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Willfredy Vieira Dias
Willfredy Vieira Dias

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I need Help with Web API (ASP.NET .NET Framework, Entity Framework Code First, C#)


Difficulties and Need for support materials with Web API (ASP.NET .NET Framework, Entity Framework Code First, C#)


I need to know how to create a web API with ASP.NET using the technologies I already mentioned.

I'm having serious difficulties finding materials and video lessons about Web API that use the same structure my teacher uses in class.

If possible, I would appreciate it if you could help me or send me a link to documentation, YouTube video, support material, or something that will allow me to read, understand, and put into practice, to understand the Web API well and use the structure that my teacher is using. to use. My goal is to be able to do all of this over the weekend so I can complete the project in the best way possible. I'm using React Js and not Angular Js.

The structure I'm referring to is in the image. Please help me, I need to understand well and learn.

You can see it in the image, but if you can't, the structure is more or less like this:


Image description

Top comments (5)

ivanlamadrid profile image
Ivan Jeanpierre La Madrid Lozano

Just start a new project in Visual Studio by selecting 'ASP.NET Web Application' and the 'Web API' template. Add Entity Framework through NuGet and set up your connection string in the Web.config file. Organize your project into folders like DAL for database operations, DTO for data transfer objects, Model for your entities, and Services for business logic. And in ApiCodeFirst, you'll define your API's endpoints. Don’t forget to enable CORS to allow communication with your React app. You can find more information at the following link:

kazen_wilver profile image
Willfredy Vieira Dias

Thanks, you helped me a lot, mate. You rock!

webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

Ask @

kazen_wilver profile image
Willfredy Vieira Dias

Thanks, I will do that right away.

kazen_wilver profile image
Willfredy Vieira Dias

Please, help me.