When I started developing websites about ten years ago, one of the hardest things was to get someone else's opinion for my pages.
That's why I'm n...
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Here you go 🙏🏽
Hey Timo!
Firstly, thank you for posting!
I created a video where I reviewed your portfolio:
youtu.be/mX_LrXEUecc (you can use the timestamps in the description to get to your review)
The design- wow!
In general, I love the design and structure. It's a good example of what a developer's portfolio should be about.
There are some minor things I'd change, so please do let me know what you think :). That way I can improve my feedback skills and help others.
Hey Keth,
thanks for the review and the feedback! I definitely agree with you and I will see if I can come up with something shorter.
By the way, I would like to get in touch with you because of something else. If you like, please send me an email. :)
nice one 👏
Thanks, Max!
Wow that's a fantastic looking portfolio site
Thank you :)
Nice.. taking design cues from here
Here you go
Hey Sir!
Thanks for the request!
I created a video where I reviewed your portfolio:
youtu.be/mX_LrXEUecc (you can use the timestamps in the description to get to your review)
I believe it's a nice portfolio - you have your skills and works brought out. Design wise, it's solid. Could maybe create bigger contrast between colors as Adam commented. I would also consider changing the structure of blocks.
Please do let me know your thoughts and if I should improve something in the way I commented the page :)!
Thank you so much! I will work on some enhancements and will submit it again on some future reviews.
You got a sub
Ooh! Thank you and I'm happy you found it useful!
I just made a simple one now!
It looks nice ;)!
You can try adding some border-radius for images.
I dig it but one thing, your menu text could be higher contrast.
Thanks for the feedback, will make some changes!
Here is mine - run-coupon.herokuapp.com/
I also have a Youtube Channel, in which I discuss tutorials, and react.js projects SEO, SSR.
Please check it out and maybe we can collaborate on something.
Video : youtube.com/watch?v=66owdRkc8pI
Channel : youtube.com/c/CodersLifeSimplified
Hey Anant!
Thanks for posting!
I created a video where I reviewed your portfolio:
youtu.be/mX_LrXEUecc (you can use the timestamps in the description to get to your review)
I didn't go too deep into that page because it's not a portfolio, but I did mention some of the things you can improve :). If you have any thoughts regarding my feedback/would like to discuss it further, do let me know.
Thanks, just checking it out.
Hey! It's awesome what you're doing in YT! Keep it up! Consider me subscribed :)!
Thanks. Glad you loved it.
Here is mine surajg.pythonanywhere.com
Hey hey :) ! Thanks for the submissions!
I reviewed your page. You can see the result here:
Please do let me know your thoughts...Overall - great job. Love the design of the page!
Thank you so much!! for your review and yeah i agree on your points for work page.
I will do some enhancements on that page.
Again thanks for reviewing it.
I love the way you greet the user and introduce yourself!
As if you were chatting with him/her in real-time.
Thanks ✌️❤️ @Marco Aigner
Here is mine abdessalam.dev/
Thanks in advance.
Thank you for making me read French :D!
My review can be seen in the following video:
I really liked the design and the content of the page - a great example of a good portfolio.
Thanks! 😊
if there be any error am making kindly tell me thanks
Hey hey :) ! Thanks for the submissions!
I reviewed your page. You can see the result here:
I believe you can improve the design of the page. That said, it has the necessary information that I'd expect from a portfolio :)! Keep up the work!
Plz also let me know your thoughts.
Oh thanks for the feed back, i am still working on the portfolio for better improvement....
Your cover image looks a bit squished up on my phone.
Oh yes am still fixing some issues
Oh wow! I didn't expect so many replies :D! Thank you, people! I'll start making the streams next week and will post them also in dev.to.
Hey Akhila!
Thank you for the submission!
I have reviewed your portfolio:
Please do let me know what you think in the comments section and if you believe my content is useful, subscribe ;)!
Loved the YT channel of yours. Subbed..Keep it up😍
Oh wow, thank you Anik :)!
Is there anything special you can bring out that I can focus on?
So far you seem calm and quite good at noticing the small details which is cool. I will continue to watch closely few more to give some in-depth feedback 😊
Hey @kethmars , thanks in advance!
My portfolio is up at ajwad-shaikh.github.io
The design is not mine, but I have tried to add my touch with the content and some tweaks.
Hey Ajwad!
Thanks for the submission!
My review: youtube.com/watch?v=BKBDuGjoR0I
That portfolio was just super super dope! Great job!
I didn't know the design wasn't yours, but hey...it's your portfolio and it looks great!
Here's is mine sunchayn.github.io/old. It's marked as old and kinda outdated as I'm planning to make a new portfolio. It would be great to see how you would review it. It would be a reference for me to see what's working and what's not working for my next portfolio. Thanks!
Hey Mazen :)! Thank you for the submission.
I reviewed your portfolio in my YT video. Please do let me know what you think :)!
I loved the design!
Hi Keth, I really enjoyed your review. Your points were a spot on specially for the about section. I'll absolutely consider them for the next sprint. It was fun watching live reaction for the blue screen of death at the end 😁
I'm glad I could be help of :)!
And yea, I just looooved that screen of death at the end :D !
Here's my portfolio: smadil.co
Hello Sir :)! Thank you so much for the submission!
I have reviewed your website!
Please let me know what you think and if you agree/disagree :)! And if the content of this video(or others in my channel) are something you find useful, please do subscribe.
Hey @kethmars , fixed the performance issue ⭐

Great job!!!
Thanks a lot for your review, I appreciate your feedback. Will work on that performance issue
Late to the party, but what a great idea. You can find mine here. Thanks in advance :)
Hey hey! Simple and beautiful!
I reviewed the portfolio in following video:
Please do let me know if I've provided any useful info and if you agree/disagree. Thank you!
Thank you for taking the time to review my portfolio and for the kind words. I'll look into the accessibility issues Lighthouse flagged. I'm pretty sure I know what it's complaining about and it can easily be fixed.
As for the content & layout, my philosophy has always been to make the content king, as you mentioned. It's the same principle I applied to the page with my experience and to my blog.
I've wanted to write a regular blog for a long time, but never found the right formula that worked for me and got me posting things regularly. One day, I came up with the concept of 1 Thing A Week and almost 3 years later, I'm still blogging! I wrote about some of my thinking for week 74. I would highly recommend this approach for blogging or even for any project you might be thinking of tackling. Just set aside a bit of time to do 1 thing each week and before you know it those 'weeks' of effort will turn into something! Even 1 thing a month if a week is too frequent. It just gives you a repeatable target.
I commented on this recently:
Bizarrely, I've made more progress since having kids than before! But when say more progress, I mean I've completed two small projects in three years :D
One of them does require weekly input so I just set aside a couple of hours on a Sunday to take care of that.
For both projects (and other unfinished ones), it was just about getting started. Even an hour a week was more than enough for me to see tangible progress. Didn't take long for me to want to get it to a releasable, if not finished, state.
It is hard with kids, and at every step they need different types of attention which can take a lot of energy. But as I said, my advice would be to just get started. No matter how small that start is, you'll only be building on top of it going forward. Good luck!
As I suspected, it was a some secondary text that was impacting the accessibility score. I didn't want to remove it so I removed the opacity property and it's passing again so it now shows 100 across the board 🎉
Awesome and I'm glad you fixed it! Keep up the good work!
Here's mine😄 brixgavarra.netlify.app/
I love the feel of this, just something tiny, on your project section your links are the opposite way round the eye goes to GitHub and the GitHub logo goes to the site. Other than that I really like it. 😁
Thanks you Sir😊.
Hey hey :)!
I have reviewed your website!
Please do let me know what you think and if you like to content, you can also subscribe (blush) :D !
Thank you for reviewing my portfolio. I really appreciate your effort😊. I will update the content of my website.
Don't know if you're still doing this, but mine is robbie.antenesse.net
Hey Robbie!
I got ya and reviewed the portfolio:
Please do let me know if there's anything useful I've provided :)!
Hey, thanks so much! Haha, it's very true that I'm not a designer, but I'm glad you like it anyway! Thanks for the notes about the nav—I'll fix it so it works better, for sure.
I'm not sure how to improve the design so it's more respectable, but I like it and think it's fun! I'm not really interested in making it super corporate or anything, but any pointers for improving it would be much appreciated.
Here it is :)
Hey Surya!
Thank you for the submission!
I have reviewed your portfolio in the following video:
Please do let me know what you think and if there's something I can help with :)!
Thank you :) :)
here's mine : priyavaidya.com
Hey Priya!
Thank you for the submission! Great portfolio!
I have reviewed your page:
Please do let me know what you think in the comments section AND if you do find my content useful, please subscribe :)!
Thank you! Sorry that I'm just now seeing this, I appreciate you doing this! I'll keep your feedback in mind as well.
Hey hey :)!
I have reviewed your website!
Please do let me know what you think :) !
Wooww thanks a lot! 🤩
It's actually more like a blog than a portfolio tho, but when someone asks me about my portfolio, I always show them this site. Is there anything I can improve on my website? 🤔
You'll find mine @ hansmaulloo.com
Hey hey :)!
Thank you for the submission, I have reviewed your website!
Please do let me know what you think and if you like to content, you can also subscribe (blush) :D!
Btw, I loved the originality about your website. Do you consider improving the mobile experience?
Already subscribed and already hit the bell. Thanks for review!
And yes, about:
Here's mine, please and thank you
Hey James!
Thank you for the submission!
I may have been a bit harsh regarding the design, but I believe you've got some really great ideas that imo need just a bit polishing! That said, the structure and the content was great!
You can see the review here:
Hey kethmars,
Thank you so much for taking time to review my portfolio. I agree with a lot of the criticisms and will be working to make those changes now. The one question I had was how do I approach the colors that you disagreed with. Should I go for brighter colors generally and adjust the hues on the site or should I scrap those colors all together and try some other colors entirely.
Thank you again for your time and consideration
Hey James!
Thank you!
Regarding the colors - I like what you've done in the upper part of the design.
#a13333, #f5ebd8 - these colors could be used.
The aforementioned colors can also be used to generate the content below. Eg in the projects section do not use different background colors but make one card that can be reused.
Making tons of different colors play well together takes experience and is hard to achieve imo. A good trick is to choose 2-3 main colors, one of which is dominant. I suggest just play around with a few colors you already have on the page.
I hope it was helpful.
Would love to know what feedback yourself (or anyone else) has on mine.
Hey Daniel :)!
I have reviewed your page in this video:
Please do let me know what you think and if I can help somehow :)
Awesome, that's great! Thanks for the feedback, certainly helped me spot a few things I can tweak!
There you go :)
Thanks in advance, I'm always looking for feedback!
Hey Maxence!
Thank you for the submission! I have reviewed your portfolio :)
I found that your design is simple, yet functional - all the necessary information I would've assumed was there :)! There are some suggestions in the video. Please let me know what you think!
Thank for reviewing maxpou.fr
You point out something interesting for me: it's working/functional but design doesn't really stand out. Now I know what should I focus on :)
Thanks again!
It was a pleasure! I hope I was able to be helpful :)!
here you go mukulsharma.in
Here you go :D:
@kethmars Thanks for the feedback and reviews 😃.
Hope I'm not too late!
Hey hey hey!
I just looooved the colors you have used.
There were things I would change. You can see the full review here:
But once more - the colors were great and those small subtle animations/theme switcher was really nice.
Please do let me know in YT what you think/if you agree/disagree 😊
Wish you all the best!
Thank you so much! This is one of the most actionable and concise reviews I've ever received, and you were definitely thoughtful and kind. You're a remarkable person.
I'm currently working on version 2 of my portfolio and will incorporate every single feedback you gave me.
Thank you so much!
Thank youuu 😊!
Do post your the updates here also :) !
Here is mine: keshavjha.me
Thanks in advance and kindly update us with the video link :)
Hey Hey :)!
I have reviewed your portfolio. You can check it out here ;)
Please do let me know who what you think, if you agree or not! Ty!
Hey Keth,
thanks for the review and the feedback! I definitely agree with you and I will see if I can improve the best practices and also portfolio (projects) section.
Really appreciate it 🙃🙃🙃
Hey Nishant!
I have reviewed your portfolio. You can see it here :)
Please do let me know if you found the content useful. Thank you :)!
Thanks a lot for the review. Yeah, I agree on the improvements especially the categories page. Actually I initially thought of adding a filter in the projects and blogs but probably was too lazy to do it. :P
check this binismail 🙏🏽
Hey Sir!
I have reviewed your portfolio. You can see it here :)
I hope I wasn't too harsh as I found things that could be improved.
Please do let me know if you found the content useful. Thank you :)!
Bug for you. Looks nice though.
thanks for feed back will check it out
Here's mine: codewithghazi.com
I've reviewed the portfolio:
Please do let me know what you think and if you find my content useful, think about subscribing :D !
Hi, I watched the video. Thank you for reviewing my portfolio. :)
Adding mine! jeffjadulco.com
Hey Jeff!
It's a super beautiful portfolio you have. Love it!
I have reviewed your portfolio here:
Let me know what you think, do you agree/disagree and if there's something I can improve in my reviews.
Also, if you find my channel's content useful, please subscribe ;)!
Wow, thanks! Didn't know I'd make it to the list. Subscribed! More power to your channel :)
Mines nickbull-computing.biz and thank you in advance 😁
Hey Nick!
Thank you for the submission!!!
I have reviewed your portfolio here:
Please let me know what you think and if you believe my content is useful, do subscribe for future awesome content ;)!
Hey mate, thanks for reviewing my page. I really appreciate it. There was some great feedback there 😁.
As for the link you were confused about, that's a research paper that I had published. But I get your point, it's a bit random and not very obvious what I'm trying to showcase.
Your feedback was great, I'm don't really do much web based development these days, so it was great to get some feedback on it. The light house stuff was very insightful.
Again thank you
Thank you for your feedback and I'm genuinely happy I could be helpful :) !
Here is mine :- mywebpage.ashish454570.now.sh/
Hey Sir!
Thanks for the request!
I created a video where I reviewed your portfolio:
youtu.be/mX_LrXEUecc (you can use the timestamps in the description to get to your review)
Content wise, it's a nice portfolio and I got what I was after. I believe you can improve the design and UX. Do let me know what you think about the review - do you agree/disagree with something?
Thanks for the review sir.
I will surely update my portfolio,according to your sugessions.
Hey Sir!
Thank you for the submission! I have reviewed your portfolio :):
Thanks. I appreciate that.
Looking for feedback, thanks a ton!
Hey Sir!
Thank you for the submission!
I have reviewed your portfolio in the following video:
Please do let me know what you think - I'm open for feedback ;)!
I just saw your video and it was really insightful for me. Thank you for the constructive criticism. Will try to make changes for the points you mentioned. Thanks a lot once again!
I am just an engineering student and still learning:
Here is mine ishank-dev.github.io/
Hey Ishank!
My review was quite brief and maybe not that useful.
Things I would consider:
The approach of just having links to external resources was interesting. I have not seen it before, but its nice as it shows you're active.
Thank you for the submission and if you have any questions/ideas, please do let me know.
OMG, thanks a lot!
It's really good to see that you put in all those efforts to make other portfolios better.
while viewing your video I realized how others perceive mine. I was hoping you would click on that central astronaut as it changes the theme to dark, also that play button just plays music in the background XD, A really immature portfolio it is, and it was intended to be just a fun portfolio still thanks a lot for these suggestions. I had no clue it would be featured on youtube. thank you so much for that.
I wouldn't mine getting mine reviewed. My portfolio
Jimmy! I just loved the design of your page :D!
You can check out the full review here:
Loved the video, thanks for the feedback! I'm going to add that meta tag and make the nav don't smaller.
I built the style library I used to make that! Haha. I don't know much about design yet though. Been wanting to find some design classes online to expand my knowledge
Awesome ;)!
I'd say - continue working on the library :D. It's quite unique imo - by applying some specific techniques but also continuing your style could result in an awesome library.
Here is mine portfolio
Your name gets deleted when changing titles, it goes like
Software developer
Thanks 😁 for the feedback, will look into this!!
I wanted to check it for a few of my open-source websites.
Awesome idea - My Portfolio Page - I’m just at the beginning of my web development journey - so many things to learn and to work on, I’m so excited 😁✌️
Hey Adrian!
I have reviewed your portfolio. You can see it here :)
I believe it was a nice and straight-to-the-point portfolio
Please do let me know if you found the content useful. And consider subscribing, if the content is something you believe helps you as a developer ;).
Excited to hear the feedback. Also, any thoughts on adding an accessibility check to the list?
Hey Jacob!
Thanks for the submission!
At this stage, I don't take a look that much at accessibility. I do check Google lighthouse report and point it out for devs to check accessibility if it's bad.
I reviewed your page here:
Please let me know what you think in the comments section AND if you do find my content useful, please subscribe :)!
I like the idea :) so here's my portfolio
Hey hey!
Thank you for the submission! I have reviewed your portfolio in the following video:
Please do let me know if you find the feedback useful :)!
Hey thanks!
I watched the video earlier today and I appreciate your feedback!
Being retro inspired theme I think I just went a bit off context specially for the progress bars to display skills progress (it comes from pokémon stats in a pokédex x) as you pointed out there's no actual comparison to 100% (what's the relative ref??). I'll try to change that for a better way to display the "Tech & Tools" section.
I appreciate the tipe about Google Lighthouse seem like a great tool to quickly assess a website which bring me to the most important, I realized the website looks way different from what I see on my PC (live server or the hosted website on GitHub) and I have no idea what is that:
So here are couple stuff to compare to if possible:
Firefox 78.0.2 (64-bit):
Opera developer 71.0.3749.0
In the following screenshots you can see how it has always appeared and appears to me (on both Firefox and Opera) no zoom(+/-) no stretch or switching screen resolution:
Full resolution here: Screenshot - 1: Firefox / Screenshot - 2: Opera
If anyone knows what's going on, please let me know as I'm still learning when it comes to web dev and havn't such case before ;)
Mine is still incomplete Im yet to include projects.
But here you go
Hey Jacqueline! It's a beautiful name that you have!
I have reviewed your portfolio. You can see it here :)
The design of your portfolio was really original and I loved it.
Please do let me know if you found the content useful. And consider subscribing, if the content is something you believe helps you as a developer ;).
Interesting :-) torstendittmann.now.sh/
Here you go, Sir:
The colors, the simplicity of the page - great combination. Some minor things I'd improve, but overall...great job!
Here is mine bonniesimon.me
Thanks in Advance.
Hey Bonnie:)!
I've reviewed your portfolio:
Please let me know what you think :) !
Nothing really special, tbh. Also SEO and site speed might be trash, but I guess I'll give it a try. ^^
Hey Zekro!
That's awesome what you're doing. I was a bit harsh about the landing page but only because the page has got lots of potential!
You can see the review here:
Please do let me know if it was helpful and if you agree/disagree. Also, if the content on my channel's helpful, you can subscribe 😊
Hi @kethmars . Here is my portfolio. Looking forward for your review and feedback.
danilowoz.com ✌️
DANILO! I loved the simplicity of your page. Just some minor details I brought out.
The whole review can be seen here:
Thank you and please do let me know in the comments what you think
I am always lazy to watch any videos, but here you go -- polv.cc/
Hey guys! Thank you for all the comments and requests! I'll start creating reviews tomorrow. I will create multiple videos and also a document where you can see the points.
Also, (that sound's rude :D) - I won't be accepting any more review requests atm.
Here is mine: victor-de-la-fouchardiere.fr/ ;)
Hey Victor!
Awesome portfolio. I have reviewed it in the following video:
Please let me know what you think and if you find it useful :).