
Kevin K.
Kevin K.

Posted on • Originally published at


Using a Trait in Builder CLIs

In Part 3 of this series we define a trait to help control the chaos and enforce some structure on our CLI programs.

Previously On...

In Part 2 we saw how using context structs was a better idea, but the method in which we niavely applied it has the potential to lead to pain the larger our CLI program grows.

Traits have entered the chat

We can solve this by using a trait to define the context updating, running, and traversing down the subcommand call stack. I call this Cmd and it looks like this:

// src/

use clap::ArgMatches;
use anyhow::Result;

pub trait Cmd {
    fn update_ctx(&self, _args: &ArgMatches, _ctx: &mut Ctx) -> Result<()> {
    fn run(&self, _ctx: &mut Ctx) -> Result<()> {
    fn next_cmd<'a>(
        _args: &'a ArgMatches,
    ) -> Option<(Box<dyn Cmd>, &'a ArgMatches)> {

// .. all else unchanged
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There is a lot going on here, so let's break it down.


First we have a method that is responsible for taking a CLI values struct (in our case clap::ArgMattches) and normalizing any values into Ctx.

By default this does nothing because there may be no context to update.


This can be thought of as the entry-point to whatever functionality the command itself does.

Notice that it only takes a Ctx as context.

This is important because it means you can fully test your commands by building a mock Ctx and don't have to worry about mocking CLIs, etc. It also means you can use the same backing code for a CLI, a TUI, or a GUI because the code only need a Ctx to run. It doesn't know anything about CLI values or environments, or config files.

By default this method also does nothing allowing for intermediate subcommands that have no distinct action.


Finally, we have a method for retrieving the next subcommand to run, if any.

Like all other methods, it also does nothing by default returning that there are no further subcomands to run.

The interesting bit about this method is the return when there is another subcommad to run. It returns a boxed trait object of something else that also implements Cmd.

Traversing the call-stack with Cmd

So we've added the definition of Cmd, but there is another bit of magic required to really reap the ergonomic benefits.

We implement a function on the trait object itself for doing the subcommand traversal.

// src/

//  ... all else unchanged

impl dyn Cmd + 'static {
    pub fn walk_exec(&self, args: &ArgMatches, ctx: &mut Ctx) -> Result<()> {
        self.update_ctx(args, ctx)?;;
        if let Some((c, m)) = self.next_cmd(args) {
            return c.walk_exec(m, ctx);
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This updates the context, runs the action, and if there is another subcommand to call it calls walk_exec on it.

Some may smell a whiff of recursion and be wary of any such tactics, however by design subcommands cannot, so any such loop would be an inherent error where a stack overflow would be desirable. Additionally, I have never seen subcommands nested so heavily that an overflown stack would be possible. Even on very poorly designed subcommand-based CLIs the nesting does not go above 5-6 levels which is a far cry away from the hundreds that would be required to overflow the stack even on platforms like Windows which use small 1MB stacks by default.

You can add another method on the trait object that allows for simply updating the context all the way down the call-stack without actually executing any of the code. This is super useful in testing where you don't actually want to run the code for real, but you'd like the context to be accurately updated. I usually call this walk_update_ctx and simply omit the call while recursively calling walk_update_ctx instead of walk_exec

Our new main

Ok, so we have all the glue, now we just need to fill in the implementations. Let's start with main because it contains some interesting notes, here's the entire file:

// src/
mod cli;
mod context;

use crate::{
    cli::{Bustup, Cmd},

fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let args = cli::build().get_matches();

    let mut ctx = Ctx::default();
    let cmd: Box<dyn Cmd> = Box::new(Bustup);
    cmd.walk_exec(&args, &mut ctx)
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Notice we create a boxed trait object and then call walk_exec on it to kick off the entire show.

Box has a specialization for Zero-Sized Types (ZSTs) that doesn't actually allocate. cmd however is a pointer to a vtable.

Notice we reference cli::Bustup so let's take a look at that next.

CLI Structs

When using this pattern with clap's builder based CLIs I like to create empty Zero Sized structs which I can actually implement the Cmd trait on.

This forces me to keep no state except in Ctx, and allows the neat no-allocation for Box.

I also prefer to strictly name these structs after their path in the CLI hierarchy. For example Bustup is the top level command, and bustup target add would end up being named BustupTargetAdd. This is handy to always know exactly what command you're operating on in code.

For the top-level command I typically place it in the cli module, but that isn't strictly necessary.

// src/
pub struct Bustup;

impl Cmd for Bustup {
    fn next_cmd<'a>(&self, args: &'a ArgMatches) -> Option<(Box<dyn Cmd>, &'a ArgMatches)> {
        match args.subcommand() {
            Some(("update", m)) => Some((Box::new(cmds::update::BustupUpdate {}), m)),
            Some(("target", m)) => Some((Box::new(cmds::target::BustupTarget {}), m)),
            _ => None,
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Notice I don't need to do anything for run or update_ctx in our toy example, but adding code to execute at those hooks would be trivial.

One annoyance of the builder-pattern based CLIs is that we have manually handle dispatching to another subcommand at each level, but this is a minor complaint that could easily be handled by a macro if we so desired.

Looking over at our file next we see:

// src/cli/cmds/
pub struct BustupUpdate;

impl Cmd for BustupUpdate {
    fn update_ctx(&self, args: &ArgMatches, ctx: &mut Ctx) -> Result<()> {
        ctx.toolchain = args.get_one::<String>("toolchain").cloned();
        ctx.force = args.get_flag("force");

    fn run(&self, ctx: &mut Ctx) -> Result<()> {
            "Updating {} toolchain...{}",
            if ctx.force { " (forced)" } else { "" }
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Intermediate Subcommands

In our toy example bustup target ... is an interesting example because it's an intermediate layer subcommand that has no functionality of it's own (although it could), and it defines a "global argument" (an argument that is present in all of it's child subcommands).

So even though we don't have a distinct action to take, we do need to update the context with our global CLI option. We also dispatch to our child subcommands exactly how the top level Bustup command does.

// src/cli/cmds/

pub struct BustupTarget;

impl Cmd for BustupTarget {
    fn update_ctx(&self, args: &ArgMatches, ctx: &mut Ctx) -> Result<()> {
        ctx.toolchain = args.get_one::<String>("toolchain").cloned();

    fn next_cmd<'a>(&self, matches: &'a ArgMatches) -> Option<(Box<dyn Cmd>, &'a ArgMatches)> {
        match matches.subcommand() {
            Some(("add", m)) => Some((Box::new(add::BustupTargetAdd), m)),
            Some(("list", m)) => Some((Box::new(list::BustupTargetList), m)),
            Some(("remove", m)) => Some((Box::new(remove::BustupTargetRemove), m)),
            _ => None,
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The Rest of the Owl

Everything should fairly self-evident at this point, so we'll breeze through the next few files only calling out interesting aspects.

Just like BustupUpdate the following are all leaf subcommands and thus do not need to implement Cmd::next_cmd.

// src/cli/cmds/target/
pub struct BustupTargetAdd;

impl Cmd for BustupTargetAdd {
    fn update_ctx(&self, args: &ArgMatches, ctx: &mut Ctx) -> Result<()> { = args.get_one::<String>("target").cloned();

    fn run(&self, ctx: &mut Ctx) -> Result<()> {
            "Adding the {} target to the {} toolchain",
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// src/cli/cmds/target/
pub struct BustupTargetList;

impl Cmd for BustupTargetList {
    fn update_ctx(&self, args: &ArgMatches, ctx: &mut Ctx) -> Result<()> {
        ctx.installed = args.get_flag("installed");

    fn run(&self, ctx: &mut Ctx) -> Result<()> {
            "Listing {} targets for the {} toolchain",
            if ctx.installed { "installed" } else { "all" },
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// src/cli/cmds/target/
pub struct BustupTargetRemove;

impl Cmd for BustupTargetRemove {
    fn update_ctx(&self, args: &ArgMatches, ctx: &mut Ctx) -> Result<()> { = args.get_one::<String>("target").cloned();

    fn run(&self, ctx: &mut Ctx) -> Result<()> {
            "Removing the {} target from the {} toolchain",
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One Final Change

If you look at the repository's final code, you'll notice that one other thing I typically change, although it's not at all mandatory is to move the CLI construction into the respective modules instead of being fully contained at src/ I find this lets me better encapsulate shared arguments and keep smaller subsets of the code in my head at any given time. To do this I usually place a fn build() -> clap::Command function in each module that contains a subcommand. For example, the would then look this:

// src/
pub fn build() -> Command {
        .about("Not rustup")
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And for example src/cli/cmds/

// src/cli/cmds/

pub fn build() -> Command {
        .about("manage targets")
                .help("toolchain to use")
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And so on and so forth.

The full code can be found in the repository under the builder branch.

Summary for Builder based CLIs

The Builder Pattern is an older and more verbose way to define CLIs in clap. When used with this method for structuring your CLIs it has the benefit of being easy to enforce single-source-of-truth run functions and clap does a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to providing our ArgMatches structs that we can use to update the Ctx.

Next Time!

That's it for Builder Pattern based CLIs!

In the next post we'll start back over using clap's Derive based approach and see how that changes our trait definitions and concerns.

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