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Cover image for Day 73. Working on the Library

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Day 73. Working on the Library

What I did:

I continued to work on KMM library. I have made a little progress. Now I can execute command publishToMavenLocal and build all artifacts locally. I added the following configuration to settings.gradle.kts to be able to load local artifacts:

maven {
    url = uri("/Users/yauheni/.m2/repository")
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

After that, my library was available in the DevTo project. I tried to publish to Maven Central, but I think the current configuration has a problem with recent updates to Maven. I will continue this investigation tomorrow. It is interesting, but also it is weird.
Jitpack main screen

Additionally, I tried the same with Jitpack, but I encountered several issues, which are related to build machines that are used internally. I think it is suitable only for Android and JVM artifacts, but not for iOS, JS, or web. A very clear message about that is present on the main page of Jitpack. I should trust my eyes more. 

What I will do:

If you want to join the project, just leave a comment here, or write a message in LinkedIn.

What help I'm looking for:

Designer (create design of application in Figma)
Android/KMM developer
Any other help related to the project.

My timeline:

Day 1. Deep breath and dive
Day 2. Networking layer.
Day 3. Loading of articles.
Day 4. ArticleItem.
Day 5. Localization.
Day 6. Work on Sunday.
Day 7. First week.
Day 8. Enjoying coding.
Day 9. Expect/actual.
Day 10. TODOs.
Day 11. Friday evening.
Day 12. Frustration.
Day 13. Blocker
Day 14. Monday
Day 15. Reactions
Day 16. Feed
Day 17. stringWithFormat
Day 18. Comment
Day 19. 1 percent
Day 20. A bit of progress
Day 21. Pagination
Day 22. Lottie animation
Day 23. Sorting of articles
Day 24. Step by step
Day 25. Broken endpoint?
Day 26. After party
Day 27. Burnout
Day 28. Opportunity for growth
Day 29. Hard work
Day 30. Old code
Day 31. Technical debt
Day 32. API calls
Day 33. Generic response
Day 34. Response
Day 35. Coderabbit
Day 36. What is the power of Pull Request?
Day 37. Search challenge
Day 38. Search items
Day 39. A party
Day 40. Fixing UI
Day 41. Surpassed record
Day 42. Monday
Day 43. Composition
Day 44. Timestamp
Day 45. Time manipulation
Day 46. Broken pipelines
Days 47-48. Broken API
Day 49. Organization card
Day 50. GitHub Universe
Day 51. Article Screen
Day 52. Collapsing Toolbar
Day 53. Plan
Day 54. Voyager issue
Day 55. Copilot
Day 56. Collapsing logic
Day 57. Replies
Day 58. Comments screen
Day 59. Comments
Day 60. Markdown
Days 61-65. Dark theme
Day 66. Theme switcher
Day 67. Follow as in the System
Day 68-70. Theme switcher
Day 71-72. Lack of knowledge

You can find more useful content on my LinkedIn page, on X, in Medium or Mastodon.

See you tomorrow.

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