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Kironmay Mishra
Kironmay Mishra

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Key Features of Next.js That Make Developer's life Easier

Recently, I started learning Next.js and found some intriguing features. Here’s what I’ve learned so far:

1. Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

What does this mean?

SSR means that the server generates the webpage before sending it to the user's browser.

How does it work?

When someone visits a page, the server prepares the content, builds the HTML, and sends it over. This way, the page is fully loaded when it reaches the browser, improving load times.

Why is this important?

It's not only good for a smoother user experience, but also very helpful for SEO because search engines can easily read and index pre-rendered content.

2. File-Based Routing

What does this mean?

Next.js handles routing based on the folder structure of the pages/ directory.

How does it work?

Each file in the pages/ folder automatically maps to a route. For example, pages/contact.js becomes the /contact page, making route setup simple and intuitive.

Why is this useful?

It saves time and effort. No need to manually configure routes — it's automatic.

3. SEO-Friendly

What does this mean?

Next.js is designed to help with SEO, improving your site's search engine rankings.

How does it work?

Thanks to SSR and static site generation, your site loads faster and provides structured HTML, making it easier for search engines to crawl.

Why is this exciting?

Better SEO means more traffic and visibility for your projects!

Special File Names

Also, there are certain predefined files like layout.js, page.js, and not-found.js that play specific roles. layout.js defines shared layouts (e.g., headers), page.js maps to routes, and not-found.js handles custom 404 pages for invalid routes, improving both the app’s structure and user experience.

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