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Day 1. Deep breath and dive. 

How I wrote in this post, 100 days of code is the challenge, that I don't complete yet. Today, I decided to try again. So, it is a first report about completed work. 

There are several words about idea, that I want to release. I am planing to create mobile application for reflecting main functionality of resource.  I decided to use KMM with Compose to develop an application for both platform. I have experience of developing application with this framework, but I want to increase expertise in it and in Compose too. Main targets are: publishing application in stores, implementation of base functionality of the platform, creating small community around the project for future development and support.

So, what did I do today? 

I did

  • Created open GitHub project DevToClient
  • Checked and run application on both platform
  • Added Koin as Dependencies Injection framework
  • Checked documentation about API of Forem platform and investigated possible way for Authentication. Also, checked first API call, that I will implement.

First call that I will implement

I will do

  • Ktor configuration for project
  • Update README file with description of project.
  • Create a GitHub project to manage the tasks for future collaboration.

If you want to join the project, just leave a comment, or write a message in LinkedIn.

See you tomorrow.

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