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How can I become a data scientist when I know nothing about machine learning

AI is just one of the approaches to get into Data Science. Above all else, you need to really have the enthusiasm for this space to prevail in it as it requires difficult work and a great deal of training. You will as of now be most of the way there. Other than Machine Learning, you could begin seeking after Data Science with any of the accompanying referenced abilities

Programming in Python

R programming


Big Data Hadoop

SQL Database/Coding

Apache Spark

Multivariable Calculus & Linear Algebra

Unstructured Data

Data Visualization & Communication

On the off chance that you have no related knowledge at all, you can begin with Python as it is a simple language to learn. There are a few assets that you can go to effectively seek after Data Science.

Postgraduate education - Data Science, Statistics, Mathematics, and Computer Science programs

Web based Learning Platforms – Intellipaat, Coursera, Udacity, codeacademy, and so on

Certificates – Intellipaat, Simplilearn, Coursera, and so on


Networks like Kaggle – Kaggle is a Data Science people group that has rivalries where you can work with true data and give genuine business answers for issues. It is viewed as significant, hands-on project work.

LinkedIn Groups – Join important gatherings to associate with the data science local area individuals on LinkedIn.

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