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Javascript array methods with examples and combinations


javascript Array object has great tools and methods that we can make use of to achieve optimal data processing needed in our projects. let's walk through one by one and figure out the mechanics, arguments, return statements, etc


syntax: concat(value1,value2,...)
concatenate two or more arrays and return a new array

let arr1 = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
let arr2 = ['e', 'f', 'g', 'h'];
let newArr = arr1.concat(arr2); //output:['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h']
let newArr2 = ['i', 'j'].concat(arr1, arr2); //output:['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h']
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💡Tip: it won't mutate the original array instead return a new one



as the name suggests it will flatten the array by given depth meaning the sub-arrays will be concatenating to form a new array, it removes empty slots(no holes in the returning array). specifying infinity as depth would return an array without any sub-arrays. the default depth is 1

let arr1 = ['foo', 'bar', ['bear', 'claw'], ['orange', ['onion', 'apple']]];
let arr2 = arr1.flat(); //['foo','bar','bear','claw','orange',['onion','apple']]
let arr3 = arr1.flat(infinity); //['foo','bar','bear','claw','orange','onion','apple']
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💡Tip: it won't mutate the original array instead returns a new one



  • start:index number
  • end: index number

this method changes all elements of the array to a static given value from the start index to an end changes the start index and all the elements between the start to the end except the end index. the end index is exclusive

let arr1 = [1, 2, 3, 4];
let arr2 = arr1.fill(5); //[5,5,5,5]
let arr3 = arr1.flat(5, 1); //[1,5,5,5]
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💡Tip: it ==will== mutate the original array



  • target: index number
  • start : index number( optional , default : 0 )
  • end : index number( optional , default : arr.length ,)

shallow copies part of the array to a different location in the same array with the given start and end index and returns the modified array, it will preserve the array length. remember that the end index is not included

let arr1 = ['book', 'chair', 'desk', 'table'];
let arr2 = arr1.copyWithin(1); //['book','book','desk','table']
let arr3 = arr1.copyWithin(2, 1, 3); //['book','chair','chair','desk']
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💡 Tip: it ==will== mutate the original array

we'll talk about what shallow copy is and how to deal with it in different situations later in this article


syntax : every(callbackfn)

this method accepts a function as an argument and iterates over every single value in the array and executes the function.every checks every value in the array against a comparison function. if all of the callback functions return a truthy value on each element the every method result would be true

let arr1 = [4, 6, 24, 120, 44];
//check if all items are even
let test = arr1.every((value, index, arr) => value % 2 === 0); // output:true
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💡Tip: every returns true for an empty array no matter what the condition is


syntax : filter((value,index,arr)=> /* ....*/ )

filter returns a new array consisting of elements that have passed a test by the callback function.

let arr1 = [
   { id: 1, product: 'mouse', countInStock: 2 },
   { id: 2, product: 'keyboard', countInStock: 0 },
   { id: 3, product: 'monitor', countInStock: 0 },
   { id: 1, product: 'watch', countInStock: 4 },

let arr2 = arr1.filter((el, index) => el.countInStock > 0);
// output:[
//  {id:1,product:'mouse',countInStock:2},
//  {id:1,product:'watch',countInStock:4}
// ]
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💡 Tip: it won't mutate the original array instead returns a new one


syntax : find((val,index,arr)=>/* ... */)

find method iterator over an array and returns the first item that satisfied the testing function otherwise returns undefined

let arr1 = [
   { id: 1, product: 'mouse', countInStock: 2 },
   { id: 2, product: 'keyboard', countInStock: 1 },
   { id: 3, product: 'monitor', countInStock: 4 },
   { id: 1, product: 'watch', countInStock: 4 },

let element = arr1.find((item, index) => item.countInStock > 3);
// output:{id:3,product:'monitor',countInStock:4}
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syntax : findIndex((item,index)=>/* ... */)

findIndex iterates over the array and returns the ==index== of the first element that satisfies the testing function otherwise this method returns ==-1==.

let arr1 = [
   { id: 1, product: 'mouse', countInStock: 2 },
   { id: 2, product: 'keyboard', countInStock: 0 },
   { id: 3, product: 'monitor', countInStock: 4 },
   { id: 1, product: 'watch', countInStock: 4 },

let element = arr1.findIndex((item, index) => item.countInStock > 7);
// output: -1
let element = arr1.findIndex((item, index) => item.countInStock > 0);
// output: 0
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syntax : forEach((item,index)=> /* ... */)

forEach() execute the function that is provided on each element.forEach always returns undefined.

let arr1 = [
   { id: 1, product: 'mouse', countInStock: 2 },
   { id: 2, product: 'keyboard', countInStock: 0 },
   { id: 3, product: 'monitor', countInStock: 4 },
   { id: 1, product: 'watch', countInStock: 4 },

let element = arr1.forEach(
   (item, index) => item.product === 'mouse' && item.countInStock--
// arr1=[
//    {id:1,product:'mouse',countInStock:1},
//      {id:2,product:'keyboard',countInStock:0},
//      {id:3,product:'monitor',countInStock:4},
//      {id:1,product:'watch',countInStock:4}
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there is no way to break out of forEach loop


syntax : includes(value,fromIndex)

  • fromIndex : index number (default : 0) includes determines whether the given value is included in the array if so returns true or else false. we can give a second argument (formIndex) to specify an index as a start searching point
let arr1 = ['MONEY', 'laptop', 'rug'];
let test = arr1.includes('Money'); // output:false
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💡Tip: includes is case sensitive


syntax : indexOf(value,fromIndex)

fromIndex -> default : 0

it's a fairly known method that returns the first index at which the value is located. remember if there are a bunch of items with the same value and you haven't specified the second argument (fromIndex), indexOf returns the first case indexOf couldn't find anything, it would return -1. the second argument specifies where indexOf should start the search

fromIndex is inclusive

let arr1 = ['MONEY', 'monitor', 'laptop', 'rug', 'book', 'laptop'];
let arr2 = arr1.indexOf('MONEy'); // output:-1
let arr3 = arr1.indexOf('laptop', 2); // output:2
let arr4 = arr1.indexOf('laptop', 3); // output:5
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💡indexOf is case sensitive


syntax : join(separator)

joining array items separated by , or the given separator

let arr1 = ['2022', '23', '2'];
let str = arr1.join(); // output:2022,23,2
let str = arr1.join('-'); // output:2022-23-2
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syntax : lastIndexOf(item,fromIndex)

fromIndex -> default : array.length - 1

it is the same as indexOf with a little hint, lastIndex search backward meaning that the fromIndex default value is array.length - 1 so any value above array length would return -1 (not found).

fromIndex is inclusive

let arr1 = ['MONEY', 'monitor', 'laptop', 'mouse', 'laptop', 'book', 'laptop'];
let arr2 = arr1.lastIndexOf('MONEy'); // output:-1
let arr3 = arr1.lastIndexOf('laptop', 3); // output:2 starting at index 3
// searching backwards

let arr4 = arr1.lastIndexOf('laptop', 4); // output:4 fromIndex is inclusive
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💡indexOf is case sensitive


syntax : map((item,index,array)=> /* ... */)

a method to iterate over an array and perform a callback function on each item and return a ==new== array with the values provided by the callback function and the same length as the original is one of the most used methods, especially in javascript frameworks and libraries (e.g React,..).

// order list
let arr1 = [
   { id: 1, product: 'mouse', quantity: 2, price: 40 },
   { id: 2, product: 'keyboard', quantity: 0, price: 150 },
   { id: 3, product: 'monitor', quantity: 4, price: 500 },
   { id: 1, product: 'watch', quantity: 4, price: 1000 },

let arr2 ={ product, quantity, price }) => ({
   total: quantity * price,
// output:[
// {product:'mouse',total:80 },
//  {product:'keyboard',total:300},
//  {product:'monitor',total:2000},
//  {product:'watch',total:4000}
// ]
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💡Tip: it won't mutate the original array instead returns a new one


syntax : pop()

removes the last element of the array and returns the element.

let arr1 = ['MONEY', 'monitor', 'laptop', 'mouse', 'laptop', 'book', 'laptop'];
let el = arr1.pop(); // output:laptop
// arr1=['MONEY', 'monitor', 'laptop', 'mouse', 'laptop', 'book']
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💡Tip: it will mutate the original array


syntax : shift()

removes the first element of the array and returns the element

let arr1 = ['MONEY', 'monitor', 'laptop', 'mouse', 'laptop', 'book', 'laptop'];
let el = arr1.shift(); // output:MONEY
// arr1=['MONEY', 'monitor', 'laptop', 'mouse', 'laptop', 'book']
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💡Tip: it will mutate the original array


adds one or more elements to the array .returning the new length property value

let arr1 = ['MONEY', 'monitor', 'laptop', 'mouse', 'laptop', 'book', 'laptop'];
let el = arr1.push('flask', 'chair'); // output: 9
// arr1=['MONEY', 'monitor', 'laptop', 'mouse', 'laptop', 'book','flask','chair']
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reversing an array and returning a reference to the mutated array.

let arr1 = ['MONEY', 'monitor', 'laptop', 'mouse', 'laptop', 'book', 'laptop'];
let el = arr1.reverse(); // output: ['laptop', 'book', 'laptop', 'mouse', 'laptop', 'monitor', 'MONEY']
//  el === arr1 -> true
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💡Tip: it will mutate the original array


syntax : some((item,index,array)=>/* ... */)

some implement a test function on every element, if an element passes the test some returns true

let arr1 = [
   { id: 1, product: 'mouse', quantity: 2, price: 40 },
   { id: 2, product: 'keyboard', quantity: 0, price: 150 },
   { id: 3, product: 'monitor', quantity: 4, price: 500 },
   { id: 1, product: 'watch', quantity: 4, price: 1000 },

let test = arr1.some(item => item.price > 500); // output: true
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💡 Tip: returning any truthy value in the test function would amount to ture output


syntax : sort((firstEl,secondEl)=>/* ... */)

accept a function as an argument (optional), comparing elements of an array and returning a reference to the sorted array.
different situation based on the return value of the function:

  • 1: firstEl is bigger than secondEl
  • -1: firstEl is smaller than secondEl
  • 0: firstEl is equal to secondEl by default, sort is a little bit tricky because it converts everything to string then sorts them out.
let arr1 = [3, 10, 288, 2];
let sorted = arr1.sort(); // output: [10,2,288,3] !!!
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the best practice is to implement our testing function

let arr1 = [3, 10, 288, 2];
let ascending = arr1.sort((first, second) => first - second); // output: [2,3,10,288]
// or
let descending = arr1.sort((first, second) => second - first); // output: [288,10,3,2]
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💡Tip: it will mutate the original array


syntax : slice(start,end)

making a shallow copy and returning a new array. both start and end are optional and the default is start:0, end:array.length but when specified, slice makes a shallow copy (don't worry we'll talk about shallow copy) of the array from start to the end that we specified. there is a little hint, the end is not included
it's one of the most frequently used methods in libraries/frameworks just because of the fact it won't mutate the original array.

let arr1 = ['MONEY', 'monitor', 'laptop', 'mouse', 'laptop', 'book', 'laptop'];
let arr2=arr1.slice() // output:['MONEY', 'monitor', 'laptop', 'mouse', 'laptop', 'book', 'laptop']
let arr3=arr1.slice(1,4) :// output:['monitor', 'laptop', 'mouse']
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💡Tip: it won't mutate the original array instead returns a new one


syntax : splice (( start , deleteCount , item1 , item2, ...))

deleting or adding items to the original array. splice will change the length and items of the original array and returns the modified array as a reference to the original array.

  • the first argument is the index at which we want to start -> default : 0
  • the second argument is how many items we want to delete -> default: array. length - start
  • third argument and so are items that we want to add to the array. if there are no items it would just delete the items that we specified.
let arr1 = ['MONEY', 'monitor', 'laptop', 'mouse', 'laptop', 'book', 'laptop'];
let arr2=arr1.slpice(1,2) // output:['MONEY', 'mouse', 'laptop',book', 'laptop']


let arr3=arr1.splice(1,2,'chair','honey') :// output:['MONEY','chair','honey', 'mouse', 'laptop',book', 'laptop']
// arr1 === arr3  ->  true

// or

let arr4=arr1.splice(1) // output: ['MONEY']
//arr1===arr4 -> true

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💡Tip: it will mutate the original array


syntax : unshift(item1,item2,....)

adds items to the beginning of the original array and returning the length of the modified array

let arr1 = ['MONEY', 'monitor', 'laptop', 'mouse', 'laptop', 'book', 'laptop'];
let test = arr1.unshift('chair', 'desk'); // output:9
// arr1=['chair','desk','MONEY', 'monitor', 'laptop', 'mouse', 'laptop', 'book', 'laptop']
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💡Tip: it will mutate the original array.


syntax: toString()

converts the items of the array to string and joins them by comma

let arr1 = [4, 5, 'chair'];
let test = arr1.torString(); // output:'4,5,chair'
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syntax : flatMap((item,index,array)=>/* ... */)

it is a map() followed by the flat() method with a depth of 1.
it executes the function on each item of the array and then flats the array by one level then returns the flatted array.

let arr1 = [1, 2, [3, 4], [5, [6, 7]]];
let arr2 = arr1.flatMap((item, index) => (item.isArray ? item * 2 : item[0] * 2)); // double the items if it's an array double the first item
// output : [ 2, 4, 6, 4, 10, [6, 7] ]
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syntax : reduce((acc,cur,index,array)=>/** ... */,initialValue)

reduce execute a function on each item of an array then pass the return value to the next function as the first argument(acc).
the final result would be the last value returned by the function executed on the last item of the array(last acc)

  • with initialValue: sets initalValue as the acc on the first element
  • without initalValue: sets acc as the first item of the array and cur would be the second item. it starts from the second index
let arr1 = [
   { id: 1, product: 'mouse', quantity: 2, countInStock: 0 },
   { id: 2, product: 'keyboard', quantity: 0, countInStock: 7 },
   { id: 3, product: 'monitor', quantity: 4, countInStock: 6 },
   { id: 1, product: 'watch', quantity: 4, countInStock: 0 },
let countAll = arr1.reduce((acc, cur) => acc.countInStock + cur.countInstock); // output:13
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syntax : reduceRight((acc,cur,index,arry)=>/* ... */)

it's the same concept as reduce with a little bit of difference.reduceRight would start from right to left
functionality is the same but starting index is the last index of the array moving forward to the first index.

let arr1 = [1, 2, -3, -4, 5];
let reducer = arr1.reduce((acc, cur) => (acc -= cur)); // output: 1
let reducerRight = arr1.rudeceRight((acc, cur) => (acc -= cur)); //output: 9
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syntax : Array.from(array-like,mapFunction)

it's an instance method that creates a shallow copy from an array-like
for example, when selecting a nodelist (span, div,...) the result is an array-like object that we can make a shallow copy by Array.form()
second argument (mapFunction) is optionalArray.from(array-like,mapFunction) is the same as Array.from(array-like).map(mapFunction)

let nodes = document.querySelectorAll('span');
let spanArray = Array.from(nodes); // now we can use any array method on the spanArray
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syntax : Array.isArray(value)

it's a useful method to check if the given argument is an array or not

let test = Array.isArray(3); // false
let test2 = Array.isArray({ foo: 'bar' }); // false
let test3 = Array.isArray([1, 2, 3]); // true
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syntax : Array.of(value1,value2,...)

creates an array by given values

let arr1 = Array.of(1, 2, 3); // [1,2,3]
let arr2 = Array.of([1, 2], { id: 1, product: 'mouse' }); //[[1,2],{id:1,product:'mouse"}]
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there are other array methods :

you can click the link to learn more about them but it's safe to say that it's used in special circumstances.


now it's time to see them in action and how we can leverage array methods and combine them to come up with interesting ways for data manipulation

filter, indexOf

question: an array consists of elements that are in both arr1 and arr2.

let arr1 = ['MONEY', 'monitor', 'laptop', 'mouse', 'laptop', 'book', 'laptop'];
let arr2 = ['money', 'mouse', 'chair', 'desk', 'ice', 'case', 'monitor'];

let result = arr1.filter((item, index) => arr2.indexOf(item)); // [''mouse',monitor']
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every, slice

question : find out if the first five or the last five elements of an array are the same if any return start or end otherwise return false

let arr1 = [

function checkStartorEnd(arr) {
   let start = arr1.slice(0, 6).every(item => item === arr1[0]);
   let end = arr1
      .slice(arr.length - 5, arr.length)
      .every(item => item === arr1[arr.lenth - 1]);
   return start ? 'start' : end ? 'end' : false;
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reduce, map

question: sum of goods in electronics

let arr1 = [
   { id: 1, product: 'mouse', dept: 'electronics', countInStock: 3 },
   { id: 2, product: 'keyboard', dept: 'electronics', countInStock: 7 },
   { id: 3, product: 'monitor', dept: 'electronics', countInStock: 6 },
   { id: 4, product: 'watch', dept: 'electronics', countInStock: 9 },
   { id: 5, product: 'chair', dept: 'furniture', countInStock: 8 },
   { id: 6, product: 'desk', dept: 'furniture', countInStock: 15 },
   { id: 7, product: 'sofa', dept: 'furniture', countInStock: 4 },

let result = arr1
   .filter(item => item.dept === 'electronics')
   .reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur.countInstock, 0);//25
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Now it's your turn,show us your ninja skills, how would you combine them ??

follow me on Twitter I'd be happy to hear from you

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