Week 2 of my 'post-graduation' / 'job-hunt' journey and well here is where I am. I started off with a strong schedule I made to make sure I was working on my programming and projects.
I found myself changing my schedule as I went because I either found a better source, needed more time on a subject, or just spent too much time applying for jobs.
This week started out by working on the Front End Libraries curriculum from freecodecamp.org and getting through to the Redux section where I decided to go in deeper into React. I started The Net Ninja's currently ongoing series "Full Modern React Tutorial" where he goes into the hooks which let you use state and other React features without writing a class with v16.8. This has been incredibly helpful with starting a basic react app involving these hooks.
Additionally, I started digging into the Big O; in particular about the space and time complexities. I still have a long way to go but now I have an overall understanding of how each affects the runtime.
At the end of this week I:
- Now use my schedule as more of a task list of what to work on
- Started working with hooks in react
- Started to learn about the Big O.
Sources mentioned:
Full Modern React Tutorial
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