not the US flag, and I'm not entirely sure that the second flag is Turkey's, is it?). Same thing for the French flag, it's not spoken only there anyway :D Since you're talking about levels of proficiency I would say that "native speaker" or just "native" instead of "mother tongue".
I would make the blue darker everywhere, the tags are not that visible.
Love the format otherwise. Well done :-)
Btw, I'm still working on a more complete website
Under line blue color on heading looks good but make it equal to word.
Here's my resume! Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Pick a different font for the body text, it's particularly difficult to read. In particular, a good serif'd font is helpful for something that may be printed. Try Georgia, it's a websafe font that renders well and reads well.
Love this post. Here's my resume. Please let me know any feedback you have. π
Super solid resume and experience! I just added comments to the google doc, hope that was OK!
Thank you so much, Molly! You're awesome.
Amazing idea Kim, thanks for this!
Here's mine. Feedback is appreciated :D
For me at least there isn't much distinction in the font/size of the header sections and bullet points within. It makes it hard to scan/skim looking for say companies you worked at. While I wouldn't necessarily change the font faces, I would play around with relative sizing to ensure that section headers are more prominent than job titles, which are more prominent than the bullet points underneath.
Also, again maybe just me, but I hate when a bullet point wraps and loses the indentation of the bullet (first one under Openwater.in).
Hey Philip, thank you very much for the feedback and I apologize for the delayed response.
I'll work on the headers and see how it can be improved. I preferred to have the same size as the other text mainly to save on a little bit of space. But, I do agree with your point of not being able to skim through.
As for the bullet points losing indentation, It's definitely not just you. I feel the same and fortunately, it's an easy fix. Will update the resume in a while.
Did you find any other issues with it?
That's a great idea.
Here is my resume bit.ly/2PB0KJR
Appreciate any feedback.
I'm not seeing anything but "TANIKA" for your personal info. Not sure if that's your first or last name? I don't see anyway to email or call you either.
In general it's super clean which is great. A few minor formatting things I'd look at.
Your first job is all caps, none of the others are.
First job also indents "Designation", none of the others do.
I would change the bullet and possibly indent the specific line items for each job so that it's easier to tell where one job starts and another ends.
To me, the background color in the tech skills section is a little off. I'm not sure why you changed the formatting? Might see if you can make it more consistent with the rest of it.
There also appear to be a few skills (bolded terms in the job description) that don't show up in the skills section. I'd repeat them. Wouldn't want me to jump to the bottom and miss things.
Thanks a lot for your valuable inputs. I will definitely incorporate these changes. Thanks again for taking your time for the review.
Hi any advice would be very much appreciated.
Thank you!
Here's my resume:
Please send feedback :)
Your summary is a little too obviously a list of keywords; leave those for the "Core Technical Skills" section and do something else for the summary. Maybe talk about what drives you or give some extra context?
Project experience: the first couple entries actually have too much detail. Try to get those under control! You want these bullet points to be nothing but hits, and if you have more than about six it'll start to get boring. Avoid boring at all costs. Stuff like "Daily calls/agile scrums" or "Checking in codes and scripts regularly" you can axe outright; basic competence with source control is expected these days, and the cadence of meetings at one employer is irrelevant to your next one (if you were responsible for running process meetings, that's noteworthy).
Use consistent tense. If you like "Design Tableau dashboards", "Maintaining documents" should be "Maintain documents" instead; if you prefer "Maintaining documents", the first item should be "Designing Tableau dashboards".
Core technical skills: BitBucket is not a version control system -- it's a platform offering Git or Mercurial. Break up "Software" into "Databases" and "Reporting Tools" plus any other category that seems appropriate.
Employment history: table contents don't match the header, and instead of role info you've duplicated the organization column.
If a sentence ends with "etc." that's a hint that there's a better way to word it.
Hi. Thanks a ton! This will help me a lot, will definitely take care of the points you mentioned. It's a good idea since potential interviewers won't even mention these and I might not get where I was going wrong. Thanks a lot for your time.
I'm trying to return to the field after a long absence.
Thanks in advance for any input.
So I think you should largely rework this. Iβd get rid of all the non-tech stuff on page two.
Iβd like to see more specificity in your technology stuff, maybe broken down by big area, ie:
Node.js: express.js, thing2,
React: redux, mobx, styled components, etc
Build tools: etc
If you donβt have a huge range of experience, include some specific links to work on GitHub that you can gin up (ie, create a react component that does something non-trivial, but not months of work).
Another thing Iβd suggest is including some example work of problems you faced earlier in your careeer, and how youβd approach/solve them today.
Thank you for taking the time to check this out!
Hi! I am a college student looking for some input on my resumΓ©.
Formal ResumΓ©
Hi Sidak!
I went over your resume, the first thing that jump out at me was your use of the word 'expertise'. Since you are still a college student, I think using it is too much. I would add a project section and include any meaningful project you have completed (in school or paid)make sure to include your role, and what you learned. Hope this helps, and good luck!
Thatβs some solid advice :)
Yeah I guess now that you tell me, i really need to keep my resumΓ© as that of a college student.
Hereβs mine! All feedback greatly appreciated!
First off, I just shared a link to your resume with @jackdeadman96 above as a suggestion for how he might better format is 2 column resume. I have never seen 2 column resumes before today but yours is very easy to read. I like it!
Since you have so many languages and db's listed I would also add what languages and dbs you used in your work experience section. That way people can gauge how long you have been working with a language. Sometimes it is also helpful to include what level you are with each one. I usually say "Proficient in x, y, z" "Familiar with a, b, c"
I would put Work Experience on top and Education under it especially since that is the most relevant experience you have for a dev job.
I also might swap the Publications and the Languages section since those skills are the first things an employer will look for.
Honestly, besides that I really, really like your formatting. Its neat and catchy at the same time.
Thank you Molly I appreciate the feedback!
Here's mine. Feedback welcome. :)
Would love some feedback. π
Love the resume and its terseness, just increase the font size a bit :D I think you can still fit it in one page
That's nice!! Here I leave my resume and I go slowly ...
I would appreciate your feedback!
Your resume looks fine. But there is some mistakes like as CERTICATES.
This is my resume Want some Feedback π
Please review my resume also.
Here's my resume: drive.google.com/file/d/1YzR9b2Nj2...
I welcome any feedback!
Here is my resume docs.google.com/document/d/1NS5HLd... ,
appreciate any feedback!
I'm a developer at a small company, I'd love some feedback on my resume, as well as on my career.
You can find my linkedin here easier I thinkπ
Feel free to give feedback π
Good idea Kim !
Here is my one page resume.
I am junior developer.
Appreciate any feedback :) dropbox.com/s/pmlgcc831eovqt9/CV.p...
(This is more of a CV as I'm from the UK)
Nice thought.
Here is my resume. I would love to hear from you!
Great Idea
Could anyone have a look on mine ? here
Here's my resume: Vibhav Agarwal \br
Please review it.
Siddhantm.me (resume downloadable) :)
You made me work for it, you're disqualified :DD No, I'm kidding, but I can't click on any of the buttons of your website with my Firefox browser. I think it has something to do with your scrolling text, you might want to have a look at that
Hi, nice idea !!!
I already made a post to have some feedback on my resume, but I put it here also π
Hi Estelle!
Nice colorful format! I would increase the font of the descriptions a point or two, it's quite small.
A few typos and corrections:
Although the tour guide is a cool job I'm not sure it should have the same importance of everything else, after all you're trying to become a software developer. Hence, instead of four sections I would make three, the first one is your start up job, the second one your uni and the third one the certification. I'm all in favor of dropping work experience if it's not relevant for the position you're looking for.
Hope it make sense to you, if you still want to mention it, maybe rename the "Hobbies" section in "Passions", mention "Tour guiding" and that will make a nice conversation topic for an interviewer interested in the argument :)
This is really a nice initiative. I would love to hear some feedback on my rèsumè.
Here's me. Thanks.
Soooo much good experience! Your details are fantastic and I love that you list the tools used under each job. I only really have a couple formatting suggestions.
Overall, really solid. Hope those little suggestions help :)
Just getting started in the community any help would be greatly appreciated! My Resume
I'm just one point of view of many, but I'd sayβ¦
Here's my resume Feedback is welcome
Thanks for this opportunity!
Here is mine. Would love to hear the feedback π
Maybe I post this to late, but I wanna try anyways... So here is my resume Let me know about anything :D
This is the best idea ever
Here is my resume. resume
excited to know your comments
Here is my resume! I am definitely craving feedback!
Already getting good ideas from this thread
I'm a Jr/Mid level and would love some feedback on mine!
hope I'm not too late. anyways here is my CV. any feedback is appreciated!!
Hi, here is my resume!
Thanks in advance!
I would appreciate any feedback!
My resume link
Here is my resume!
Thanks in advance for any feedback!
Here's my resume Feedback would be awesome
Here is my resume goo.gl/SgN2jg
That is so helpful for freshers like us. I'd love to get feedback on my resume.
Resume Link
Lots of great stuff going on here!!!
My first thought is that it is all a little tight. One thing I think you can do without are your Secondary schools, I dont think they add much value. You have so much project and work experience that I think you can do without those.
I think I would do without the little icons, I think if you removed them they might help it feel a little less crowded and a little more sleek.
The links I think you should also pare down a bit. When recruiters and companies are looking at resumes they dont have a ton of time to spend on them. I would keep a couple really important links to things you really want to show off then get rid of the rest.
LOVE the Skills section and that you tell exactly what level you are with each skill.
I would give the edges some white space padding so it feels less cramped and remove the black border, that might also help it feel less cramped.
Really impressive experience you have! Keep rocking it :D
Hi there, here is my cv would love to get some feedback.
That is a good Idea,
here is mine
Hello everyone. Please review my resume. I appreciate the feedback.
Woah! Great opportunity to let someone's view.
Please, criticize as much as you can.
Hello, dev.to Community, I am Abhijeet currently in my Final Year at IIT Mandi, India. Here is the PDF Version of my resume, would love some feedback! Thanks
Hi all, any form of feedback will be highly appreciated.
Review my resume
Here's my resume: Resume
I welcome any feedback! π
+1 for being from Ireland, half my husbands family lives over there :) As for your resume I have a few thoughts.
If you have time I would suggest reading this Resume Writing Tips blog I wrote. Might have you ideas to tighten this up a bit.
Hope those suggestions help :)
I would suggest using cvcompiler.com too.
Ok, my turn. Here's my resume!
Thanks in advance for the feedback :)
Here's my resume. Would appreciate any feedback.
I love this idea! I'm more mid-level, but here is mine
I would love some feedback regardless :)
I really appreciate your feedback. Thanks in advance :)
Hope I'm not late to the party. here is the link to my resume
Is this thread still on? I would love to get my resume reviewed too!
Would love some feedback on my current resume.
Here is attached one
Look forward to it.
Here's my resume drive.google.com/file/d/13jgfaIQ0-...
Feedbacks are welcome.
Love the idea!
Not sure if anyones still active on here but I'd love some feedback on my resume if you are!
Did not know about it. Maybe I have to get an immediate notification by following. Just did but here is the link to my resume; dropbox.com/s/n7ugo0v1tqs13pn/resu...
Would love to hear ideas on how to update my current digital portfolio.
Hello. this is my resume. Let's do this!
Wonderfull Idea!
Please check my resume.
I'd love and welcome any observations π
I would remove the emoji/icons. Just me, but I don't feel like they add anything of value.
I find it odd that the section headers are indented, but the content within isn't. Feels like it should be the opposite of that? And I would consider indenting the bullet points for each of the job positions.
I love the list of specific skills used in each job, but I think they are too heavy with the bold-black-on-gray. Would be interesting to play with that a bit. Perhaps move it up below the job start/end dates and put in a similar smaller font.
Skills... consider having the section headers match the formatting of the job headers. This is also true for the following sections. You've got 4 different styles of bullet points. Consolidate all of them into one and keep the formatting/indentation/style the same. This will me as a reviewer focus on the content and not wonder why the arrow type changed (thus distracting me).
Here is my resume - goo.gl/RhajR4
Hi Manish!
While I appreciate writing the last update time, I feel your font choice and layout with small margins and packed sections make it hard to read as a whole.
Maybe you can also condense each project description in a single short sentence. After all you've plenty of work experience already and even a founded startup!
Check other resumes in this page, if you want to see examples on how you might organize the info on yours!
Hello! Here is my resume. I welcome any feedback!
Haven't written a CV in a while. I'd appreciate your feedback. Thanks in advance :)
Recent grad. Welcome any feedback/critiques! Don't go easy on me :)
My resume
All you recent grads have SO much experience, this is awesome!!!
Overall this is pretty clean. My one thought is that it feels like you are looking at a wall of text when you first look at it which can be overwhelming when you are a recruiter with a lot of resumes to get through. I think to help that I would do bullet points under you "Projects" instead of solid paragraphs.
I would also switch Projects and Experience in terms of ordering.
Your summary is pretty general. I would focus it more towards what you are passionate about specifically. You talked about a strong background in design, is that something you want to do more of? Would you lean towards a frontend job over the backend? Most people will put something about being eager to learn, use that space to really give details about what you are looking for and that will allow a company to gauge if you are a good fit for them or not.
Hope that helps!!! Keep up all the awesome work!
I would love to hear some feedback: bit.ly/2PxF5SI
Thank you <3
Great idea! We need to do more of this.
Testing, testing....anyone here still? I have a resume I could use some help on, you can find it here.
Here's mine- Resume
Here is my resume
I love to get feedback from the great community
Thank you for this.
Somebody can look and give me comments on my resume? π
Link to my resume
I am late, very late to this party.
Here's my resume. Would love to improve on this.π
Hello Everyone,
Here is my resume....
Kavinda Jayakody Resume
Eagerly waiting for feedbacks :)
Hi everyone, here's my developer story! your feedback is valued
Here is my resume. I only have the PDF version right now.
Hi there,
I think this is an awesome idea.
I will review some but I want to ask also for your opinions about mine:
janjuna.cz/ - janjuna.cz/documents/CV-Jan_Juna.pdf
I would love to get feedback on my resume
I'm a nodejs developer trying to land a remote job
Thanks for the initiative and for the feedback in advance. Here the link to my Resume.
Hereβs mine!
Thanks for your time in advance!
Here is my resume.
Amazing idea, I'd love to hear your opinions and suggestions :)
Wow was looking for that, thank you for the great idea
here is my resume
Waiting for your feedback