Drag-and-drop functionality can enhance user interactions by allowing elements to be moved dynamically within a UI. In this guide, we'll explore how to implement drag-and-drop using DnD Kit, a lightweight and flexible React library.
🏗 Why Use DnD Kit?
DnD Kit offers:
✅ A modern, unopinionated API for drag-and-drop.
✅ Lightweight (smaller than alternatives like react-beautiful-dnd).
✅ Keyboard support for accessibility.
✅ Customizable sensors (mouse, touch, and keyboard).
Let's dive into the setup and implementation!
🚀 Setting Up DnD Kit
First, install DnD Kit:
npm install @dnd-kit/core
or with Yarn:
yarn add @dnd-kit/core
🛠 Basic Drag-and-Drop Example
We’ll create a simple example where users can drag and drop items between two lists.
1️⃣ Setting Up the Context
In DnD Kit, we wrap our app with a DndContext, which manages drag-and-drop events.
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { DndContext } from "@dnd-kit/core";
function App() {
const [items, setItems] = useState(["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3"]);
return (
{items.map((item, index) => (
<div key={index}>{item}</div>
export default App;
At this stage, nothing is draggable yet. Next, we’ll make the items draggable.
2️⃣ Making Items Draggable
To make items draggable, we use useDraggable from @dnd-kit/core.
import { useDraggable } from "@dnd-kit/core";
function DraggableItem({ id, children }) {
const { attributes, listeners, setNodeRef, transform } = useDraggable({
const style = {
transform: transform ? `translate(${transform.x}px, ${transform.y}px)` : undefined,
return (
<div ref={setNodeRef} {...listeners} {...attributes} style={style}>
Then, update App.js to use DraggableItem:
{items.map((item, index) => (
<DraggableItem key={index} id={index}>
Now, items can be dragged but not yet dropped!
3️⃣ Enabling Droppable Areas
To allow items to be dropped, use the useDroppable hook:
import { useDroppable } from "@dnd-kit/core";
function DroppableArea({ id, children }) {
const { setNodeRef } = useDroppable({ id });
return (
<div ref={setNodeRef} style={{ padding: 20, border: "2px dashed #ccc" }}>
Wrap DraggableItem inside DroppableArea:
<DroppableArea id="drop-zone">
{items.map((item, index) => (
<DraggableItem key={index} id={index}>
4️⃣ Handling Drag Events
To update state when an item is dropped, use onDragEnd inside DndContext:
function App() {
const [items, setItems] = useState(["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3"]);
function handleDragEnd(event) {
const { active, over } = event;
if (over && active.id !== over.id) {
setItems((prev) => {
const updatedItems = [...prev];
const [movedItem] = updatedItems.splice(active.id, 1);
updatedItems.splice(over.id, 0, movedItem);
return updatedItems;
return (
<DndContext onDragEnd={handleDragEnd}>
<DroppableArea id="drop-zone">
{items.map((item, index) => (
<DraggableItem key={index} id={index}>
Now, when an item is dropped, the list updates dynamically! 🎉
🎨 Styling the Drag Effect
To enhance the UI, apply styles:
.draggable {
padding: 10px;
margin: 5px;
background: #f4f4f4;
border-radius: 5px;
cursor: grab;
🔥 Advanced Features to Explore
• Sorting Lists → @dnd-kit/sortable
• Drag Constraints → Limit draggable areas
• Custom Animations → Smooth transitions
• Keyboard Accessibility → Improve usability
🏁 Wrapping Up
DnD Kit is a lightweight, flexible solution for adding drag-and-drop to React apps. By using DndContext, useDraggable, and useDroppable, you can create interactive and accessible interfaces with minimal effort.
🚀 Try it out in your next project!
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