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Sandeep Kherkatary
Sandeep Kherkatary

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Learn REST api (tutorial)

REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It is a software architectural style for building web services that define a set of constraints and properties. REST APIs are used to create web services that can be consumed by a variety of clients, such as web browsers, mobile devices, and other servers.

How does the REST API work?
A REST API sends an HTTP request to a server, and the server returns a response. The type of request and the format of the response are determined by the API's endpoint and the HTTP method used. The most common HTTP methods used in REST APIs are

  • GET
  • POST

  • PUT


Advantages of using the REST API

REST APIs can be easily scaled up or down to accommodate changes in the number of clients or amount of data transferred.

REST APIs are flexible and can be used by a variety of clients such as web browsers, mobile devices, and other servers.

The REST API is optimized for performance and is suitable for applications that require fast and efficient data transfer. Interoperability:
REST APIs are based on open standards such as HTTP and JSON, so they can be easily integrated with other systems.

REST APIs are essential tools for building modern web services. They are scalable, flexible, efficient, and can be used by a large number of clients. When creating web services, consider using REST APIs to make them easier to consume, manage, and scale. 

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