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King Triton
King Triton

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I Created a Password Manager with AI: Powered by GPT-4


In today's digital age, managing passwords securely is crucial. Recognizing the need for a robust solution, I developed a password manager application for Windows that leverages GPT-4 for generating and analyzing passwords. This application, available on GitHub under the MIT license, is currently in its version 1.0.0 (Alpha). In this article, I will delve into the features, functionalities, and future enhancements planned for this innovative tool, all powered by GPT-4.

Features of the Password Manager

GPT-4-Driven Password Generation

The standout feature of this password manager is its integration with GPT-4, enabling the generation of highly secure passwords. By utilizing advanced algorithms, GPT-4 can create passwords that are both complex and unique, significantly enhancing security against potential breaches. The use of GPT-4 ensures that each password is crafted with the latest AI advancements in mind, providing unparalleled security.

Password Analysis with GPT-4

Another significant feature is the password analysis tool, which also utilizes GPT-4. This tool evaluates the strength of existing passwords, providing users with insights into potential vulnerabilities. The analysis covers various aspects, including password length, complexity, and the presence of common patterns that could be easily guessed. Thanks to GPT-4's sophisticated understanding, this analysis is incredibly accurate and helpful.

User-Friendly Interface

The application is designed with user experience in mind. Its intuitive interface allows users to store, manage, and retrieve their passwords effortlessly. Each password entry is encrypted and securely stored, ensuring that sensitive information is well protected. The integration of GPT-4 ensures that the application remains user-friendly while offering advanced security features.

Open-Source and Community-Driven

Being available on GitHub under the MIT license means that the application is open-source. This allows developers from around the world to contribute to its development, ensuring continuous improvement and adaptation to emerging security challenges. The open-source nature of the project, combined with GPT-4's capabilities, makes it a powerful tool for the community.

Future Enhancements

Offline Mode

In future updates, the application will offer an offline mode. Users will be able to manage their passwords without requiring a GPT-4 API key. However, the AI-driven password generation and analysis features will be disabled in this free version. This change will make the application more accessible to users who do not wish to rely on an external API, while still offering robust password management features.

Design Overhaul

A significant design overhaul is planned to improve the user interface and user experience. The new design will focus on enhancing usability, making it even easier for users to navigate through their stored passwords and utilize the application's features. The integration of GPT-4 will ensure that the new design remains intuitive and efficient.

Improved Encryption Logic

The upcoming versions will include changes to the encryption and decryption logic. These improvements aim to further secure the stored passwords, making it even more challenging for unauthorized users to gain access to sensitive information. With GPT-4, the encryption logic will be more advanced, providing top-notch security.

Master Password Implementation

To add an extra layer of security, a master password feature will be introduced. Users will need to create a master password that will be required to access the password manager. This feature ensures that even if the device is compromised, the stored passwords remain protected. GPT-4 will aid in creating a secure and memorable master password for users.


Creating a password manager with GPT-4 integration has been a rewarding endeavor. The current version, 1.0.0 (Alpha), already provides a robust tool for managing passwords securely. With planned future enhancements, the application is set to become even more user-friendly and secure. I invite you to explore the project on GitHub and contribute to its development. Together, we can build a more secure digital future.

You can find the project on GitHub here.

Top comments (7)

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Not going to lie, "I Created a Password Manager with AI" has to be one of the most terrifying lines I've read here!

I thought you meant you'd used AI to create a password manager, with all the random security holes that would bring. Glad that's not the case. On the other hand... what problem is this solving?

People - the general public - don't trust AI today. Programmers watch AI assistants happily fill in suggestions with real people's details they've scraped from some forgotten repo all the time. Password complexity can be calculated algorithmically and a short piece of descriptive text can tell people what they need to do to meet whatever arbitrary standards a user or company wants, without implying that it's sending your credentials to Microsoft and asking them, "Hi, I'm Albert, is this a good password for me to use?"

king_triton profile image
King Triton

I have been watching various password managers for a long time and have long wanted to make my own.

Now that I have some free time, I made a prototype and implemented gpt-4o into it, I thought that this would be useful, since I don’t need to write functions for generating a password and analyzing them, but after what you said, I’m starting to doubt the development of my password manager

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I definitely don't want to put you off making something cool and new, but I also think other people might share my concerns, whether they're justified or not. There's a lot of push back about AI systems right now and I worry this might land at just the wrong time.

Thread Thread
king_triton profile image
King Triton

ok, I get it, I will reconsider the strategy for creating my password manager and perhaps build AI into it as some kind of add-on (I will create functions for which the AI ​​did not receive sensitive input data)

sein_digital profile image
Błażej Adamczyk

The use of GPT-4 ensures that each password is crafted with the latest AI advancements in mind, providing unparalleled security.

I would say the opposite. There are already algorithms that solve that problem. It's just reinventing the wheel and slapping AI on it. Especially "latest" in this case is misguiding because every AI out there right now has at least couple months of knowledge cut off. AI will always be behind latest tech :) Just install bitwarden, you will be better off.

syeo66 profile image
Red Ochsenbein (he/him) • Edited

I think you made it less secure. Not only are you sending passwords and password hints across the network. You also did not take into account how those models work. They don't reason, they don't analyze, they don't have any concept of randomness. They just calculate the next probable word/token based on the current context. This probability does not change significantely just because you tell the the model to do something randomly... it's never really random und thus easier to reproduce. All passwords created with AI are inherently less secure than passwords with a proper algorithm because they are based in high probability and not on high randomness.

ezpieco profile image

Well, I guess that's one way to use AI. Just use it everywhere! Can't we programmers just stop this? I mean, first, that GitHub copilot smacking then that devein smacking, and then those other smackings that don't even make sense to half of the world, and for whatever reason JavaScript just got a lot more updates(react got a compiler finally) and harder. Can't we just stop advancing and just realize that there are a lot of things that were good back in the, I don't know like 2 years ago? We used to use StackOverflow copy-paste as a solution, now we are just doing same thing but with the added trust of AI. Well, now that's a thing.