You can get the template from the link proivided in the description of the video.
Technologies Used :
- React
Libraries and Assets Used :
- React Icons
- Framer Motion
- Styled Components
- React Intersection Observer
Portfolio Sections
- Responsive Navbar
- Home
- Services
- Portfolio
- Milestones
- Blog
- Promo Video
- Pricing
- Testimonials
- Skills
- Contact
- Footer
What will you learn ?
- Creating Awesome React Styled Components
- Usage of Framer Motion Animation Library
- Creating Components without using any kind of CSS Libraries
- Responsive Layouts
- Advanced Grid Layout in the Portfolio Section
- Creating Responsive Navbar without using any kind of extra elements
- Smooth Scrolling and Scroll to top
- Creating Custom Testimonial Slider
- Advanced CSS Properties like Transform
Top comments (8)
This is one of the best Portfolio websites that I have seen.
I'd like to make some suggestions, that you could implement.
First of all the framer motion animations are good but you should explore more of the library and do some advanced stuff.
Then do some more stuff with the styled components.
You should also work on the responsive mode.
I'll try that out. Thankyou you for the suggestions.
Wow pretty slick!